Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Dating невидимка

Москва – Лопушки (2014)

Название: Москва – Лопушки

Оригинальное название: Москва – Лопушки

Производство: Россия

Продолжительность: 90 мин. / 01:30

Качество рипа: HDTVRip


Режиссер: Юрий Морозов

Две сестры — две полные противоположности. Полина — городская «фифа», работающая в крупном книжном издательстве. Маша — деревенская простушка, которая целыми днями возится в огороде, готовя на продажу заезжающим коммерсантам фермерские продукты. Жених Полины — ее босс, видный бизнесмен. Ухажер Маши — Вася, работяга и рубаха-парень.

Все меняется в одночасье, когда в издательство к.

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Invisible Woman

Invisible force field projection (which bestows the ability to generate protective invisible shields and invisible energy constructs as well as the power to control and manipulate objects)

Invisible Woman (real name Susan "Sue" Storm Richards . and also known as Invisible Girl ) is a fictional character. a superheroine that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. She was the first female superhero created by Marvel in the Silver Age of Comics. Like the other founding members of the Fantastic Four. Sue received her powers after being exposed to a cosmic storm. Her primary power deals with light waves, allowing her to render herself and others invisible. However, she can also project powerful fields of invisible psionic energy which she uses for a variety of offensive and defensive effects. Sue plays a central role in the lives of her hot-headed brother Johnny Storm. her brilliant husband Reed Richards. her close friend Ben Grimm. and her children (Franklin and Valeria ).

Publication history [ edit ]

Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby. the character first appeared in The Fantastic Four #1 (Nov. 1961).

Stan Lee's original 2-page plot summary for the first issue of The Fantastic Four . reprinted in the Marvel Masterworks edition of the first ten issues, handled Susan's powers similarly to the Universal Pictures 's "Invisible" series, which required her to take off her clothes, but noting concern that that might be "too sexy" for a comic book. Sue was initially presented as the sole reason for Ben Grimm, a bad guy, remaining on the group, which was significantly toned down in the published series. [ citation needed ]

Invisible Woman has primarily appeared in issues of Fantastic Four . Susan's initial power of invisibility proved to be of minor consequence in the team's early missions, especially compared to the abilities of the others in the group. Eventually, the creators expanded Sue's abilities, giving her the power to render other objects and people invisible and create strong force fields and psionic blasts. Despite her enhanced abilities, Susan served primarily as an assistant and second-in-command to Reed in the early years of the series. This changed when John Byrne began his run on the title. Under his authorship, Sue became more confident and assertive in her abilities which became more versatile and impressive. For instance, she found she could use her force field abilities to manipulate matter through the air, immobilize enemies, or administer long-range attacks. Susan changed her nom de guerre to Invisible Woman, and is now recognized as one of the more powerful characters in the Marvel Universe. [ citation needed ]

Fictional character biography [ edit ]

As detailed in The Marvel Saga: Official History of The Marvel Universe #16 . Susan Storm, and her younger brother, Jonathan grew up in the town of Glenville, Long Island. children of a physician named Franklin Storm and a woman named Mary. The parents left their kids alone one night to travel to a dinner honoring Dr. Storm. On the way, a tire blew out but only Mary was injured. Franklin escaped injury and insisted on operating on his wife. He was unable to save her and she died. After his wife's death, Dr. Franklin Storm became a gambler and a drunk, losing his medical practice, which led him to the accidental killing of a loan shark. Franklin did not defend himself in court, because he still felt guilty over Mary's death. With their father in prison. Susan had to become a mother figure for her younger brother.

While living with her aunt, Susan, at the young age of 17, met her future husband. Reed Richards. a house guest who was attending college. When she graduated from high school as the award-winning captain of her Girls' Varsity Swim Team. she moved to California to attend college, where she pursued an acting career and encountered Richards again. They began to become romantically involved with each other.

