Friday 31 January 2014

Dating topics to avoid

Dating advice for people seeking love and better relationships.

10 Texts You Should Never Send to a Love Interest

We're highlighting the 10 text messages you should never, ever send to someone you’re dating. Like, ever.

13 Reasons to Date a Zombie

‘Tis the season to run away from zombies — or date them.

15 Amazing Things About October

October has to be among the most beloved months of the year. The changing leaves, the little goblins and ghouls knocking.

Couple Envy: ‘Why Am I Such a Terrible Person?’

Do You Live ‘For Yourself’?

Conversation Starters for Dating Purposes

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Conversation Topics

You’ve made first contact – now what? Conversation starters that seem witty or interesting can be a challenge in the spur of the moment. That’s why spending a little bit of time at home pondering the ‘now what’ will pay, later. You don’t need to invest hours into these conversation starters though. Some quick ideas that can work in a pinch:

Dating & New Relationships

How to Meet Men

In dating, it's tough to meet men at bars, so try going to golf courses, festivals or searching the Internet. Meet men in a variety of ways and be prepared…

It's that moment that reminds you of an old romantic movie. You stand across a crowded room and a beautiful girl catches your eye. Your eyes meet for a fleeting…

When you first ask someone out on a date, you likely experience a variety of emotions, ranging from excitement and happiness to fear and anxiety. Making a first impression can…

Healthy relationships are a critical component of humanity. Your intimate relationships can be the most rewarding part of your life or cause you angst and confusion, depending on the foundations…

It's a terrifying rite of passage, but every boy must do it at some point. Asking a girl on a date is scary enough, but following through with a memorable…

Smooth, easygoing conversational skills can be a tremendous asset in every area of your life. Being a good conversationalist will help you at work, in friendship and in dating. Having…

In the 2005 blockbuster romantic comedy "Hitch," the title character -- nicknamed the Date Doctor -- asserted that any man could sweep any woman off her feet with the right…

Some relationships cause enough damage in your life that it is challenging to leave your emotional baggage behind and proceed to have a healthy relationship with someone else. If you…

You get home and log into your e-mail or open your mailbox and there it is: an invitation to the big dance from the girl you have a crush on.…

After a bad relationship it may be hard to trust again as completely as you did before. There may be a part of you that will subconsciously or consciously be…

It's only natural to feel a little nervous before you ask someone out on a date. Even the hint of rejection may feel a knockout punch to your self-esteem. These…

College classmates spend a lot of time together in class and study groups each week, and it's easy for one classmate to begin liking another in a romantic way after…

Improving your speech can make the difference between a lackluster exchange of dialogue and a powerful conversation. Mumbling is often the result of physical tension or a lack of confidence.…

Taking a relationship from the "dating" to "exclusive" can be a daunting task. No one wants to jump into anything too soon, and sometimes it feels like there is pressure…

Coffee shops are a staple of the new dating relationship. The process of getting coffee gives you a common interest you can enjoy together while also giving keeping things brief…

In his famous collection of personal reflections, Michel de Montaigne, a French philosopher during the Renaissance era, stated, "The most fruitful and natural exercise of the mind is, in my…

It doesn't matter if you're in a long-term relationship or just getting established as a couple: if you want to stay together, you need to keep your special someone happy.…

Romantic admirers may stare wistfully from afar, indulging the fantasy of swooping in and dazzling the object of their affections with their social prowess. However, nerves and awkwardness often accompany…

Relationships provide a context for understanding yourself and your place in the world, and provide a source of love and emotional support. Commonality, with shared interests and worldviews, is an…

When you're in a new relationship you want to learn all you can about your partner. You really like this new person and want to find out if you will…

On your boyfriend's birthday, or just because, use a nickname to show you care. This is not only a way to give him attention, but an easy way to flirt…

First dates can leave you both excited and nervous, but you don’t want these emotions to ruin a first impression. While you may be in for a long night, you…

Talking to the guy you like over the phone can be nerve-racking, especially when you don't know what to say. There's a moment when your heart starts racing before you…

The majority of human communication is non-verbal. Palomar College reports that up to 70 percent of human communication is conveyed through "paralanguage," which refers to facial gestures and body movements.…

