Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Dating lines

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Обувь и одежда LI-NING

Китайская компания Li-Ning специализируется на производстве спортивных товаров. Наперекор сложившемуся стереотипу, качество спортивной одежды и обуви Li-Ning не может не радовать. Одежда и обувь, призванная обеспечивать победу, поддерживать спортивный дух обладателя, сделана из прочных, дышащих, натуральных материалов.

Появившись на свет в 1989 году, известный бренд позаимствовал имя у великого китайского гимнаста Ли Нин. С тех пор, подобно знаменитому гимнасту, компания двигается все выше, становится все сильнее, развивается еще быстрее. В 2005 году Li-Ning слилась с AIGLI и стала еще крупнее.

Ассортимент производимой продукции расширяется с каждым годом: спортивные костюмы, кроссовки, кеды, олимпийки, шорты, футболки. Есть и совсем профессиональные вещи: лонгслив (футболки с длинным рукавом), худи (лонгслив с капюшоном), тайтсы (облегающие тренировочные штаны). И обувь и одежда производится как для мужчин, так и для женщин, как для повседневной жизни, так и для усиленных тренировок.

Профессионалы и любители по всему миру ценят комфорт кроссовок, созданных по уникальной запатентованной технологии. Кроссовки Li-Ning – отличный вариант для тренировок. Они призваны защищать ноги от ударных воздействий, рифленая подошва обеспечивает надежное сцепление, сетка по верху необходима для вентиляции. Кроссовки идеально сидят и обладают удивительной износостойкостью.

Яркие и жизнерадостные цвета кроссовок (голубой, желтый, розовый, красный и т. д.) добавят красок в обыденный гардероб. Подошва порой выглядит нестандартно (например, имеет сквозные трубки), оттого, что производитель использует совершенно новые виды амортизации.

Любители активного образа жизни, люди, являющиеся олимпийской надеждой, прирожденные победители ценят удобство облегающих футболок, шорт, тайтсов. Невозможно переоценить комфорт и практичность свободных спортивных брюк, шорт, толстовок, не сковывающих движения. Яркие (желтые, синие, красные, фиолетовые) или спокойной окраски (белые, серые, светло-голубые) вещи отмечены логотипом компании или китайскими иероглифами.

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Online dating service

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Online dating ( OD ) or Internet dating is a personal introductory system whereby individuals can find and contact each other over the Internet to arrange a date. usually with the objective of developing a personal, romantic, or sexual relationship. Online dating services usually provide unmoderated matchmaking over the Internet. through the use of personal computers or cell phones. Users of an online dating service would usually provide personal information, to enable them to search the service provider's database for other individuals. Members use criteria other members set, such as age range, gender and location.

Online dating sites use market metaphors to match people. Match Metaphors are conceptual frameworks that allow individuals to make sense of new concepts by drawing upon familiar experiences and frame-works. This metaphor of the marketplace – a place where people go to “shop” for potential romantic partners and to “sell” themselves in hopes of creating a successful romantic relationship – is highlighted by the layout and functionality of online dating websites. The marketplace metaphor may also resonate with participants’ conceptual orientation towards the process of? nding a romantic partner. [ 1 ] Most sites allow members to upload photos or videos of themselves and browse the photos and videos of others. Sites may offer additional services, such as webcasts. online chat. telephone chat (VOIP ), and message boards. Some sites provide free registration, but may offer services which require a monthly fee. Other sites depend on advertising for their revenue. Some sites such as OKCupid, Plenty of Fish and Badoo are free and offer additional paid services in a freemium revenue model. [ 2 ]

Some sites are broad-based, with members coming from a variety of backgrounds looking for different types of relationships. Other sites are more specific, based on the type of members, interests, location, or relationship desired. A 2005 study of data collected by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that individuals are more likely to use an online dating service if they use the internet for a greater amount of tasks and less likely to use such a service if they are trusting of others. [ 3 ]


Dating is a part of human mating process whereby two people meet socially for companionship. beyond the level of friendship. or with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. It can be a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by the couple. While the term has several meanings, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, together, as a couple.

History [ edit ]

Dating as an institution is a relatively recent phenomenon which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries. From the standpoint of anthropology and sociology. dating is linked with other institutions such as marriage and the family which have also been changing rapidly and which have been subject to many forces, including advances in technology and medicine. As humans have evolved from hunter-gatherers into civilized societies and more recently into modern societies, there have been substantial changes in the relationship between men and women, with perhaps the only biological constant being that both adult women and men must have sexual intercourse for human procreation to happen. [ 3 ]

Humans have been compared to other species in terms of sexual behavior. Neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky constructed a reproductive spectrum with opposite poles being tournament species. in which males compete fiercely for reproductive privileges with females, and pair bond arrangements, in which a male and female will bond for life. [ 4 ] According to Sapolsky, humans are somewhat in the middle of this spectrum, in the sense that humans form pair bonds, but there is the possibility of cheating or changing partners. [ 4 ] These species-particular behavior patterns provide a context for aspects of human reproduction. including dating. However, one particularity of the human species is that pair bonds are often formed without necessarily having the intention of reproduction. In modern times, emphasis on the institution of marriage, generally described as a male-female bond, has obscured pair bonds formed by same-sex and transsexual couples, and that many heterosexual couples also bond for life without offspring, or that often pairs that do have offspring separate. Thus, the concept of marriage is changing widely in many countries.