Reed Richards, working in the field of Aerospace engineering. was designing a spacecraft for interstellar travel. Everything was going well until the government stopped the funding of his project. Richards, wanting to see his project through, decided to make an unscheduled test flight. Originally, it was only going to be Reed and his best friend, Ben Grimm. involved, but Susan was instrumental in persuading Reed in letting her brother and herself join them on the dangerous space mission. In space, the quartet was exposed to massive amounts of cosmic radiation. As a result, they had to abort the mission and return to Earth. After the crash landing, they realized that they gained superhuman powers; hers was the ability to become invisible at will. Realizing the potential use of their abilities, the four of them became the Fantastic Four, for the benefit of mankind. [ 1 ] Susan adopted the code name "Invisible Girl" . [ 1 ]

Invisible Girl [ edit ]

One of the Sub-Mariner 's many attempts to win Sue's affections. Art by Jack Kirby .

As the Fantastic Four, the team found themselves setting up their first headquarters in the Baxter Building in Manhattan. The first supervillain they battled was the Mole Man. [ 2 ] followed soon after that by the Skrulls. [ 2 ] The Fantastic Four encountered many villains in the early part of their career, but none of them contended for Susan's affections more than Namor the Sub-Mariner. Sue felt an amount of attraction to Namor, but her heart belonged with Reed. [ 3 ] Soon after that, the Fantastic Four encountered Doctor Doom for the first time. [ 4 ]

Initially, her powers were limited to making herself invisible. However, before long Sue discovered she could make other things invisible as well as create force fields of invisible energy. [ 5 ] After Susan is injured in battle with the Mole Man, her father escaped from prison and operated on her to save her life. Franklin made amends with his children before returning to prison; however, the Super-Skrull found a way to kidnap Dr. Storm, mimic his appearance, and then fight the Fantastic Four as the Invincible Man. In the process of defeating the Super-Skrull, Dr. Storm sacrificed his own life to protect the Fantastic Four from a Skrull booby trap .

Reed and Sue's relationship progressed, with the two of them deciding to get married. The wedding was the event of the century, with several of New York City 's preeminent superheroes in attendance. Even several supervillains wanted to attend, if only for the chance to attack the Fantastic Four. [ 6 ] Not long after that, Susan and the Fantastic Four encountered Galactus and the Silver Surfer for the first time. [ 7 ] Sue later became pregnant with her first child. [ 8 ] As a result, she took time off as an active member of the team. Johnny's then-girlfriend, the Inhuman elementalist known simply as Crystal. joined the team, taking over Susan's roster spot. [ 9 ] [ 10 ]

Susan's cosmic ray irradiated blood cells served as an obstacle for her in carrying the unborn child to term. Knowing this, Reed, Johnny, and Ben journeyed into the Negative Zone to acquire the Cosmic Control Rod from Annihilus. Effectively utilizing the device, the baby was safely delivered and was named Franklin. in memory of Susan's father. [ 11 ] Due to the genetically altered structure of his parents, Franklin was born a mutant. possessing vast powers of the highest possible potential. Seeking to use the boy's talents for his own sadistic purposes, Annihilus returned and successfully triggered a premature full release of Franklin's latent abilities, which were already in the process of gradual emergence. Fearing that his son could very well release enough psionic energy to eliminate all life on Earth, Reed was forced to shut Franklin's mind down, feeling there was no immediate alternative. Angry with Reed for not seeking her input in the matter, Susan left the Fantastic Four and had a marital separation from Reed. [ 12 ] Taking her roster spot was Medusa. of the Inhumans. With the help of Namor, Susan reconciled with Reed and returned to the Fantastic Four accompanied by Franklin. [ 13 ]

Invisible Woman [ edit ]

Susan eventually became pregnant for a second time. However, the trauma of her first pregnancy paled in comparison to that of her second for several reasons. This second child was stillborn due to Susan having been exposed to radiation inside the Negative Zone on a previous trip. [ 14 ] A depressed Susan was later manipulated by events set into motion by Psycho-Man into becoming Malice. As Malice, Susan attacked her friends and family in the Fantastic Four, utilizing her abilities at power levels she had never displayed previously. She effortlessly defeated She-Hulk and Human Torch; luckily, Reed was able to save Susan by forcing her to hate him legitimately. [ 15 ] Freed of Psycho-Man's influence, Susan (off-panel) did something to Psycho-Man, causing him to let out a terrifying scream. [ 16 ] After she rejoined her teammates, Susan stated that Psycho-Man would never hurt anyone ever again. Susan found herself profoundly affected by the entire episode, and decided to change her code name from "Invisible Girl" to "Invisible Woman" . [ 17 ] Along with Reed, she briefly left the Fantastic Four. [ 18 ] Finding a life outside the Fantastic Four, Reed and Sue were invited into the membership of the Avengers. [ 19 ] The two of them were Avengers briefly, but rejoined the Fantastic Four before long. [ 20 ]