Understanding the definition of a romantic overture can help you recognize a gesture that may turn a friendship into a deeper relationship. Overtures can be subtle or outstanding and often…

More than 50 percent of the people in the U. S. are considered to be shy, according to Dr. Renee Gilbert, a clinical psychologist, and shy people come in both sexes.…

The stereotypical nerdy guy is often viewed as less physical and more cerebral than other guys. Nerdy guys are often perceived as less cool and not as likely to attract…

Valentine's Day is a time to show your love and appreciation for that special someone in your life. However, showing it through gifts is a little awkward when you've only…

People don't always choose who they fall in love with and there are times the object of your affection is already in a relationship. However, just because a person is…

According to psychologists, it only takes between 90 seconds and four minutes to determine whether you are attracted to someone. Natural attraction is complex and often confusing, but research suggests…

Whether preparing for a first date with someone you have never met, or simply considering a friend as a romantic prospect, you will likely be eager to give your best…

Narcissus is a character from Greek mythology who fell in love with his own reflection in a pond. He was so transfixed with his own image that he fell into…

A first date is your chance to make a favorable impression on a person that may or may not become an important part of your life, but knowing what to…

You may think there's no way around having a first date that's not awkward, but it doesn't have to be that way. The first time you hang out with someone…

A first date is more about getting to know the person you're with rather than spending excessive amounts of money on a lavish dinner or other activity. What sets one…

If your potential boyfriend, or crush, does not want to be with you, then you may feel rejected and suffer heartbreak. Even though you like a boy, he may not…

The beginning of a new relationship is an exciting time as you and your partner get to know each other better. Spending time together helps couples become closer, but spending…

The first date should be all about getting to know your potential new partner in romance. One of the most effective ways to understand your date is to pose an…

Some people think that a bad first date is a bad omen and indicates the makings of a poor relationship. If a date doesn't hold up to expectations, few people…

A crush can be exciting and frustrating at the same time. You're so excited about the person you're crushing on that you want to call all the time, hang out…

After being hurt in love, you may be hesitant to try again without some encouragement. Loving someone always carries some risk, but if you have been injured before, learning to…

Dating involves many challenges but things get more complicated if your parents don't approve of your boyfriend. If you live at home, you are subject to the rules of their…

It's common to overanalyze the interactions between yourself and a crush. Something that seems highly significant to you may actually be unnoticed by the other person. However, you can sometimes…

Finding a guy you want to spend all your time with is hard enough, but when you finally find him and your parents do not approve of him, the agonizing…

At a bar or dance club you may see a guy across the room that you want to come talk to you. Maybe it's the way his hair falls in…

Often a relationship can seem uncontrollable and problematic if it moves too fast, causing you to feel reluctant and uncomfortable being a part of it. To avoid this, it may…

It's been said that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. The best you can do is try to improve upon that first impression over time.…

One of the biggest challenges in approaching a girl you like is simply knowing what to say in the beginning. Once a conversation starts, you can react to what she…

Successful, long-lasting romantic relationships are often based on mutual respect and caring between the two people involved. If you and your partner see each other as equals, you should both…

The most successful romances are usually based on solid friendships. Attraction can wane over time, the longer a couple is together; but friendship can last decades and help keep attraction…

You have a new man in your life, and your couple persona may be very different from your single self. Integrate your new boyfriend into your world like you would…

Long-distance relationships can be a bit of a paradox. You've been having these intense, revelatory, mind-blowing telephone conversations, video chats and emails, yet you haven't actually spent a lot of…

Scorpios are born between October 21 and November 21. The astrological water sign, a scorpion, is ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto. Scorpio personality and physical traits set them…

The word "heterosexual" entered the Dorland's Medical Dictionary in 1901 as the "abnormal or perverted appetite toward the opposite sex." The "craving" of the opposite sex for any reason other…

Before asking a girl out on a date, start a casual conversation between the two of you to decipher if there are any sparks of chemistry. If she likes you,…

Greek physician Hippocrates developed a theory of human personalities based on four "humors." He thought that emotions were influenced by four types of body fluids, or "humors," including blood, yellow…

Everyone comes into a relationship with a certain amount of baggage. Divorced people tend to have more of this than those who are simply moving from one dating relationship into…

Throughout life, how individuals connect with others is an important theme. From babies first learning to communicate needs and develop a bond with their parents, to adolescents looking to understand…