Historically, marriages in most societies were arranged by parents and older relatives with the goal not being love but legacy and "economic stability and political alliances", according to anthropologists. [ 5 ] Accordingly, there was little need for a temporary trial period such as dating before a permanent community-recognized union was formed between a man and a woman. While pair-bonds of varying forms were recognized by most societies as acceptable social arrangements, marriage was reserved for heterosexual pairings and had a transactional nature, where wives were in many cases a form of property being exchanged between father and husband, and who would have to serve the function of reproduction. Communities exerted pressure on people to form pair-bonds in places such as Europe ; in China. according to sociologist Tang Can, society "demanded people get married before having a sexual relationship" [ 6 ] and many societies found that some formally recognized bond between a man and a woman was the best way of rearing and educating children as well as helping to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings regarding competition for mates.

Are you sick and tired of seeing Asian women slip through your fingers because you "messed up" and did something wrong to scare her away? Are you utterly puzzled by Asian women's completely "unexplainable" behavior?

Let's face it. if you ever thought that Asian women are "easy meat", you have completely been LIED to. try going after them and you'll see straight away how annoyingly difficult it is to get them!

"How do I know?"

It's because I’ve been through them myself, done it all.

I've been slapped, laughed at, ignored & humiliated, even beaten up FIVE TIMES (by jealous boyfriends) just for approaching and talking to them! -- whatever it is, you name it, I've done it.

No matter how hard I tried, I could never "seal the deal" & get myself an Asian girl. One after another, I was always thrown off-guard with their "on again, off again" behavior. I kept getting blown off. over and over again. It was confusing. It was painful. It was awful. That rejection. That feeling of helplessness; that no matter how hard you try, these women simply are repelled by you.

I know the feelings of hopelessness & desperation that came from those situations are hard to swallow. And yes, I also know how it makes you cringe with shame every time you even think about it.

I know that feeling well. that antsy, unbearable feeling of needing to change.

You're getting restless, feeling a little uncomfortable in your own skin because you know you're not facing up those problems, and of course. it's so easy to just close your eyes. sweep it all under a rug. and let fate "take care of itself" like how you ALWAYS do.

But deep down.

You know you need help, you want answers & you want them fast!

Asian Girls. Super-Sexy, Super-Sweet, Super Hot. But

brutal as hell. and they will not hesitate to walk off mid-sentence if they don't like (or understand) what they're hearing. They will not hesitate to leave you hanging & walk away when things suddenly don't feel "right" without saying a word (it's part of their culture not to confront and hurt your feelings).

And it comes as no surprise. why? Think about it. knowing little, knowing close to nothing about their culture, their language, their roots. of course they fail. It's sad. but unfortunately, the things a guy would normally try to do to ‘convince’ an Asian woman to like him back will actually end up pushing her further away. even though it seems like the right thing to do at the time!

Fact: Asian women are a completely different breed.

. and conventional "westernized" methods will scare them away!

If you've ever talked to an Asian girl before, you'll realize how different they are straight away! "Westernized", non-Asian girls are generally more outgoing, spirited & lively. she'll be a tad more "open-minded", proactive and will likely pick up a conversation when it stalls. she's likely to participate more, touch you more. and generally be EASIER to read.

Asian women on the other hand are not so "straightforward", open-minded and transparent.

Example: First, there's the whole Asian misconception with kino and touch (use it wrongly, use it too soon and she'll run faster than Ben Johnson). There's another about language -- when you're going after a girl where English is not her first language, miscommunications are bound to happen one way or another, an innocent funny little comment you make might probably just

Turn Her Off And Scare Her Away!

Then there's this thing about maintaining "face" in front of society. To an Asian girl, "image" means THE WORLD to her. Her "face", the way people perceive her is extremely important to her. It's to die for. Put it on the line, shake it a little or mess with it even for a brief second and your chances with her disappears *poof*. just like that!

And that's the MAIN reason why you may have encountered resistance from an Asian girl when you tried to jump the gun and sexually escalate with her in public (she'll get offended, back off and push you away). but once you're both alone and out of sight from everyone, she'll pounce on you with raw aggression and sexual instincts like no other!

Most guys fail simply because they simply do not understand them: what makes them "tick": what their values, customs and backgrounds are. and how to push their emotional "hot buttons" -- the most vital ingredients to finding, meeting and "closing the deal" with the right Asian woman.

. And that's why you're on this page right now. you're frustrated with your lack of success with Asian women. you're not getting what you want from them. Why?: Cos you're saying the wrong things, to the wrong girl, at the wrong time. And until right now, you didn't know any better. that's why!

Others end up embarrassed, dejected. disappointed, disillusioned even because their relationship with an Asian woman didn't work out.

