Клуб знакомств "Дуэт"
Мечтаете познакомиться с мужчиной, встретить девушку своей мечты, сходить на романтическое свидание, найти свою вторую половину, создать семью?
18 октября. Романтический вечер знакомств.
19 октября. Знакомства и игра в боулинг. Боулинг Party.
Клуб знакомств "Дуэт" - это клубные вечеринки, где Вас ждут новые встречи, знакомства, флирт и общения. Это незабываемый вечер в атмосфере романтики и флирта. Они хороши своей динамичностью, весельем, азартом. Здесь правят балом неуловимое притяжение, чувственность и свобода выбора. Вечера специально построены так, что бы вы могли оказать правильное впечатление на понравившегося человека. Ведь флирт - это тонкая игра.
Посещая вечера флирта и знакомств, Вы экономите время, силы и деньги на поиски нового знакомства с женщиной или мужчиной. У Вас есть уникальная возможность за один вечер приобрести 20 – 30 новых знакомств. Быть может Ваше новое знакомство сможет перерасти в романтические отношения или обернуться настоящей дружбой. На самостоятельный поиск в Москве такого количества встреч и свиданий может уйти несколько месяцев.
Клуб знакомств "Дуэт" что это?
Мы даем Вам возможность первой встречи, которая может изменить всю Вашу жизнь!
В ритме мегаполиса нам не хватает времени для общения друг с другом. Бешеный ритм столицы, работа, увлечения. все это заполняет вашу жизнь, но зачастую заставляет забыть о простом, но главном удовольствии - полноценном общении. Да и познакомиться в Москве не просто. Наши вечеринки помогут Вам сэкономить время и деньги на поиск новых знакомств.
Где в большом городе познакомиться с мужчиной или девушкой, найти подругу или друга. Клуб "Дуэт" дает прекрасную возможность за один вечер приобрести 20 – 30 реальных знакомств.
Флирт вечеринки и встречи организуются в формате клубных вечеринок Москвы. Вы получаете приглашение в один из клубов, где вас ждет развлекательная программа. Сценарий вечеринки составляется профессионалами в своей области.
Клуб "Дуэт" - это место для тех, кто хочет познакомиться и кто ценит свое время. Здесь происходят знакомства для:
для флирта
для любви и романтики
серьезных отношений
дружеских отношений
Мы открыты для представителей всех профессий, возрастов, жизненных позиций и религиозных взглядов.
Знакомства - это прежде всего положительные эмоции
Вечера проводятся в ресторанах Москвы. Вас ждут развлекательная программа с ведущими, танцевальные конкурсы, музыка, призы, яркие эмоции и, конечно, новые интересные реальные знакомства.
Экспресс-знакомства дают возможность за один вечер приобрести 20-30 новых знакомств, а выбор за Вами!
Чтобы попасть на встречу Вам необходимо зарегистрироваться на ближайшую вечеринку и получить приглашение .
Здесь перед вами гостеприимно раскрывает свои двери уникальный клуб - клуб "Дуэт". Мы предлагаем вам разнообразить свою жизнь с помощью проверенного средства - интересного общения. Кто-то найдет здесь вторую половинку, а кто-то просто отдохнет от стресса столицы.
Теперь подробнее коснемся того, как вы можете попасть на вечеринки. Как профессиональный клуб знакомств и встреч, мы всегда держим вас в курсе предстоящих мероприятий. Это позволит вам правильно выбрать тематику вечера в соответствии со своими желаниями. Каждая вечеринка флирта долгое время готовится нашими сотрудниками. Есть несколько форматов вечеринок: романтический вечер знакомств - приглашается 45-60 человек, равное количество мужчин и женщин. Знакомство происходит во время перехода от столика к столику. За 7-8 минут общения люди успевают познакомиться и понять возникла ли взаимная симпатия и желание общаться дальше. Тут же можно обменяться контактами, закрепить новое знакомство можно медленным танцем, на вечере обязательно много красивой и романтичной музыки. А также ведущий проводит шуточные конкурсы и розыгрыши, что создает непринужденную атмосферу для общения! Для любителей динамичной и клубной атмосферы - добро пожаловать на клубную вечеринку "Замки и Ключи"! На эту вечеринку собирается 150-200 человек, желающих познакомиться и найти свою вторую половинку. Все девушки при входе на вечеринку получают замочки, а мужчины ключи. Необходимо всего лишь нужно проверить подходит ли ключ к замку! Это легко и весело, попробуйте, Вам понравится! Знатокам любви подойдут вечера - "Что? Где? Когда?". Это азартное и захватывающее мероприятие - не только море флирта, но и море эмоций. Вечера "Что? Где? Когда?"- это симбиоз между классическим speed deting (быстрые знакомства) и викториной в стиле телевизионной игры "Что? Где? Когда?".
В клубе знакомств "Дуэт" нет места одиночеству, банальным вопросам и скучным ответам. Только веселье, увлекательное общение, игры, представления и много новых друзей и подруг. Вечеринки знакомств-экспрес хороши своей динамичностью. Одинаковых вечеринок не бывает!