When you're getting to know someone, chances are you wonder about some of your differences -- questions about that person's background, upbringing, values, religious beliefs and other characteristics. Whether you're…

A man or woman who tends to have a lot of romantic or sexual relationships without getting emotionally involved is called a player. It's easy to snag a player --…

Show your boyfriend how much you enjoy his company and value your relationship with sweet gestures that demonstrate how much you care. For many people, small actions of kindness can…

Affection is a huge part of any romantic relationship. With affection and loving touches, a relationship can blossom and grow. Without affection, though, relationships can suffer greatly, even resulting in…

Whether you're in a new relationship or you've been together for years, doing something sweet for your girlfriend never gets old. Girls love romantic gestures, but even the little things,…

Every time that he comes around, butterflies appear in your stomach, and your speech becomes impaired. You imagine that you and he would make the perfect couple and be the…

Trying to figure out if a person is playing hard to get or is not interested at all, can be frustrating and appear complicated on the surface--particularly with all of…

Many women worry about their ability to be assertive in their relationships with men. This is hardly surprising, as women get lots of mixed messages. For many centuries, women were…

Though it can be flattering for a guy to express his interest in you, it quickly becomes an uncomfortable situation in which to find yourself if you are not similarly…

Shyness affects many women, ranging from common symptoms like having nervous feelings toward meeting new people to more serious conditions such as social phobia or anxiety. Most women eventually will…

When you engage in activities with your boyfriend, your relationship is less likely to become dull and monotonous. Whether you are trying to add excitement to an existing relationship or…

Introducing your boyfriend to your parents can be a stressful situation. Fortunately, proper planning beforehand can minimize the stress and ensure that your parents and boyfriend get off to a…

When you meet a girl that you like, it can be difficult to convey exactly how you're feeling. Worries about whether she likes you as well, whether she's "too good"…

A couple who sets out to officially begin courting agrees to make a conscious effort to be with each other. Unlike dating, traditional courting doesn’t allow for having coffee with…

When you’re hanging out with a group of your friends, you may realize that you have a crush on one of the girls you’re with. Or, you may notice a…

Many preteens and teens want to start dating, as they have already begun to have crushes. You may have romantic feelings for a classmate, but the prospect of asking her…

It's hard to see someone you care about stay in a bad relationship. You fell that if she would just let go of him her life would be so much…

The dating market is often a tough one. People search high and low for love, and sometimes this is in vain. Finding the right person could come quickly, or may…

If you are looking for a way to spend some quality time with the person you are dating, while enjoying the outdoors and staying within an economical budget, make that…

If you're a shy person, you may look at the singles scene a bit like navigating a minefield. What comes so easily to others, like chatting up those they might…

There are numerous stages of a romantic relationship. One of the first stages is the "crush" stage. During this stage, you feel an attraction for a certain person. If you…

The psychological needs of men and women are startlingly similar. Inherently, men and women crave the same physiological and psychological needs. However, if lacking in all areas, men and women…

When you enter a relationship excited and eager for love, you may feel hurt if your man doesn't feel the same. For some men, a new love affair doesn't create…

Trying to determine whether a guy likes you can be difficult to know for certain, unless of course, you ask him. Having the guts to ask him is easier said…

Pheromones are a body's natural chemicals that cause attraction. Androstenone is the formal name of the chemical that makes up pheromones. Pheromones are theorized to produce a natural musk, stimulating…

Complimenting a woman is a sensitive process that takes into consideration the types of things that women like to be complimented on. The wrong type of compliment can lead to…

The revolution of the 1960s has changed the roles of women. They no longer desire for their male counterparts to see them exclusively as homemakers whose only abilities are to…

While Cancers and Virgos can have their differences, there is also a lot that the two can have in common. If you happen to be a Cancer who is interested…

Video games, like any hobby, are specific to an individual's taste. Not all relationships will survive only one person being interested in playing video games. But, a large part of…

When you have feelings for a guy who just wants to stay friends and not take things to the next level, it is important to remember that he's still your…

Building relationships is not always easy. Approaching a girl who likes you brings its own pressures. Knowing what to say and how to say it can overwhelm the most confident…