During the Infinity War . Susan was forced to face off against Malice, who had reemerged in Sue's subconscious. After defeating Malice, Susan absorbed Malice into her own consciousness. Subsequently, Susan's personality was influenced by Malice, causing her to become more aggressive in battle, even creating invisible razor-like force fields she used to slice enemies. Her son Franklin, who had traveled forward and back in time, had become the adult hero Psi-Lord. and he was able to free his mother and absorb the influence of Malice into himself. He eventually defeated Malice by projecting her into the mind of the Dark Raider. an insane alternate universe counterpart of Reed Richards who later died in the Negative Zone.

After the apparent death of Reed, Susan found herself becoming a capable leader. Around this time, Susan, who felt Reed was still alive, kept searching for him, despite romantic advances from her old flame, Namor the Sub-Mariner. The Fantastic Four eventually rescued the time-displaced Reed, who found himself temporarily losing confidence in his leadership skills, since Susan was also a capable leader.

Following their return to their Earth of origin, the Fantastic Four encountered Valeria von Doom. This new Marvel Girl came from an alternate future, where she was the child of Susan and Doctor Doom. Susan eventually came to accept the young girl as a friend. During a conflict with Abraxas. Franklin revealed that he used his abilities to save Susan's original stillborn child and placed it in another alternate future. After the ordeal involving Abraxas, Marvel Girl was restored to a baby again inside Susan's womb .

This time around, Susan, yet again, had a difficult birthing. Due to the help of Doctor Doom. Susan was able to give birth to a healthy baby girl, which Doom named Valeria, his price for helping Sue. or so she thought. Doom placed a spell on the baby, which made her his familiar spirit. to be used against the Fantastic Four. The Fantastic Four wrestled Valeria free from Doom's control and defeated him.

Sue, the Human Torch [ edit ]

Zius, leader of a group of Galactus refugees. kidnaps Susan. His intent was to use her powers to hide planets from Galactus. Reed finds a way to fool Zius, by switching Susan and Johnny's powers. Susan assists in an adventure where Johnny becomes a herald of Galactus. Wielding a cosmic version of her powers, Johnny is able to see through people to the very cores of their personality.

Both Sue and Johnny gain a newfound respect for each other and how they deal with their powers. Soon, Reed tries to switch the powers back. The entire FF's powers are granted to four random civilians before being restored to their rightful wielders.

This parallels an earlier torture by Doom, where Sue was given an extremely painful version of Johnny's pyrokinetic ability.

Anti-Registration Movement [ edit ]

Sue's brother Johnny, enjoying a night on the town with a date, is beaten up in front of a nightclub by locals angered because his superhero/celebrity status affords him easy entry into the club while they are forced to wait in line, along with thinking he isn't worthy of his status anymore in the aftermath of the Stamford incident.

Although Sue was initially part of the Pro-Registration force supporting the Superhuman Registration Act. she defects after the Thor Clone, created by her husband Mister Fantastic and Tony Stark. kills famed superhero Bill Foster. In the midst of the battle, Sue arrives and creates an invisible force shield around Captain America 's Secret Avengers, protecting them from Thor's lightning blasts and allowing them to escape whilst she held him off - developing a nose bleed in the process.

Later that night, Sue leaves the Baxter Building and meets Johnny. She has left a note for the sleeping Reed, informing him that the children are entirely in his care, since she intends to go underground and join Captain America's resistance forces. Her final injunction to her husband is a heartfelt request: " Please fix this ."

The Storm siblings narrowly escape a team of S. H.I. E.L. D. agents bent on capturing them in Civil War #5. The two further elude detection by operating under fake husband and wife identities provided by Nick Fury, becoming members of Captain America's Secret Avengers.

Before storming the Negative Zone prison, Sue visits Namor to plead for assistance. He refuses and indicates she is still attracted to him, an accusation she does not deny.