The reality is that these situations happen all the time!… and all too often guys end up missing out on opportunities with them because they just don’t know “what to do”.

Dating libra man

Horoscope love match:

The relationship between the Libra man and the Aries woman has all the chances to be tense.

The Aries woman is aggressive and full of life, while the Libra man looks for harmony and needs a peaceful partner. Inevitably, the character mismatch will generate serious arguments.

Horoscope love match:

The Libra man and the Libra woman react to each other in the same passionate way. They have a lot in common: they are cheerful, sociable natures, they express their affection and appreciate beauty and harmony.

After the first thrills of pleasure have passed, in the relationship between the Libra man and the Libra woman starts the process of awakening. Neither of them is willing to come down to earth. The erotic act takes place now against the background of some latent dissatisfaction.

Dating a Libra Man

A Libra man is best described as a fair, friendly, and flirtatious man attracting many girls in a party. He can chat intimately with everyone whom he’s just met, even he can assure this newly-meet friend to entrust his/her secret to him. The ability of Libra man in socializing is unmistakable; as a prove, he has a great number of friends – both male and female – who feel lucky to be friend with him. This social feature of Libra is caused by his fair character symbolized by a scale in the astrology. He has a certain ability to listen to people’s opinion and consider the opinions and the other factors wisely before finally utter his own opinion. Therefore, many friends of him comes to share their problems with him in which he gladly gives them wise advice or solution. This special quality of Libra man makes his friends refer to him as a leader, and it is not surprising that people having quite important positions like judges, managers, and even ambassadors were born on between September 23rd until October 22nd, under the sign of Libra.

Coquettish and Conscionable

It’s quite easy to flirt with a Libra, but it is extremely difficult to keep his eyes on you for he also flirts with many other girls. It is a kind of his nature to attract women’s attention due to his charming appearance and personality. To make sure that you have a grab on your Libra man even when he’s surrounded by pretty and lovely ladies, you’ll have to combine your intelligence, justice, appearance. Make sure you get dressed fashionably, it’s not necessary to wear something too frilly, girly, or sexy because he likes woman with decent clothing style which – in his opinion – describes her personality. In addition to the dressing manner, show him your intelligence and justice by stating your opinion about human rights and global issues, and the most important one, never do something against the law or norm – littering, spitting on the street, and parking randomly – in front of him.

Inability to be Lonely

Many people believe that most Libra men are playboy while in fact, these men only can’t stand being alone. He will immediately look for another one as soon as he breaks up with his girlfriend without really consider whether the girl will match with him. This tendency to immediately date a woman is the opposite of his usual full consideration character, but as what have been said before, he prefers dating someone he doesn’t know for sure rather than staying alone at home on weekends. This carelessness makes him realize that he dates the wrong person soon after the first date, then he ends another relationship. This is probably the cause of people assumes Libra men as players.

An Exotic Enchanting Man

Dating a Libra man, you should be ready of his seduction and romance. This man is undoubtedly skillful in uttering seductive and romantic things which are enough to make you feel like a princess in a miraculous world. Finally, you’ll feel him very enchanting that you’ll give almost anything to always be by his side. Hang on, that is not the right thing to do if you want to run the relationship smoothly until it heads toward a marriage. Never show him that you can’t live without him, otherwise, keep elegant, keep well-dressed, keep showing your great sense of justice, and keep amaze him with your intelligence. If you can successfully manage these manners during the process of dating, sooner or later, he’ll be the one asking you to be the part of him forever.

- Welcome to our Libra Site - libra Discover the Scales

Dating a Libra Man

If you are the type of girl who looks forward to having that pleasant and unforgettable date, which we could almost say perfect, well, you might want to try your luck with a Libra man. With scales as the symbol of this Zodiac sign, he is always up for things balanced and this includes decision-making and planning ahead. His being balanced in every way is not, on most parts, a bad thing. For with every decision that he executes would always assure you that he has all things considered and would just want the best of outcomes. And since we're talking about spending a day or two with solely just a Libra man's company, we can't help but daydream about romantic sceneries and candlelit rooms. Well, that's the ideal setting for any girl's dream date and paying close attention to his characteristics will help you achieve this fairytale date.

First off, you must understand and accept that Librans are refined in every sense and it is mandatory to be prepared to live up to this standard because, unfortunately, this is the ultimate way to have a blast with him. Though it has been said that Librans tend to look for that perfect girl to date, even if she's already with him or within his reach, he could still be pleased with any ordinary female with exquisite yet subtle taste. As mentioned, a Libra male wanted nothing but the best in almost everything. Go on a date with him wearing a stunning but not too attention-grabbing outfit, don a pretty do, a dab of your expensive perfume will add extra brownie points too, and be equipped with a mind full of interesting things to tackle later on because Libra males enjoy mental stimulation. Discussing various views and topics will most likely turn them on instantly, since they're so much into talking sense themselves. Librans are, after all, pretty much into intelligible conversations that could go on for hours.