Mothers are naturally protective of their children, so if your mom doesn't warm up to your new boyfriend right away, don't be surprised. She wants to make sure that he's…

Sometimes, a simple, "I'm proud of you" can be all you need to know how someone feels about you. Other times, however, this cliche sentence may fall flat. If you…

Around the world, beauty has long been a major inspiration of culture, art and history. Paintings, music and poetry throughout the ages abound with celebrations of beauty. If you too…

Your heart flutters and you can't live without your significant other. You must be in love. When you realize that you're in love with a special someone, you need to…

Confused by the way that girl keeps staring at you? When you want a relationship with someone, it can be difficult to differentiate between flirtation and friendliness. There are a…

Approaching someone and asking for a date may feel nerve-wracking, but Dr. Jeremy Nicholson of the "Psychology Today" website says that you actually have a better chance at "Yes" than…

When you want to interject a little romance into the relationship or when you feel like being a little flirty and fun, try talking sweetly to your lover or crush.…

Cheating is emotionally devastating to the person who is cheated on. You can spend years trying to recover from the heartache of your man's cheating. You may start to believe…

For some, love affairs start out hot and heavy, while for others, love develops out of a friendship. If you are currently engaged in a friendly relationship that you feel…

Guy-girl relationships are notoriously complex. While, to get a relationship started, one person will need to make the first move, in many situations, neither party is too eager to take…

When a young man decides to make that special woman a girlfriend, there are certain attributes that make her especially appealing to him. Every man is different, but there are…

How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk (or Jerkette)

Weeks likes teaching the course to high school students because they are in a place to be ready to

talk about dating issues. In junior highs it has been a bit different.

“The class is good for them (junior high students) just to learn about relationships,” Weeks said.

“Students learn how to avoid dating a jerk”

Mar 17 2010

OGDEN — Ogden High School sophomores Mariela Arevalu and Nancy Chavez asked a simple question in one of their class tutorials that sparked a whole class series: “Why do I always like the guys that are the jerks?” Their teacher, Suzie Davis, noticed the question and wondered how she could help her students with this problem. She found the answer while working out the gym.

“I noticed this flyer on the wall about how to avoid dating a jerk and called about it,” Davis said.

The class, offered by the Utah State University Extension service, was originally set up for adults to take and is called, “How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk (or Jerkette),” but USU Extension agent Naomi Weeks has just started teaching the eight-week course in junior high and high schools.

“I think it’s a great idea because relationships are the single biggest roadblock to kids getting their education and getting through college,” Davis said.

The course is being taught to her AVID class, a class set up for students to help them get good grades in high school and prepare for college.

Students just had their third lesson from Weeks this week and it is already changing the way many are thinking about dating.

“We need to get to know them first,” Chavez said of “falling” for guys too quickly. Both girls are also glad there are boys in the class to hear the perspective as well.

“It is very educational. I am already evaluating the way I am with my significant other,” said sophomore Eli Morales.

Weeks pulled out a large poster with a scale for five different subjects: know, trust, rely, commitment and touch and asked for volunteers to come up and evaluate a relationship in their life by using the scale. Weeks explained to students that it takes at least three to six months for people to get to know people as their “true self” in a relationship. Many students were surprised by that, but then it made sense.

“The chart is really interesting and now I know a guy should treat me right and have commitment and trust,” said sophomore Carolina Lopez.

The course has an accompanying book with questions and evaluation segments that the students work on each week. Weeks also shares personal experiences with the students that she hopes they can relate to. One of the topics of the class relates to families and how big of a role they play in how people are in relationships.

She told students to pay attention to how that person you are dating is with other people.

“If they are lying to other people when they are around you, they are eventually going to lie to you,” Weeks said. The students nodded in agreement.

Weeks likes teaching the course to high school students because they are in a place to be ready to talk about dating issues. In junior highs it has been a bit different.

“The class is good for them (junior high students) just to learn about relationships,” Weeks said.

Weeks will be teaching the class at Ben Lomond High School and also teaches the class at the Department of Workforce Services. She also teaches the class occasionally for adults.

Chavez is enjoying the class and appreciates the fact that her teacher got the course going.

“She actually listened to me. She heard us whining a lot about guys,” Chavez said.

For more information on the course or where it is being offered, visit www. strongermarriage. org

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