Friday, 7 February 2014

Dating 6 year age difference

Dating advice for people seeking love and better relationships.

10 Texts You Should Never Send to a Love Interest

We're highlighting the 10 text messages you should never, ever send to someone you’re dating. Like, ever.

13 Reasons to Date a Zombie

‘Tis the season to run away from zombies — or date them.

15 Amazing Things About October

October has to be among the most beloved months of the year. The changing leaves, the little goblins and ghouls knocking.

Couple Envy: ‘Why Am I Such a Terrible Person?’

Do You Live ‘For Yourself’?

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Kids Behavior

How to Wean Children Off Television

The glowing box seems to hypnotize children with their favorite characters gracing the screen, but too much TV becomes unhealthy. Effects of too much screen time include obesity, sleep problems,…

How to Control Children's Internet Use

At the click of a button, today’s children have instant access to the information highway. Although much that is available on the Internet is appropriate, parents cannot always be aware…

Self-directed, persistent, passionate -- the very characteristics that make your strong-willed child a challenge to parent serve her well in leadership roles. The way you handle your child from a…

No parent wants her children to endure teasing from their peers, but many children do experience this behavior either occasionally or frequently. By modeling and practicing coping strategies, you can…

When grade-schoolers experience separation anxiety and act clingy, parents may feel stressed and anxious, too. It's not just the actual act of separating that causes the clinging -- it can…

Some kids can't seem to contain the monster. It creeps up inside them when their favorite toy doesn't work right, when the family dog gets too loud or because "Timmy…

Bullying is a serious problem among school-aged children. While many parents assume that boys are usually the victims and perpetrators of bullying, girls deal with bullying just as frequently. They…

When a policeman is in the line of duty, he often wears a bulletproof vest to protect himself from those who seek to do physical harm. But protection against bullying…

Children with an autistic spectrum disorder, whether Asperger's or classic autism, thrive on routine But life is full of changes, such as starting school or moving from one activity to…

Gratitude is a way of life that involves showing and feeling appreciation for the things you have and for the kind actions of others. When you cultivate gratitude in your…

Teaching your children how to effectively solve conflicts is an important skill that can last a lifetime. Children engage in conflict for many reasons. For example, conflict may occur when…

You can almost hear the teachers and kids whooping in excitement at the start of winter break. Now it's your turn to keep the kids entertained until school resumes in…

With seemingly boundless energy and a curious disposition, your preschooler can drive you to your wit's end. Whether it's endless questions or a constant plea to play, your preschooler is…

If you want to raise a healthy child, you should make this venture a family affair. Teaching your child how to exercise, eat right and adopt certain habits helps develop…

All kids have the potential to be creative, but they need an environment that nurtures that creativity so they don't lose the spark. Your actions as a parent serve as…

If your little one wiggles and squirms during story time at the library, her teacher notes that she she daydreams during class or you notice she loses focus on occasion…

You want to believe your youngster will always be truthful -- perhaps incapable of dishonesty and deception -- but it’s nearly inevitable that one day a falsehood will slip from…

Teaching good values takes time, patience and consistency, but it is one of the most important things you can do for your child. It is never too early to begin…

Good interpersonal communication skills are essential for almost every aspect of life. Being able to effectively communicate with others helps people resolve problems, establishes trust, encourages understanding and compassion and…

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry describes lip sucking, among other oral fixations, as a common childhood habit that typically begins as a way to satisfy an urge for contact…

Bullying is a common problem, and according to StopBullying. gov, 28 percent of sixth through 12th graders experience bullying and 70.6 percent of students say they have witnessed bullying in school.…

Toddlers are well-known for losing their tempers; it's not called the "terrible twos" for nothing. However, even older children can be prone to the occasional tantrum. Tantrums at home are…

From first sight, your child enters your heart and inspires you to nurture her with love and encouragement. While your children certainly need and deserve your support, Ask Dr. Sears…

Children with ADD and ADHD face tremendous challenges in focusing on tasks and completing them on time. Providing structure in your child's life can help decrease frustration for both of…

Story time is great for your child's development. It helps him hone his listening skills, encourages him to use his imagination and teaches him to sit still. However, some children…

Signs that your child is being bullied include avoiding situations such as going to school or riding the bus, according to Kids Health. Sleep issues and out of the ordinary…

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a behavioral disorder that, if not effectively managed, can wreak havoc on a child's life. There are three subtypes of ADHD: predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, predominantly inattentive…

Writer's block strikes even the most experienced of writers, and children are not immune to this plight. Whether it be a book report, creative story, a science fair project summary,…