So, to go for the gold and be successful with your charming Libran date, keep in mind that you have look your best and that should come with your will to do a lot of talking, avoiding any dull moments that could lead to boredom and an abrupt end to the supposedly perfect date. Librans are naturally classy and caring and they love everything about partnership, romance, and he would oftentimes work hard towards improving any relationship he's currently in. Having said all these, you can count on a Libra male to give you one of your most desired romantic dates provided that you, in turn, could adapt all the necessary pointers to keep him interested.

Also, you have to be aware that though Libra males seem so perfect in every way, this perfection could cause major stir ups if not handled properly. By this, it means that since they are so easily admired by other people, you could find yourself in deep (and oftentimes unnecessary) jealousy when these Librans' attention would wander elsewhere while you're on this dream date and things could go out of hand.

Dating a Libra Man - When you Fall in Love with a Libran Guy

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As the seventh sign in the Zodiac calendar, Libra includes all those born from 23rd September to 23rd October. Librans are lovers of beauty, society and harmony, the last of which is indicated by the symbol of the Scales. Read on to know more about the finer points of a relationship with a Libra man.

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In his love life, a Libran man will tend to seek balance and elegance of form. He likes to be surrounded by beauty, hardly surprising for a sign that is ruled by the planet Venus who in classical mythology was the reigning goddess of love, sexuality and beauty. A Libra man will shrink back from anything that is overpowering and smothering, rather he will be drawn to a beauty that conveys a harmonious mingling of qualities. So if you wish to attract a Libra guy, make sure he is introduced to a pleasing personality. As far as physical appearances go, avoid violent contrasts, jarring colors and too many frills. Librans usually have excellent and rather expensive tastes; they are cultured, refined and go for beautiful things. So on a date with him, take care to turn out in clean-cut designs, classic colors and an elegant style.

Because of their equanimity, Librans are a huge hit in social situations. They are positive, friendly and easy to get along with. Those born under this sign will always be ready with the right thing to say and always know how to make someone comfortable. Perhaps this is why, a Libran will figure as a regular on the guest list of the best parties and gatherings in town. In fact it is probable that you met your Libran boyfriend at such a party where he may have been surrounded by friends and admirers, both male and female. While his excellent social skills may be an advantage when it comes to introducing him to your friends and family, you may at times be bugged by his tendency to be nice and pleasant to everybody, showing that he is not one to have strong favorites.

The Libran male is well known for his sparkling charm which crowns an intelligent and sociable personality. It is a delight to know such a guy who will intuitively make you feel like a queen and can sweep you off your feet with romantic words and gestures. If he is really smitten by you, he will think nothing of taking you through the whole courtship thing. But be prepared to find out that he is a little flirty like this with a lot of women and his attentions are usually spread out quite evenly.

This brings to the fore an interesting aspect of the Libran lover – a curious ability to remain detached from an emotional situation even as he plays Prince Charming to the hilt. Emotions are messy, inconvenient things to a Libra guy and he prefers not to wade too deep into them. Like the element Air which rules this sign, Librans can maintain an airy detachment from very personal situations. As his partner, you may at times get frustrated by his tendency to stand back and look upon a situation rather than feel it in his flesh and bones. However instead of viewing it as a lack of emotional involvement on your Libran boyfriend’s part, take it as yet another instance of his discomfort with any kind of extremes and his innate love of harmony.

Suitably appropriate for a sign which bears the symbol of Scales, a Libran cares deeply about fairplay and justice. So if you wish to attract a Libra guy, make sure that he never sees you acting in an unjust and dishonest manner. The same sense of fairplay in Libra also makes him a good diplomat and a conciliator. This is because he mentally weighs both sides of an affair and then comes to a decision. He excels in situations which demand collaboration and co-operation rather than confrontation. This is an invaluable trait in a partner since at times of crisis, you know that he will take a deep breath, consider all options as well as aspects of the problem and then go ahead with a spirit of co-operation. If any guy is least likely to be hot-heated, violent and hasty in breaking up, perhaps it is a Libran. At the same time, his innate sense of fairplay will immediately oppose any visible instance of unjust or unfair treatment. This coupled with a willingness to take the initiative, makes a Libra man a natural choice in resolving conflicts and opening deadlocks.

The flip side of a Libran’s balanced personality is a vacillating and undecided nature. He may take too long in coming to a decision or veer from one extreme to another before finding equilibrium in life. So you should not be surprised to know that while in high school your boyfriend had been into acid rock, in college he discovered the austere beauty of cathedral music and has now more or less settled for Mozart’s magic. Furthermore his aversion of conflict may mean that he does not like to face up to the difficult aspects of a relationship and avoids talking of unpleasant or painful subjects. This could be a challenge if you are in a serious relationship with a Libra man since an inability to confront the truth, however uncomfortable, and a tendency to buy peace, whatever the cost, is hardly healthy for long term relationships.

Librans make amazing partners. So whether you have just started dating one or been in a relationship with one for some time, you are sure to appreciate the value of a charming, intelligent and equable personality that a Libran man brings with him. Even though he may take some time to decide if you are the woman for him, it might be worth the wait. This is because sooner or later a Libran needs a committed partner to feel truly complete in life and when he does, you will be ready for one of the most fulfilling of relationships ever.

