Friday, 31 January 2014

Dating 2.0

Beat the odds,

Meet the man behind eHarmony

Dr. Neil Clark Warren, Founder

Dr. Warren is a clinical psychologist and author of eight books on love, marriage and emotional health. During 35 years of counseling thousands of married couples, Dr. Warren observed a set of characteristics that seemed to be present in all successful relationships. He called them the 29 Dimensions of Compatibility. After extensive research involving thousands of married couples, Dr. Warren confirmed that these dimensions were indeed highly predictive of relationship success and could be used to match singles. Ten years later, eHarmony's compatibility matching is responsible for nearly 4% of U. S. marriages.*

*2012 U. S. survey conducted for eHarmony by Harris Interactive®

eHarmony - #1 Trusted Online Dating Site for Singles

eHarmony is the first service within the online dating industry to use a scientific approach to matching highly compatible singles. eHarmony's matching is based on using its 29 DIMENSIONS® model to match couples based on features of compatibility found in thousands of successful relationships.

eHarmony is committed to helping singles find love every day . and with over 20 million registered online users, we are confident in our ability to do so. The eHarmony Compatibility Matching System® matches single women and men based on 29 Dimensions® of Compatibility for lasting and fulfilling relationships.

Traditional Internet dating can be challenging for those singles looking for love that lasts. But eHarmony is not a traditional dating site. Of all the single men or women you may meet online, very few will be compatible with you specifically, and it can be difficult to determine the level of compatibility of a potential partner through methods of conventional dating services – browsing classified ads, online personals, or viewing profile photos. Our Compatibility Matching System does the work for you by narrowing the field from thousands of single prospects to match you with a select group of compatible matches with whom you can build a quality relationship.

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Nearly 4% of U. S. Newlyweds Can't Be Wrong

eHarmony is different than other online dating websites and services, and we believe our success speaks for itself. On average, 438 people get married every day in the United States because of eHarmony; that accounts for nearly 4% of new U. S. marriages.* At eHarmony, we believe you deserve to find love – true love that comes with a lasting relationship. Because of this, we are committed to assisting singles everywhere in their search to find love and romantic fulfillment.

*2012 U. S. survey conducted for eHarmony by Harris Interactive® online, very few will be compatible with you specifically, and it can be difficult to determine the level of compatibility of a potential partner through methods of conventional dating services – browsing classified ads, online personals, or viewing profile photos. Our Compatibility Matching System does the work for you by narrowing the field from thousands of single prospects to match you with a select group of compatible matches with whom you can build a quality relationship.

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More Personal than Personal Ads

Unlike traditional dating websites, eHarmony matches compatible men and women based on 29 Dimensions of Compatibility that are predictors of long-term relationship success. Determining compatibility through conventional dating methods could take months, or even years, of interaction between you and your potential partner. At eHarmony, we deliver more than personal ads . We are committed to matching you with truly compatible men or women in order to provide you with the best online dating and relationship experience possible. This is one of the many reasons why eHarmony is now the #1 Trusted Online Dating Site for American singles.

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We at eHarmony want you to find love and romance and to make it last. To assist you in this quest, we offer free dating advice at: eH Advice. Meet people in our on line dating community, utilize our Date Planner, and receive advice from our relationship experts.

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eHarmony Success Stories

If you've met someone special through eHarmony, please contact us and let us know how it all started and how the relationship is progressing. Thousands of eHarmony couples have shared their stories with us. To learn more about eHarmony success stories, simply click the link below.

Find True Compatibility Today

Online dating service

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Online dating ( OD ) or Internet dating is a personal introductory system whereby individuals can find and contact each other over the Internet to arrange a date. usually with the objective of developing a personal, romantic, or sexual relationship. Online dating services usually provide unmoderated matchmaking over the Internet. through the use of personal computers or cell phones. Users of an online dating service would usually provide personal information, to enable them to search the service provider's database for other individuals. Members use criteria other members set, such as age range, gender and location.

Online dating sites use market metaphors to match people. Match Metaphors are conceptual frameworks that allow individuals to make sense of new concepts by drawing upon familiar experiences and frame-works. This metaphor of the marketplace – a place where people go to “shop” for potential romantic partners and to “sell” themselves in hopes of creating a successful romantic relationship – is highlighted by the layout and functionality of online dating websites. The marketplace metaphor may also resonate with participants’ conceptual orientation towards the process of? nding a romantic partner. [ 1 ] Most sites allow members to upload photos or videos of themselves and browse the photos and videos of others. Sites may offer additional services, such as webcasts. online chat. telephone chat (VOIP ), and message boards. Some sites provide free registration, but may offer services which require a monthly fee. Other sites depend on advertising for their revenue. Some sites such as OKCupid, Plenty of Fish and Badoo are free and offer additional paid services in a freemium revenue model. [ 2 ]

Some sites are broad-based, with members coming from a variety of backgrounds looking for different types of relationships. Other sites are more specific, based on the type of members, interests, location, or relationship desired. A 2005 study of data collected by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that individuals are more likely to use an online dating service if they use the internet for a greater amount of tasks and less likely to use such a service if they are trusting of others. [ 3 ]

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ChristianMingle. com Where We Bring Christian Singles Together. At ChristianMingle. com we're more than just a site for Christian dating, we're a Christian personals community where you can find singles that share your values and love for God in Christ. We are always working to help you build a strong relationship with other Christian singles.