If you feel more like a maid than a mom, involve the entire family and assign different household responsibilities to each member. As children develop, they can tackle a greater…

It is not at all unusual for your young child to start wailing and crying the second you try to step out the door of his daycare. Putting your child…

Bullying not only includes physical aggression but can also take the form of name-calling or social ostracism and can occur in person or online. Although some people may think of…

Bullying is an unfortunate yet common occurrence for many children. According to StopBullying. gov, boys and girls experience similar rates of bullying when it comes to verbal bullying, threats and property…

You may be feeling overwhelmed and at your wit's end trying to help your child learn appropriate behaviors. Some children respond well to structured discipline, while others require a little…

The time has come for your 3-year-old to sleep in her own bed, but she doesn't share your enthusiasm for the idea. She asks for countless glasses of water, keeps…

Talking to your child about race and racial differences should start at a young age, according to Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance, an organization based in Holland, Michigan. Babies as young…

Many children go through separation anxiety as a normal part of their development, according to the website Kids Health. As your child faces new life experiences, such as going to…

Hyperactive children seem to have endless energy that allows them to talk without pausing to take a breath and run all day without tiring. Although adults often envy their high…

Whether your preschooler is having an emotion-fueled outburst in the middle of the mall, your third grader stomps off of the soccer field in an angry huff or your fifth…

In a perfect world, your child would behave appropriately because it's the right thing to do; however, in the real world, that is not always the way it works. A…

The picture of the perfect parent is often painted as a doting mother or father who lavishes attention on their little darlings. In reality, this is not always necessary, or…

As much as you love your child, he likely has his moments when he gets on your nerves. Instead of reacting negatively to your child’s obnoxious behavior, employ a different…

Raising children is never without its challenges, and these obstacles can range far and wide, from small instances of misbehavior to much more serious problems. While there is no how-to…

Kids are messy creatures, and the idea that their little fingers occasionally explore their noses surprises no one, especially parents. While nose picking in children may be common and even…

"Stop fighting! Leave your sister alone! I've had enough of this arguing!" Parents often bark orders to end arguing as a cure-all for sibling squabbles, but you may find these…

Kids begin to develop morals and character at an early age and learn to live with family, friends and classmates by incorporating these into life. Picture books help adults teach…

Whether you have concerns about how your child is acting with her friends, are wondering if the defiance that her pre-K teacher reports at school is real or are just…

Tolerance toward other cultures is something children will generally learn from their parents and the attitudes that are used around the house. Children tend to imitate the attitudes of their…

At some point, children and teens beg for parents to extend some trust in the form of privileges. As a parent, it can be difficult to let go of your…

Does your child struggle with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder-related behavioral issues? ADHD can affect your child at home, in the classroom, during interactions with peers and in other social situations. Though…

Whether it's a little white lie or a total whopper, it's unnerving when your child tells a lie. After all, it usually indicates that she's uncomfortable in telling the truth…

Children are often fascinated by hair. It's when the touching and playing becomes pulling -- and on a regular basis -- that parents start to become concerned. In severe cases,…

Attention deficit disorder can derail even the brightest child, leading to frustration for both of you. PsychCentral reports that people with ADD often have associated mental health issues such as…

Children receive a great deal of manners instruction throughout childhood from parents and other adults. Even more powerful in shaping a child's manners are the social interactions he experiences and…

In 2011, 5.9 percent of high school students reported not going to school because they felt unsafe, according to the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Youth Risk Behavior…

When a child gets stuck in a rut of shyness, he might miss out on creating friendships with his peers, which can be frustrating and painful for a child. Social…

Every parent loves a good cuddle but personal space is important too. When your wee one won't allow you an inch, ask yourself why she is feeling so dependent. Do…

An overachieving child may seem like a dream come true to a parent who does not have one, but perfectionist children can have issues with anxiety, frustration and self-applied pressure.…

It might be gross, but some doctors say nose picking is not a bad thing, provided you wash or sanitize your hands afterward. Regardless, picking the nose is a social…

The tantrum-at-the-store scenario makes most parents cringe. You’re at the supermarket, filling a cart with food or wandering the aisles for other necessities, and your child erupts in a frenzy…

If you're expecting your child to be just like you, it might be time for a reality check. Although she came from your body, she is her own person. Instead…

Kids often leave behind a messy trail -- from dirty laundry to broken crayons. Getting your child to clean up that mess or help out with other household tasks isn't…

If it seems you have to spend more time than you'd like focusing on your youngster's negative behavior, you can create your own praise awards to give you an opportunity…