Изучите анонсы клубных вечеринок, и вы обязательно найдете ту, на которой соберутся интересные вам люди. Клуб "Дуэт" всегда открыт для мужчин и женщин, которые хотят найти друг друга!
Speed dating
Speed dating is a formalized matchmaking process or dating system whose purpose is to encourage people to meet a large number of new people. Its origins are credited to Rabbi Yaacov Deyo of Aish HaTorah. originally as a way to help Jewish singles meet and marry. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] SpeedDating . as a single word, is a registered trademark of Aish HaTorah. Speed dating . as two separate words, is often used as a generic term for similar events.
Organization [ edit ]
Usually advance registration is required for speed dating events. Men and women are rotated to meet each other over a series of short "dates" usually lasting from three to eight minutes depending on the organization running the event. At the end of each interval, the organizer rings a bell, clinks a glass, or blows a whistle to signal the participants to move on to the next date. At the end of the event participants submit to the organizers a list of who they would like to provide their contact information to. If there is a match, contact information is forwarded to both parties. Contact information cannot be traded during the initial meeting, in order to reduce pressure to accept or reject a suitor to his or her face.
There are many speed dating events now in the United Kingdom. Canada. and the United States. Requirements for each event vary with the organizer. Specific age range based on gender is a common restriction for events. Many speed dating events are targeted at particular communities: for example, LGBT people, polyamorists. [ 4 ] Christians. [ 5 ] Graduate student speed dating events are common. [ 6 ]
Practice [ edit ]
Some feel that speed dating has some obvious advantages over most other venues for meeting people, such as bars, discotheques. etc. in that everybody is purportedly there to meet someone, they are grouped into compatible age ranges, it is time-efficient, and the structured interaction eliminates the need to introduce oneself. Unlike many bars, a speed dating event will, by necessity, be quiet enough for people to talk comfortably. Speed dating is for singles.
Participants can come alone without feeling out of place; alternatively it is something that women who like to go out in groups can do together. [ 7 ]
Because the matching itself happens after the event, people do not feel pressured to select or reject each other in person. On the other hand, feedback and gratification are delayed as participants must wait a day or two for their results to come in.
The time limit ensures that a participant will not be stuck with a boorish match for very long, and prevents participants from monopolizing one another's time. On the other hand, a couple that decides they are incompatible early on will have to sit together for the duration of the round.
Most speed dating events match people at random, and participants will meet different "types" that they might not normally talk to in a club. On the other hand, the random matching precludes the various cues, such as eye contact, that people use in bars to preselect each other before chatting them up.
Online speed dating [ edit ]
Several online dating services offer online speed dating where users meet online for video, audio or text chats. The advantage of online speed dating is that users can go on dates from home as it can be done from any internet enabled computer. The disadvantage is people do not actually meet one another.
Scientific research [ edit ]
There have been several studies of the round-robin dating systems themselves, as well as studies of interpersonal attraction that are relevant to these events. Other studies found speed-dating data useful as a way to observe individual choices among random participants.
First impressions [ edit ]
A 2005 study at the University of Pennsylvania of multiple HurryDate speed dating events found that most people made their choices within the first three seconds of meeting. Furthermore, issues such as religion, previous marriages, and smoking habits were found to play much less of a role than expected. [ 8 ] [ 9 ]
A 2006 study in Edinburgh, Scotland showed that 45% of the women participants in a speed-dating event and 22% of the men had come to a decision within the first 30 seconds. It also found that dialogue concerning travel resulted in more matches than dialogue about films. [ 10 ]
In a 2012 study, researchers found that activation of specific brain regions while viewing images of opposite-sex speed dating participants was predictive of whether or not a participant would later pursue or reject the viewed participants at an actual speed dating event. Men and women made decisions in a similar manner which incorporated the physical attractiveness and likability of the viewed participants in their evaluation. [ 11 ]
Subconscious preferences [ edit ]
Malcolm Gladwell 's book on split-second decision making, Blink , introduces two professors at Columbia University who run speed-dating events. Drs. Sheena Iyengar and Raymond Fisman found, from having the participants fill out questionnaires, that what people said they wanted in an ideal mate did not match their subconscious preferences. [ 12 ] [ 13 ]
Olfaction and the MHC [ edit ]
A 1995 study at the University of Bern showed that women appear to be attracted to the smell of men who have different MHC profiles from their own, and that oral contraceptives reversed this effect. [ 14 ]
The MHC is a region of the human genome involved with immune function. Because parents with more diverse MHC profiles would be expected to produce offspring with stronger immune systems. dissimilar MHC may play a role in sexual selection.