Dating Men by Zodiac Sign

Libra Man

September 24 TO October 23

Symbol: The Scales

Slogan: I Unite, Therefore I am.


When dating a Libra man remember that, while extremely loving themselves, they in turn need to be loved, so their partner should not refrain from showing and expressing their love and feelings toward them.

Libra men worship romance and seduction, can be extremely flirtatious and know how to please, excite and tease. They can be outright sexual adventurers in the event their sex-life losses luster and will readily look elsewhere. They tend to prefer a partner who takes the initiative so that a seductive partner who is prepared to worship them makes for an ideal combination.

The Libra man as a lover is a harmonious soul who adores love, beauty, romance and dance. Any partner who can blend with these principle pleasures is bound to seductively attract the Libra man.

When suitably partnered the Libra man exudes a sex appeal that is off the charts!

The Libra man needs someone who can give them feedback and support, and affirm that they are a treasure to behold. A partner who can bring Libra to an open state, to think less and feel more, will be rewarded with a grateful and passionate lover.

The lower back and buttocks form the Libra erogenous area so a little fondling, patting and pinching in that area should soon arouse the Libra man for a romantic session.

Libra is the sign of partnerships, unions, and marriage and, for those men born under this sign there is the inherent desire to merge. Libra men can be very romantically inclined at a very early age in life

The Libra man can find it very difficult to be alone and, can often prefer to remain within an unsatisfactory relationship rather than to be in no relationship whatsoever.

These men have the tendency to idealize their lovers and, have the further tendency of preferring to embellish the good aspects in them whilst minimizing the difficult. This can be a very unbalanced outlook and, such an outlook can often lead to disappointment.

Once mature, the Libra man has an instinctive sense of the fair and just in all their relationship involvements. These men definitely have a strong inclination toward the long-lasting relationship.

The Libra man will generally relate well with people of all the signs, however, those of Sagittarius and Leo can be particularly rewarding.

Best Bed Mates for the Libra Man: Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius. Taurus, and Libra .


Does He Really Love You? - Read Men's minds - And Learn The Truth About Men.

If you've ever had your heart broken or been lied to by a man, then you need to go watch this amazing video right now.

It's by nationally known relationship expert Michael Fiore and it exposes a simple, horrible truth about men. It shows you how to find out the real truth about how he feels about you. what he wants from you. and how to make a man truly yours forever.

What Michael says in this video might break your heart or make you MAD at first. But it could change your life and your relationship with men forever.


Born under the sign of Libra, the sign ruled by Venus the goddess of love; the Libra man is one who definitely searches for peace, quality, and justice in everything he does. He is generally working to try to balance the oppositional forces that he senses exists all about him.

Although his personal outlook is an unbiased one, he will often find himself involved in conflicting situations that will require him to seek resolutions

With his natural instinct in knowing what is fair and equitable, the astute Libra man can often be is very useful and fair in the capacities of a mediator, a judge, or as a good friend if arbitrating differences between others.

In his own life, the Libra man may find that there is a basic duality as one of his scales is usually leaning towards compromise while the other leans toward his getting his own way.

The Libra man must take caution and be aware of his tendency to put off, or avoid, that which seems uncomfortable.

The Libra man can be quite inconsistent and erratic, ignoring personal responsibilities and preferring instead, to create only temporary and somewhat shallow solutions to problems.

The sign of Libra is considerably socially aware; so many Libra men take interest in, and dedicated time to the issues of human rights.

Libra is the sign of the statesman, the manager, and the arbitrator.

If seeking the truth then call on a Libra who, with their strong sense for justice and fair play, will review all aspects of an issue before making a careful and deliberate decision once they themselves are convinced it's the right one.

They are capable people in leadership roles and will be dedicated and hard working to earn recognition.

Librans are truth-seekers who welcome opinions, ideas and points of view that challenge their own, thus they will enjoy a good argument.

These are kind and fair-minded people who are loving and much loved. They place great importance on the establishment of harmony and they practice interpersonal diplomacy to maintain affairs in balance.

Librans are generally attractive people who enjoy beautiful surroundings whether in the home or office.

Where decisions have to be made the Libra man may well appear to be somewhat indecisive as they swing back and forth over the subject. In crises mode however they can often spring to amazing action.

Libra men are ambitious, they know where they're going and, once they overcome their inherent tendency for indecision, they can make exceptional executives.

Their innate sense of fair play and justice allows them to consider all sides of an argument or discussion before arriving at balanced decisions. These qualities, together with their natural finesse and ability to remain cool during disagreement, provide them the skills to manage meetings, direct discussions, put together agreements and finalize deals.

Their natural ability to manage and negotiate disagreements means that many Librans can find a satisfying vocation in the diplomatic scenario.

Libra represents partnership, peace, harmony and diplomacy. the ability to persuade, convince, conciliate and balance matters surrounding them.

Vocations related to harmony, justice, intellectual projects, beauty and anything involving dealing with the public are compatible to the Libra Man.