During the final battle depicted in Civil War #7, as Susan is about to be shot by Taskmaster. Reed Richards jumps in front of her and takes the brunt of the attack, sustaining a major injury. Outraged, Susan beats Taskmaster into the ground, leaving a large circular indentation in the Earth. Following the end of the war, Susan helps with the clean-up of New York City. She, along with the other Secret Avengers, has been granted amnesty, and she returns home to Reed. Seeking to repair the damage done to their marriage as a result of the war, Sue and Reed take time off from the Fantastic Four, but ask Storm and the Black Panther to take their places in the meantime.

World War Hulk [ edit ]

In the second issue of World War Hulk . the Fantastic Four confront the Hulk. Reed has designed a machine that recreates the Sentry 's aura. The Hulk, only momentarily calmed, discovers the ruse. Sue deploys her force fields to defend Reed against the Hulk, who shatters her protective fields with such force that she collapses, leaving Reed vulnerable. Reed suffers a vicious beating at the hands of the Hulk; Sue telephones the Sentry for help.

The Hulk transforms Madison Square Garden into a gladiatorial arena. Sue and the other defeated heroes are held captive in a lower level. The heroes are outfitted with the same obedience disks that were used to suppress the Hulk's powers and force him to fight his companions on Sakaar.

The Death of the Invisible Woman [ edit ]

Some time after World War Hulk, but before Secret Invasion, the Richards' have hired a new nanny for their kids, Tabitha Deneuve. At the same time, a mysterious new group, calling themselves the New Defenders, commits robberies, and one of their members, Psionics, starts a relationship with Johnny. After a bad break-up, Johnny is kidnapped by the Defenders, along with Doctor Doom and Galactus, to power a massive machine that is designed to apparently save the people of the future 500 years from now, a plan orchestrated by Tabitha, who is revealed to be Susan Richards from 500 years in the future. [ 21 ] Eventually, the present Fantastic Four are able to save both the present Earth and the future Earth by sending the future inhabitants to the Earth Trust's private duplicate Nu-Earth, but after freeing Doctor Doom. the future Sue goes to apologize to him, and is electrocuted by Doom. [ 21 ]

Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four [ edit ]

While Susan is on a lecture tour in Vancouver, B. C. a Skrull posing as Mister Fantastic ambushes her, applying pressure to her skull with an invisible force field and knocking her out cold. Then, a Skrull infiltrates the Baxter Building disguised as Susan and opens a portal into the Negative Zone. forcing the top three floors of the building into the Negative Zone, and in turn trapping herself, Johnny, Ben, and the two Richards children there. The Skrull impersonating her is later revealed to be Johnny's ex-wife Lyja. [ 22 ] who once infiltrated the Fantastic Four by impersonating Ben Grimm's love interest Alicia Masters. [ 23 ]

The real Susan Richards is recovered alive from a downed Skrull ship after the final battle of the invasion. [ 24 ]

Future Foundation [ edit ]

Reed started the Future Foundation for the benefit of the world and for science. [ 25 ] When the Human Torch died, the Fantastic Four was dissolved and Sue's heroic exploits were moved entirely under the banner of the Future Foundation. [ volume & issue needed ]

It was later revealed that Johnny was revived and is still alive. [ volume & issue needed ]

Powers and abilities [ edit ]

As the Invisible Woman, Susan can render herself wholly or partially invisible at will. She can also render other people or objects invisible, affecting up to forty thousand cubic feet of volume. She achieves these feats by mentally bending all wavelengths of light in the vicinity around herself or the target in question, and she does this without causing any visible distortion effects; she also directs enough undistorted light to her eyes to retain her full range of vision while invisible. She can also use her powers to turn objects of similar size that are invisible by other means visible. Sue can also mentally generate a psionic field of invisible force apparently drawn from hyperspace, which she manipulates for a variety of effects. Most commonly, Sue generates near-indestructible invisible force fields around herself or other targets. She can vary the texture and tensile strength of her field to some extent, rendering it highly rigid or as soft and yielding as foam; softer variations on the field enable her to cushion impacts more gently, and are less likely to result in a psionic backlash against Sue herself (in rare cases, sufficiently powerful attacks on her psionic fields can cause her mental or physical pain). She is also able to make her shields opaque or translucent like Milk glass to effectively block variations of light such as laser-beams. or make them semipermeable to filter oxygen from water though the latter is mentally taxing.