A speed "date" lasting several minutes should be long enough for the MHC hypothesis to come into play, provided the participants are seated close enough together. [ citation needed ]
Olfaction and pheromones [ edit ]
The TV newsmagazine 20/20 once sent both a male and a female set of twins to a speed dating event. One of each set was wearing pheromones. and the ones wearing pheromones received more matches. [ 15 ]
Age and height preference [ edit ]
A 2006 study by Michele Belot and Marco Francesconi into the relative effects of preference versus opportunity in mate selection showed, while concluding that opportunity was more important than preference, that a woman's age is the single most important factor determining demand by men. [ 16 ] Although less important than it is to men, age is still a highly significant factor determining demand by women.
The same study found that a man's height had a significant impact upon his desirability, with a reduction in height causing a decrease in desirability at the rate of 5% per inch.
Selectivity [ edit ]
Studies of speed dating events generally show more selectivity among women than among men. For instance, the Penn study reported that the average man was chosen by 34% of the women and the average woman was chosen by 49% of the men. [ 8 ] New studies suggest that the selectivity is based on which gender is seated and which is rotating. This new study showed that when men were seated and the women rotated, the men were more selective. [ 17 ]
Spin-offs [ edit ]
The popularity or charm of speed dating has led to at least one offspring: Speed Networking. A structured way of running business networking events with the goal of making meeting potential business contacts easier and more productive. Some speed dating companies have now started offering free speed dating where you do not pay unless you meet somebody you like.
Business speed dating has also been used in China as a way for business people to meet each other and to decide if they have similar business objectives and synergies. [ citation needed ] Speed dating offers participating investors and companies an opportunity to have focused private meetings with targeted groups in a compact time frame.
Status [ edit ]
From 1929 to 1936, Almaty was the capital of Kazakh ASSR. From 1936 to 1991, it was the capital of Kazakh SSR, and from 1991 to 1997, it was the capital of Kazakhstan. Almaty remains the largest, most developed, and most ethnically and culturally diverse city in Kazakhstan. The city is located in the foothills of Trans-Ili Alatau (or Zailiysky Alatau ) in the extreme south-east and has a relatively mild climate with warm summers and quite cold winters. Since the city is located in a tectonically active area, there is a constant possibility of earthquakes. Although most of them do not represent any significant danger or cause damage, historically Almaty does have a record of some large destructive earthquakes.
In 1997, the capital was moved to Astana. Since then, Almaty has been referred to as the southern capital of Kazakhstan.
Toponymy [ edit ]
The name Almaty has its roots in medieval settlement Almatu . that existed near the present-day city. [ citation needed ]
There is a theory, which is disputed, that the city derives its name from the Kazakh word for 'apple' (алма), and thus is often translated as "full of apples;" alma is also 'apple' in other Turkic languages, as well as in Hungarian and Mongolian. The Russian version of its name—Alma-Ata, used during the Soviet era — was often perceived by as a combination of two Kazakh words, meaning Father of Apples. [ citation needed ]
There is great genetic diversity among the wild apples in the region surrounding Almaty; the region is thought to be the ancestral home of the apple, and the wild Malus sieversii is considered a likely candidate for the ancestor of the modern domestic apple. which could explain the "Alma Ata" name. [ 4 ]
History [ edit ]
Prehistoric Almaty [ edit ]
During 1000–900 BC in the Bronze Age the first farmers and cattle-breeders established settlements on the territory of Almaty. [ citation needed ] During the Saka period (from 700 BC to the beginning of the Common Era ), these lands were chosen for residence by Saka tribes and later Wusun tribes who inhabited the territory north of the Tian Shan mountain range. Evidence of these times can be found in the numerous burial mounds (tumuli ) and ancient settlements, especially the giant burial mounds of the Saka tsars. The most famous archaeological finds have been the "Golden man" from the Issyk Kurgan. the Zhalauly treasure, the Kargaly diadem, and the Zhetysu arts bronzes (boilers, lamps and altars). [ citation needed ] During the period of Saka and Wusun governance, Almaty became an early educational centre. [ 5 ]
Middle Ages [ edit ]
The next stage of Almaty evolution was the period of the Middle Ages (8–10th centuries) and was characterized by the development of a city culture, a transfer to a settled way of living, the development of farming and handicrafts, and the emergence of a number of towns and cities in the territory of Zhetysu. [ citation needed ] In the 10–14th centuries, settlements in the territory of the so-called "Greater Almaty" became part of the trade routes of the Silk Road. At that time, Almaty became one of the trade, craft and agricultural centres on the Silk Road and possessed an official mint. The city was first mentioned as Almatu in books from the 13th century. [ citation needed ]
15th–18th centuries [ edit ]
In the 15th–18th centuries, the city was in decline as trade activities were decreasing on this part of the Silk Road. Notwithstanding, this period was saturated with very important political events that had a significant impact on the history of Almaty and Kazakhstan as a whole. It was a period of crucial ethnic and political transformations. The Kazakh state and nation were founded here, close to Almaty. [ citation needed ]
These lands also witnessed tragic developments related to the Dzungar intervention and the rigorous efforts of the Kazakh people to protect their land and preserve independence. In 1730 the Kazakhs defeated the Dzungar in the Anyrakay mountains, 70 kilometres (43 miles) north-west of Almaty.
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