Some suitable vocations for the Libra Man:

Academic, Architect, Artist - Art dealer, Appraiser, Beautician, Counseling, D iplomatic, Designing, Engraving, Hairdressing, Host Professional, Interior Decorating, Judge, Lawyer, Landscape Design, Modeling, Mediator, Negotiator, Politician, Psychologists, Public Relations, Recruitment, Sculptor, Writer, U mpire.


Libra men love luxuries and good living in keeping with the sign of the goddess of beauty. However, in accordance with their sign of the scales and balance, the Libra man will endeavor to balance his urge for the finer things of life by some appropriate saving and economies.

Irrespective, the scales can tip back and forth, and in this respect the Libra man can find himself having to periodically tighten his belt as result of earlier bouts of unbalanced spending!

Many Libra men favor investment of their money into partnership ventures. Such ventures will generally work out far better where the partner is not the bed mate. The combination of money and love is not the best for those of the sign of Libra, although there are of course, exceptions.

For those Libra men who invest in the stock market there will be a natural tendency to settle toward a balanced portfolio of stocks, bonds and investment funds.

Fantasy world of zodiac sun signs

Libra Men

A man who has no balance like his Zodiac symbol as he is. He is not the gentle, cool, calm and charming guy like what you see. He has another dark side of aggression, stubborn and he likes to start an argument the most. Sometime she can be so depress and unstable. Up and down like he is trying to balance himself most of the time.

To many people, he is a friendly guy and always smiles even when he is mad or up set. His voice is always gentle and calm. He always set and combs his hair as if he comes out from a shampoo advertisement. Mostly Libra men are good looking, even the ugly one is charming. When he smiles, it is so bright that the whole world is smiling with him too.

When he is in a balance mood, he is the type of person you want to be with. In other unbalancing mood, he likes to make people argue about something and watching it with fascination and fun. He will wait to be the one who compromise and clear thing up. He likes to be in a conflicting conversation.

Libra man is lazy by nature. After his tired day at work, he likes to sit still and just look out of the window or read quietly. He likes to be in his own world. After recharging his battery, he will be very energetic again and may even take you out that night.

Libra man normally will not do any shocking or abnormal things to be noticed. He likes to be conformed to his crowd, but if you watch him carefully, you will see the different. If he wears a shirt, it will have to be a zipper front instead of buttons, or a special tie bar. There is always something in him that he will not allow totally conformity to take him over.

A straight forward, He is careful and delicate in details. He will spent extra time to doing it right, than comes back to correct them later. He hates people who boost, or exaggerate. He does not like over dressed woman or make herself a center of an attention.

He loves to read. He loves poems and loves art. When he works he can work like crazy, but after work he can turn on romantic jazzy music and treat you so gently. He loves to give people advice and normally give a good advice. If you fall for him, you will stay like being trapped in a spider web. If you want to break up with him, he will persuade you a zillion ways to stay and you can not stop him anyway. After he persuades you to stay, or after a big fight, he will be so sweet to you as if he has never hurt your feeling before ever.

He will have his own way to win a girl love and affection. Once she says yes, he will lay back and wonder if he should go on or if he should back out. In his teen, he changed many girl friends because he can not clearly separate loving a friend and loving a girl friend. He will check and re-cheek if his match is suitable and compatible with him.

Even he is a romantic man; he can hardly understand the emotion of the one he loves. He is a generous guy even he sets his life so systematically. He never knows when he makes you unhappy. He never knows how he up set you. He will never know what he said wrong. If he is your lover, be prepared for this.

A not so pretty girl as well as without brain is not his type of woman. If you are not pretty enough, he will not mind talking to you but he does not care to get to know you. Any girls, pretty or ugly can ask for his help, he will be happy to help. He hates to argue by yelling at each other, so you tend to see he argue with his girl friend seriously but try at best to be very quiet.

He likes to have a girl friend by getting to know each other like a friend first. If you want him, you have to like the same thing he does. He prefers a pretty and gentle woman than a smart and ugly woman. You have to understand his mood especially he can has many different moods. He is a private person, so when he needs to be alone better let him be.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Dating leo man

Horoscope love match:

From the erotic point of view as well as from the other perspectives, the Leo natives - the Leo man or the Leo woman to the same extent - have the tendency to think about their own satisfaction only. The question is the following: Can two egocentric personalities make a couple? The strong usually become allies, so why couldn't two Leos get along?

The Leo man and the Leo woman are very romantic and compatible from the erotic point of view. They just have to give in the leading part in turns.

Horoscope love match:

The Leo man is convinced that sex is a physical necessity, whereas the Libra woman considers sex to be more than this. However, that doesn't prevent them from feeling good together, as the Libra woman reacts quite passionately to the right stimulus.

The Libra woman, although not an enthusiast by nature, must never forget to praise the Leo man for his erotic talent. Also, the Libra woman has to take into consideration the fact that the Leo man cannot stand shy partners, so she'd better refrain from manifesting reserve of such kind. In his turn, the Leo man will have to refrain from his outbursts of pride and authority.