Sue can shape her psionic force fields into invisible constructs, usually simple shapes such as barriers, columns, cones, cylinders, darts, discs, domes, platforms, rams, ramps, slides and spheres. By generating additional force behind her psionic constructs, Sue can turn them into offensive weapons, ranging from massive invisible battering rams to small projectiles such as spheres and darts. She can generate solid force constructs as small as a marble or as large as 100 feet (30 m) in diameter, and her hollow projections such as domes can extend up to several miles in area. By forming one of her force fields within an object and expanding the field, Sue can cause her target to explode. She can also travel atop animated constructs such as ramps, stairs, slides, columns and stepping discs, enabling her to fly. She can manipulate the energy of her force fields around other objects to simulate telekinetic abilities. It has been said on numerous occasions, including by the Fantastic Four's greatest opponent, Doctor Doom, that Sue is the single-most powerful member of the quartet and she is one of the only beings able to rupture the shell of a Celestial. [ 26 ] She is capable of generating and manipulating multiple force fields simultaneously. This power is only limited by her concentration; once she stops concentrating on a field, it simply ceases to exist.

Susan is also a competent hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist, having been trained by Iron Fist. [ 27 ] and having received additional coaching from both the Thing and She-Hulk. Her unparalleled sense of compassion makes her a natural-born leader, and she usually acts as the Fantastic Four's second-in-command, usually taking over complete leadership of the team during Mr. Fantastic 's absence.

Other versions [ edit ]

1602 [ edit ]

In the miniseries Marvel 1602. Susan Storm is a member of the Four from the Fantastick, in reference to the ship upon which she and three others gained their powers in the Sargasso Sea. Unlike in the Marvel Universe, she is weightless and cannot become visible. She is related to the alchemical element of air as stated by Neil Gaiman .

At the start of Marvel 1602: Fantastick Four . Susan is visibly pregnant with Sir Richard Reed 's child. He forbids her to join him in his pursuit of Otto von Doom while in this condition, but she goes anyway. Much to Miss Doris Evans' shock, Sir Richard and Susan are not married. In the course of the story, Susan develops her ability to create invisible force shields, which causes her to turn visible when using it. However, she could not render her clothes invisible, and at one point she accidentally reappeared completely naked in front of Sir Benjamin Grimm and Miss Doris, much to her embarrassment. She also is coveted by Numenor, the ruler of Bensaylum, before returning to England with Sir Richard.

Age of Apocalypse [ edit ]

In the alternate reality known as the Age of Apocalypse. Susan never became the Invisible Woman, instead she helped her boyfriend Reed Richards in his attempt to evacuate a large group of humans from Manhattan when Apocalypse came into power. Along with Ben Grimm as the pilot and her brother Johnny as crew, they used one of Reed's prototype rockets to fly off the island. The ship was full of a contingent of human refugees, however, a mutant sabotaged the launch and both Reed and Johnny sacrificed themselves to let the others blast off safely. [ 28 ]

Susie and Ben joined the Human High Council as hired muscle. They were sent to the Eurasian Security Field Command Center to retrieve Bruce Banner, the scientist who worked on the nuclear warhead project that made the Council's pre-emptive nuclear strike possible. But they found the facilities barraged and run over by a Thing. The two were able to defeat the monster and retrieve Banner so that they could board Mikhail Rasputin's mothership as one of a few select representatives allowed to board the Horseman's vessel as part of a false peace convoy. The humans were hoodwinked and held captive on the ship until Tony Stark, another captive on Mikhail's vessel, short circuited the craft with his mechanized heart. After they were freed, Ben and Susan helped with the evacuation of the humans, piloting the ships after Banner to unify all the transfer arks into a single fleet used to flee from Earth. [ 29 ]

Age of Ultron [ edit ]