Bites and scratches can be preventable. Teach your children early on to care for animals in ways that foster love and respect. Show them how to pet gently, handle carefully…

Whether your youngster needs a little positive motivation to help curb a few bad behaviors or you’d like to start taking note of all the good things he does in…

A true test of a child's behavior is the church sanctuary -- sitting still, quietly and solemnly for such a long time is no easy task for little ones. Your…

Parenthood comes with many milestones and joys, but taking care of your child can also feel isolating. A playgroup serves as a social outlet for both you and your child.…

You barely get a moment to yourself -- even going to the bathroom alone seems like a distant memory. Teaching your child to stay engaged while playing solo gives you…

Museums have the reputation of being quiet, solemn halls of ancient artifacts, but modern museums are often welcoming to the noise and exploration of children, according to Bright Horizons Family…

Children are not born with effective coping skills -- these must be acquired. If you want your son to learn to deal with his emotions and express his feelings, you’ll…

Children with autism have difficulty getting organized, transitioning from one activity to another, and indicating when they do not understand something. Visual supports, including picture schedules, help keep these children…

According to 2012 survey results from the Pew Internet and American Life Project, 77 percent of teens who go online regularly use Facebook. While your child is busy posting, messaging…

A kid wouldn't be a kid if he didn't get into a little mischief occasionally. Nudging at your patience by acting out often comes with your child's pursuit of independence.…

If your 4-year-old is clinging to your leg as you try to drop her off at pre-K, you should know that some separation anxiety is normal childhood behavior, especially when…

You put a healthy, happy child to sleep the night before, but when it's time to wake up for school, he's suddenly too sick to hop on the school bus.…

Raising a healthy, emotionally balanced child isn’t about shielding him from negative feelings and situations; it’s about showing him how to label, talk about and appropriately express, or deal with,…

Sex and drugs are arguably two of the most difficult topics to bring up with your child. While it's not weird to feel uncomfortable or to even want to avoid…

You're watching your preschooler on the playground, viewing a seemingly aggressive episode in which he and his BFF are diving off the climber and wrestling one another like World Wrestling…

Children do crave undivided attention from their parents and caregivers. That attention can be hard to come by these days, as schedules are hectic and jam-packed. However, the most vital…

Whether your youngster’s peers are trying to lead him down the wrong road or you’re hoping to get him prepared to deal with peer pressure ahead of time, you can…

If you are struggling to understand why your child misbehaves, the first step is to consider the factors that could be influencing the misbehavior. The motivation behind bad behavior can…

Every child can benefit from knowing how to use breathing techniques to calm his nerves. Whether the child is feeling anxious, angry or just needs to relax, breathing exercises can…

Ear problems affect many children and can become disruptive to their daily lives if left untreated. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, three out of…

Life for boys can be tough sometimes. As they are growing into men, they are dealing with body changes; wanting to fit in; feelings of needing to be independent from…

A classroom of kids can be challenging to manage, especially if some of the youngsters have trouble paying attention. If children do not pay attention in class, several issues can…

Personal hygiene may not be one of those issues that kids worry about much. As a parent, it’s important to instill responsible personal hygiene habits in your child to ensure…

While many children and adolescents exhibit behavioral issues at various intervals during their development, disruptive behavior problems interrupt their ability to function at home, in school or out in the…

As a parent, you know parenting is a tough enough job on its own. When you add behavior problems to the mix, the task is even more challenging and stressful.…

Whether you're the team coach, a parent helper or are simply sitting on the sidelines, getting the kids pumped up to play is a key part of making the most…

Have you ever wondered where the behavior of your child originated from? Many experts believe that it can be attributed to one or more theoretical perspectives that examine child development.…

Most people can immediately see the difference in a child who is confident and has a healthy self-esteem compared with a kid who is not affirmed at home. Building your…

Older siblings are influential in shaping their younger siblings' behavior. Some parents forget to factor the role played by older children in the behavioral development of younger siblings into their…

Behavior tends to stem from one of two sources: emotion and logic. For children, the former often takes precedence, leading to problematic behaviors. A parent who understands the reasons for…

Parenting a strong-willed child can be frustrating, tiring, and at times, overwhelming. Some may call your child "stubborn," while others whisper "He knows his own mind." Stubborn or independent, dealing…

School can be either exciting or dreadful for a child. While some children are adventurous and excited about school, others are tentative. Children perceive a variety of real and imaginary…

Reframing is a technique that can be helpful to parents dealing with children who are exhibiting negative behavior. It involves viewing a child's negative actions or thoughts in a different…