Pisces Woman Leo Man Love Compatibility, Dating, Marriage and Relationship


Leo men love to rescue and care for a damsel in distress. They'll protect and care for the ones who deserve their immediate attention. However, once the lion sees that you're well, he'll encourage you to stand on your own two feet.

The problem with this match is that both the Pisces and Leo will respect and expect at equal levels. It will be a battle for leadership on some level. Pisces has the savior mentality just like a Leo but more so on the emotional side. Pisces women have a incurable desire to be needed and Leo may not be able to give that to his Pisces lady.

Secretly, Leos desire to be loved and cherish. Pisces can do all of this and more but the Leo will hide his vulnerabilities causing her to be confused. Pisces are highly intuitive and she'll know his immediate needs and can meet most of the Leo's demands. The Leo man may block her efforts with his big ego when she tries to rescue him from himself.

At times, a Pisces female may feel as though her Leo male does not need her. Over time she may swim a way, maybe to an entirely new pond. The Leo will regret this, and become very sad as an result. Both the Leo and Pisces enjoy each other's company but the Leo will try to control the relationship. This may be too much for a sensitive Pisces woman.

If this match is to work, the Leo must show that he needs his Pisces. Just as he wants to be admired and adored, so does his sweet Pisces. If he's able to set his ego aside, he can fully enjoy the love and admiration that a Pisces woman has for her lover.

Leo men should never underestimate a Pisces woman, she's a lot stronger then she appears. You'll never be able to rule over her, so just settle on protecting and providing for her. Once your Pisces female senses that you're sincere, she'll give back equally.

Dating lds

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Dating lawyers

Dating After Divorce

So now you've moved through most of the crud of divorce. You're still grieving. but you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You're wondering about dating. You're wondering about moving on with your romantic life. This page guides you gently into this good world.

Before Your Divorce is Final

Whether you should refrain from dating before your divorce is final is both a strategic and moral question. The answer depends on how your state views fault in divorce, on how long you and your spouse have been separated, on what your lawyer thinks about dating during divorce, and finally on how you feel about dating while you're still married.

Even if your state pays attention to fault in divorce, the longer you've been separated from your spouse, the less likely that your having a relationship with someone else is going to have a big impact on the issues of your divorce. Judges typically are concerned about affairs that they think caused the divorce. It's just hard to attach too much blame to an affair that began several months after separation.

Peter was getting impatient. At my suggestion he was going slow on his divorce, because neither he nor his wife was spending much money on lawyers, and his wife needed some time to adjust to the reality of divorce. "How long do I have to wait?" Peter asked. We talked it over. Peter and his wife had been separated for seven months. Although Peter and his wife lived in one of those states that pays attention to fault in divorce, Peter decided it was more important for him to be unhurried about divorce than to have a pristine record of no romantic involvement. Peter started dating again - nothing serious, but it took the pressure off. Shortly after he made his decision, Peter and his wife reached agreement and settled their divorce.

After You're Single

If you're divorce is final, you're no longer concerned about the impact on your court case, except to the extent it might be used against you in a custody fight. You can now focus on whether it's right for you. At this point, I will be simplistic. You should begin to date when you decide it's time to date. Don't let other people rush you. Don't let other people slow you down. You do it when it feels right for you.

And do it with the person who feels right for you. Resist the temptation to find somebody who's totally different from your exspouse. Remember, there were a lot of things about your exspouse that were appealing at one time. If you're attracted to people who are different, that's fine; just don't feel that you can't date someone who has anything in common with the person you once loved.

Your First Relationship

There's a special role your first love plays after divorce. It can be a time of delightful discovery, a chance for you to rediscover your playful side, to have some fun. Goodness knows, you deserve it. Your first relationship, though will almost never be a stable long-term relationship. I don't know why. It just is. The first serious relationship you have after divorce will be wonderful, and hopefully you'll look back on it with pleasure and gratitude. Just don't expect it to be the basis of your next marriage. This is a common issue after divorce, so there's a separate page on Rebound Relationships After Divorce .

Tom sat across the lunch table from me, glowing with excitement for his new love. He couldn't stop talking about her. It was obvious that she had touched him and that he was convinced that this was the "real thing." I quizzed him for details. He was less than two months away from a painful divorce, and she was still embroiled in hers. Both were the left .

I had to give Tom some painful news. I told him that odds were not in favor of their love surviving, because neither of them had taken the time to reestablish their own personal identity. And the really painful news was that if he backed off, the odds were that his new love would find another man, simply because she needs a relationship, any relationship. Is it any wonder that I say with such conviction that Divorce Stinks ?

Enjoy your first relationships after divorce. They're part of the healing process. Just resist the temptation to jump in irrevocably. You're probably less ready than you think.

Dealing With Your Children

Remember, your children have gone (or are going) through the same grieving process you did, and they may be at any number of points in the process. Just like you did (and maybe still do), they may jump wildly to different points. That's their job.