In the Age of Ultron story, Invisible Woman is left as the only surviving member of the Fantastic Four, and joins a group of surviving heroes. [ 30 ] The group later heads to the Savage Land, to find Nick Fury, with a plan of going forward in time to destroy Ultron in the future, where he is coordinating his attack. However, there is a division in the group, as Wolverine states that they should go back in time to prevent Ultron from being created by Hank Pym. by killing him, arguing Pym would see a warning not to create the robot as a challenge, and create Ultron regardless. The group decides against this, and several members go to the future. [ 31 ] Wolverine then goes to the past, with the intent of assassinating Pym. Invisible Woman stows away with him, in hopes of convincing him otherwise. When Wolverine attacks Pym, Invisible Woman creates a force field to keep him from delivering a killing blow, she is torn between Hank's pleas for help, and Woverine's reminders of what will happen if he lives. Crying, she relents and allows Wolverine to cut Pym's throat, killing him. [ 32 ] After the consequences of this decision were realized, Wolverine went back to this point again and convinced his past self to stand down, the Wolverines and Sue managing to help Pym create a trapdoor in Ultron's programming that would stop him before he could launch this attack in the first place. [ 33 ]

Exiles [ edit ]

Sue has appeared many times in the pages of Exiles. First, she was married to Black Bolt and helped him defeat that reality's tyrannical dictator Iron Man. [ 34 ] More recently, [ 35 ] another version of Sue has appeared as Madame Hydra, controller of Captain America. Slaymaster. and Wolverine. She has even developed romantic feelings for Wolverine. This version of Sue has killed billions and plans to move onto other Earths. Along with the Exiles, she is opposed by that reality's Reed Richards and Elektra. [ volume & issue needed ] After the Exiles defeated her, she escaped into another dimension and began recruiting villains defeated by the Exiles across various dimensions to form a team to defeat them. [ 36 ] In another reality, she was the only survivor of the test flight that endowed her with her powers. Rescued by Namor. she subsequently marries him and bears him two children, Gambit and Valeria Fen. [ 37 ]

Marvel Apes [ edit ]

In the alternate universe of Marvel Apes . the Invisible Girl is an ape who unwillingly turns human after gaining her powers. [ 38 ] This causes her great distress. She reaches out in friendship to another human, Charles Darwin, also stranded in the ape-verse. [ volume & issue needed ] [ 39 ] Later, she assists in the defense of her universe against zombie invaders. She is flash-fried and consumed by her zombie 'brother'. [ 40 ]

Marvel Mangaverse [ edit ]

In the alternate universe of the Marvel Mangaverse. the Invisible Girl is Sioux Storm. Her half-sister is Jonatha Storm. Sioux has near psychosis - level emotional detachment and may suffer from Borderline personality disorder. In order to get her to fight—or show any interest in what is going on—Reed has her suit dump near-overdoses of battle stimulants and aggressor hormones into her bloodstream. She is a member of the Megascale Metatalent Response Team Fantastic Four. The team uses power packs that allow them to manifest at mecha-sized levels. Sioux projects a 200 ft (61 m) tall "invisible friend" constructed from her invisible force fields. The team fights Godzilla - sized monsters from various alien xenocultures that attack Earth in order to put an end to experiments that endanger all of reality. In Mangaverse volume 1 the team destroys a mecha - like Annihilus .

In New Mangaverse Sioux is murdered by ninja assassins dispatched by the Hand .

Marvel Zombies [ edit ]

The Marvel Zombies universe's version of Reed Richards deliberately infected his team, including Sue, with the zombie virus, following madness from the murder of their children at the hands of a zombified She-Hulk. The Zombie Fantastic Four subsequently made contact with their Ultimate counterparts. attempting to escape into the Ultimate Marvel universe. However, Zombie Reed was neutralized when the Ultimate Invisible Girl practically destroyed a chunk of his brain. After a brief period of imprisonment, the zombie Fantastic Four were beaten and finally killed by Ultimate Doctor Doom and then returned to their universe.

MC2 [ edit ]

In the MC2 universe, Sue and Reed recently returned from space, where Sue had been holding back a rift in reality with her force powers. Sue was instrumental in battling Galactus during the Last Planet Standing miniseries in which she deployed psionic force fields to prevent a tsunami from leveling New York.