If your kids are constantly bickering with each other or with friends, teaching them conflict-resolution skills can help put a stop to the fights. However, teaching skills might not work…

Some children may be quite challenging to manage due to their high activity levels. Such children are often fidgety and respond to new situations rapidly. Healthy Children defines the way…

Highly gifted children demonstrate high performance abilities in intellectual, creative or academic fields. These children may find it hard to socialize with peers and spend less time with them because…

Disruptive behavior disorders -- including oppositional defiance and conduct disorder -- can be difficult to deal with. Oppositional defiant disorder is marked by disobedience and hostility towards authority figures and…

Parents of children with autism spend a significant amount of time managing the demands of autism, including dealing with behavior in the home and participating in various treatment interventions. These…


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Age disparity in sexual relationships

Age disparity in sexual relationships and sexual relationships between individuals of a significant difference in age have been documented for most of recorded history and have been regarded with a wide range of attitudes, from normalized acceptance to taboo. Concepts of these relationships and of the exact definition of a "significant" age disparity have developed over time and vary between societies, [ 1 ] legal systems (particularly with regards to the age of consent ), [ 2 ] and ethical systems. These views are rarely uniform even within cultures and are affected by views of consent. marriage. and gender roles. and by perceptions of social and economic differences between age groups.

Statistics [ edit ]

Relationships with age disparity of all kinds have been observed with both men and women as the older or younger partner. In various cultures, older men and younger women often seek one another for sexual or marital relationships. [ 5 ] Older women sometimes date younger men as well, [ 6 ] and in both cases wealth and physical attractiveness are often relevant.

Most men marry women younger than they are; with the difference being between two to three years in Spain, [ 3 ] with the UK reporting the difference to be on average about three years, and the US, two and a half. [ 7 ] [ 8 ] The pattern was also confirmed for the rest of the world, with the gap being largest in Africa. [ 9 ] A study released in 2003 by the United Kingdom 's Office for National Statistics concluded that the proportion of women in England and Wales marrying younger men rose from 15% to 26% between 1963 and 1998. The study also showed a higher divorce rate as the age difference rose when the woman was older and a lower divorce rate as the age difference rose when the man was older. [ 10 ] A 2008 study, however, concluded that the difference is not significant. [ 11 ] [ 12 ]

In August 2010, Michael Dunn of the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff completed and released the results of a study on age disparity in dating. Dunn concluded that "Not once across all ages and countries. did females show a preference for males significantly younger than male preferences for females" and that there was a "consistent cross-cultural preference by women for at least same-age or significantly older men." A 2003 AARP study reported that 34% of women over 39 years old were dating younger men. [ 13 ]

A 2011 study suggested that age disparity in marriage is positively correlated with decreased longevity, particularly for women, though married individuals still have longer lifespans than singles. [ 14 ]

Reasons for age disparity [ edit ]

Explanations for age disparity usually focus on either the rational choice model or the analysis of demographic trends in a society. [ 3 ] The rational choice model suggests that people look for partners who can provide for them in their life (bread-winners); as males traditionally earn more as they get older, females will therefore prefer older men. [ 3 ] This factor is diminishing as more women enter the labor force and the gender pay gap decreases. [ 3 ] The demographic trends are concerned with the gender ratio in the society, the marriage squeeze. and migration patterns. [ 3 ] Another explanation concerns cultural values: the higher the value placed in having children, the higher the age gap will be. [ 9 ]

As people have chosen to marry later, the age differences between couples have increased as well. In other words, age differences are greater for couples who marry at a later age. [ 3 ] [ 11 ]

In a Brown University study, it has been noted that the social structure of a country determines the age difference between spouses more than any other factor. [ 1 ] One of the concerns of relationships with age disparities in some cultures is a perceived difference between people of different age ranges. These differences may be sexual, financial or social in nature. Gender roles may complicate this even further. Socially, a society with a difference in wealth distribution between older and younger people may affect the dynamics of the relationship. [ 15 ]

Modern culture [ edit ]

The "half-your-age-plus-seven" rule [ edit ]

The "never date anyone under half your age plus seven" rule is a rule of thumb sometimes used to judge whether the age differences in their potential intimate relationships are socially acceptable within a Western-oriented culture. [ 16 ] [ 17 ]

Health risks [ edit ]

In some contexts, health risks are associated with age-disparate sexual relationships. For example, in sub-Saharan Africa, young women in sexual relationships with older men may be at a high risk for contracting HIV. Power differentials between older men and younger women make it challenging for females to insist on condom use. [ 23 ]

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