Enjoy our Christian chat rooms, instant messenger, message boards, Bible verse of the day, searchable Bible, and many other great features. We even have Christian dating tips. Free Christian dating service added features like these are a unique part of the ChristianMingle. com member package and user experience. Use them to connect with Christian singles in new ways and learn about yourself, your goals, and your walk with Christ at the same time. Sign up today to start enjoying the Christian community at ChristianMingle. com.

L’epidemie du dating 2.0 « Tinder »

Attablee a un cafe parisien alors que je prenais un verre avec une amie, je remarque que son portable vibre avec insistance. Mais que se passe t-il ? aurait - elle franchi le point de non retour en installant une appli tamagotchi. « c’est Tinder» me lance t-elle. Cette fois je me dis que ca y est, on l’a perdu. Elle lui a meme donne un nom (paix a son ame). Comme a mon habitude j’ai du penser un peu trop fort car quelques secondes plus tard elle m’explique le principe : Ready ?

En fait Tinder c’est l’appli de dating 2.0. qui fait le buzz. Pour vous donner une idee, on parle de plus de 200 000 telechargements par jour sur l’Appstore; et certains chiffres laissent penser que ce n’est pas pret de s’arreter de si tot. Par ailleurs, il semble que l’application soit tres addictive puisque 85 a 90% des nouveaux inscrits deviennent des utilisateurs reguliers. Et les utilisateurs se connectent en moyenne 77 minutes par jour !

Sans surprise, l’application a ete developpee par une Start Up a Los angeles, chapeautee par le groupe IAC/InteractiveCorp qui possede entre autre Meetic et Match. com, bref les gourous de la rencontre online!

Le principe est simple : Les personnes s’inscrivent avec leur compte Facebook et choisissent les photos qu’ils veulent mettre en avant dans leur profil et ca y est la chasse peut commencer !

Une fois inscrit on peut consulter les profils et les liker ou pas. Pour faire notre choix nous disposons de trois informations : les photos, les centres d’interets en commun (qui sont en fait les « j’aime » Facebook que vous avez en commun) et les amis en commun.

Si je ne like pas un profil, plus de retour en arriere possible. Cependant, si je like et que mon profil est like en retour, miracle ! il s’agit d’un match et vous avez des lors la possibilite d’entamer une discussion avec l’autre. Alors les bitchs, si cela vous arrive et que vous vous surprenez a penser « evidemment qu’il a like qui ne le ferait pas voyons » ou encore « I’m obviously too hot for this » c’est Nor-mal. Oui, car il s’agit tout simplement de ce qu’on appelle, dans le jargon des psy, une appli « ego boost ». Et d’ailleurs, un grand nombre d’utilisatrices ne s’en sert que de cette maniere sans jamais passer au stade de la rencontre (desole pour vous les garcons, you’ve been screwed haha !).

Mais revenons a nos moutons, apres le like : la discussion via l’appli Tinder peut commencer. Et c’est precisement la que les choses se gatent et qu’il va falloir trier parce que bon, on ne va pas se le cacher il y a quand meme un paquet d’abrutis sur ce truc. Cet article va donc se terminer sur quelque conseils pour faire le tri et accorder le fameux date le but ultime !

D’abord, si tu es inscrite sur Facebook sous un faux nom ou pseudonyme et que la personne t’as pose a peu pres toutes les questions les plus inappropriees possibles (et oui les hommes ne font toujours pas dans la dentelle en 2013, triste constat) sans meme se renseigner sur ton prenom, tu bloques !

Si au bout du second message, soit juste apres le salut et en oubliant au passage de te demander comment ca va, il te pose la fameuse question, «Tu recherches quoi sur tinder ? », tu bloques ! Ben oui parce qu’a ce niveau la plus besoin d’aller sur Tinder autant ceder a toutes les energumenes qui te gratifient d’un « Eh charmante !» (Oui, je sais, de nos jours on n’a meme plus droit a une phrase complete sujet+verbe+complement, que voulez-vous ? c’est la crise parait-il !).

Troisieme cas, le mec qui n’a pas d’humour et qui prend tout au premier degre. Bon on est toutes d’accord sur le fait que Tinder sert quand meme a satisfaire des besoins assez primaires d’une horde de jeunes issus de la generation Y, ceci dit si on ne plus joindre l’utile a l’agreable autant se noyer tout de suite.

Ps : Lors d’une interview l’une des fondatrice de Tinder a tenu a insister sur le fait que tinder n’etait pas une application de rencontre sentimentale. L’usage a montre que Tinder etait utilise comme un site de networking, pour rencontrer des gens dans des soirees aux Etats Unis.

Aux Pays bas, en revanche l’application est utilisee de maniere professionnelle un peu comme Linkedin, des personnes evoluant dans le meme secteur sont facilement mises en contact graces aux « j’aime » et aux amis qu’ils ont en commun.

En fait il n’y a qu’en France et au Bresil que l’application est exclusivement utilise comme une appli de dating. Moralite. les francais sont des sacres coquinous dis donc!

Enfin pour finir sur une note d’humour j’ai trouve cette video. qui reprend les codes de communication de Walt Disney pour decrire les date 2.0 via cette application. Ce compte de fee moderne a ete baptise » Tinderella » en hommage a notre chere Cendrillon, je vous laisse le decouvrir et je vous retrouve tres bientot pour de nouveaux articles.

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