Mutant X [ edit ]

In the darker reality of Mutant X. little is known about Susan, except that she has had an affair with that reality's Havok. [ volume & issue needed ] She is shown dead along with several other super heroes who attempted to stop the Beyonder. [ 41 ]

Age of X [ edit ]

In the Age of X reality where mutants are hunted, Sue is the only free member of the Fantastic Four left after she betrayed the other three to the government for haboring a mutant after the mutant attacked Franklin. Unlike some of her colleagues in the mutant-hunting Avengers, Sue merely wishes to contain mutants rather than kill them, and eventually sacrifices herself to save the mutant retreat from a suicide bombing by her former teammate, the Hulk. [ volume & issue needed ]

Planetary [ edit ]

In the Wildstorm series Planetary . written by Warren Ellis. the main adversaries of the eponymous team of superpowered investigators are an evil version of Marvel's Fantastic Four called The Four [ citation needed ]. The Sue Storm analogue is Kim Suskind, who has exactly the same powers as the original, except that she has to wear a pair of goggles in order to see while invisible. The daughter of a Nazi scientist and lover of The Four's leader, Randall Dowling, Suskind destroys her opponents by rapidly expanding a force field inside their heads. [ volume & issue needed ]

Ultimate Sue Storm [ edit ]

The Ultimate Marvel version of Susan Storm is an attractive and highly talented eighteen-year-old biochemistry prodigy who has grown up in the Baxter Building in the gifted and talented program supervised by her father. Though her newfound fame and incredible beauty has brought her unsought attention from the likes of billionaire playboy Tony Stark. the former Baxter Building scientist turned villain, Mole Man, the Atlantean criminal Namor, and even her own friend and teammate, Ben Grimm, she remains romantically attached to Reed Richards despite her concerns about his over devotion to science. Throughout the series, Sue has been a major player in events such as Ultimate Secret, and Ultimate Power. In Ultimate Salem's Seven, Sue Storm left Reed Richards and began to work over in Oregon looking at a bizarre sentient organism. It has been shown that this organism is responsible for creating the Salem's Seven. [ 42 ] She would later venture back to Oregon to destroy the creature with Namor, and the rest of her team. However, in the ensuing explosion Reed becomes trapped and is about to be engulfed by molten lava, when Sue saves him with her invisible force field, reconciling with one another in the process. [ volume & issue needed ] She would later play a part in the Ultimatum event where she pushes back a tidal wave that flooded New York with a colossal psionic field. She succeeds and ends up saving the city, however the mental strain needed to accomplish the feat leaves Sue unconscious and puts her into a deep coma. [ volume & issue needed ] She would later be awoken from her coma through the combined efforts of Mole Man and the Thing, during the course of which it is revealed that Ben seems to harbor some romantic feelings towards Susan. [ volume & issue needed ] After the Ultimatum Sue breaks up with Reed and follows in her mother's footsteps after proposing to Ben. [ volume & issue needed ] She is later assaulted, along with other heroes, by Reed, who had turned to villainy. [ volume & issue needed ] In Ultimate Spider-Man . she and the team guest star numerous times. After bringing Scorpion Parker to the team to see who he is, she says it's Peter Parker. Shocked Spider-Man reveals himself as Peter Parker to the team. Sue wonders who's the REAL Peter Parker, and who's the clone. [ volume & issue needed ]

This version of Sue Storm is an accomplished scientist in her own right. Reed even describes her as "just a teeny bit smarter than him", [ 43 ] but when Reed once mentioned this to Ben, Susan responded with "Reed is an idiot," as she always envies Reed's abilities and considers him the "king of physics". [ 44 ] (See Ultimate Fantastic Four Quotes ) It is Sue who does research into the biomolecular basis of the Fantastic Four's powers and she manages to understand how Reed's and her brother Johnny's powers as Mister Fantastic and the Human Torch work. [ volume & issue needed ]

Adam Warlock [ edit ]

On Counter Earth. counterparts of the Fantastic Four hijack an experimental spaceship in order to be the first humans in space. Man-Beast negates the effects of the cosmic radiation for all of them except Reed Richards who succumbs to the effects a decade later. [ 45 ] When their craft crashes, Sue Storm goes into a coma from which she does not awake. [ volume & issue needed ]

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