What that means, of course, is that there may come a time when they want to be supportive of your moving on with your life, but they simply can't bring themselves to support it. Quite unintentionally (or maybe intentionally), they will sabotage your dating plans. They will whine when you're on the phone, misbehave when your date arrives, fail to give you messages, and otherwise throw a wrench into your best-laid plans. Understand that this is neither malicious nor uncaring on their part; they are dealing as effectively as they can with their grief over your separation and divorce.

So what can you do? Mainly, be patient. Make it ever so clear that your dating is an adult issue, that your date would never and could never replace their other parent. It will take far longer than you would like, and there will be promising improvements followed by disappointing setbacks. Eventually, your children will come around.


Here are some of the many resources available to single people on the web:

Kiss. com - active since 1994, they're the acknowledged leader in online personals.

Singlesonthego. com - links to lots of local singles groups

Udate. com - they claim to average 300-400 new members every hour.

24-7 Unite - promoting "safe, healthy relationships." They're featuring an article by my good friend Donna Wesson Smalley - "How to Start Over - the End is the Beginning .

Top Dating. com - UK based dating site.

Welcome to Missouri Lawyers Weekly 's new Verdicts & Settlements research tool where you can search verdict patterns and recent history throughout the metropolitan regions of St. Louis, Kansas City and all of Missouri. The details available within Verdicts & Settlements will help you inform settlement discussions and learn more about a particular county, court, judge, expert or opposing counsel.

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Your comments and suggestions will help make this research tool better, stronger, and more powerful for you! Please send your comments and suggestions to: mail@molawyersmedia. com .

How to Date a Lawyer

Posted over 4 years ago. 275 helpful votes

To meet a lawyer, you need to be in a lawyer-rich location. Topping the list is Washington D. C. where around 1 out of every 12 people is a lawyer, right behind New York, which has 1 lawyer for every 127 people. At the very bottom of the list is Guam, which has only 1 lawyer for every 734 people, preceded by Arkansas, which has only 1 lawyer for every 507 people.

Once you're in a lawyer-rich environment, you'll need to go in for the kill. Our survey made it clear that lawyers spend more time in one place than any other: the office. If infiltrating a law office seems impractical or illegal, your next best option is a bar-that is, a bar association event or continuing legal education seminar. Finally, you could frequent bars (where they sell drinks) near courthouses, but exercise caution to avoid alcoholics in legal trouble.

Online dating service

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Online dating ( OD ) or Internet dating is a personal introductory system whereby individuals can find and contact each other over the Internet to arrange a date. usually with the objective of developing a personal, romantic, or sexual relationship. Online dating services usually provide unmoderated matchmaking over the Internet. through the use of personal computers or cell phones. Users of an online dating service would usually provide personal information, to enable them to search the service provider's database for other individuals. Members use criteria other members set, such as age range, gender and location.

Online dating sites use market metaphors to match people. Match Metaphors are conceptual frameworks that allow individuals to make sense of new concepts by drawing upon familiar experiences and frame-works. This metaphor of the marketplace – a place where people go to “shop” for potential romantic partners and to “sell” themselves in hopes of creating a successful romantic relationship – is highlighted by the layout and functionality of online dating websites. The marketplace metaphor may also resonate with participants’ conceptual orientation towards the process of? nding a romantic partner. [ 1 ] Most sites allow members to upload photos or videos of themselves and browse the photos and videos of others. Sites may offer additional services, such as webcasts. online chat. telephone chat (VOIP ), and message boards. Some sites provide free registration, but may offer services which require a monthly fee. Other sites depend on advertising for their revenue. Some sites such as OKCupid, Plenty of Fish and Badoo are free and offer additional paid services in a freemium revenue model. [ 2 ]

Some sites are broad-based, with members coming from a variety of backgrounds looking for different types of relationships. Other sites are more specific, based on the type of members, interests, location, or relationship desired. A 2005 study of data collected by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that individuals are more likely to use an online dating service if they use the internet for a greater amount of tasks and less likely to use such a service if they are trusting of others. [ 3 ]

Dating after Divorce

Since you've probably been out of circulation for a while, here are some of the rules of the new Dating Game -- from Rebound Relationships to the Ten Commandments of Dating.

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Coming out of a relationship can be a miserable time. And since misery loves nothing so much as company it is difficult to withstand the temptation to forget about what ails you by jumping into another relationship. The problem with using other people as heartbreak menders is that it can turn into a pattern. Next thing you know you've got a list of busted relationships a mile long and no idea as to why your love life seems destined for failure.

As anyone who has ever been there will tell you, be sure to stay away from any new relationships until you are good and ready. When you're on the rebound, you are especially vulnerable and could put yourself in situations or relationships that you normally wouldn't be caught dead in. Better you clear your plate of all liaisons and concentrate on yourself for a while. Think about your past relationship issues and learn from them. Because, as the saying goes, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. So if you truly want to enjoy what the future has in store, give yourself time to come to terms with your past.

Upon breaking up, many a couple fantasizes about getting back together. Long nights spent alone can wreak havoc on anyone's psyche, especially if you don't have the first clue about how to work that Eric's Solitaire icon on your computer. So be forewarned: the urge to reconcile will be strong, but you must be stronger. After all, you did have a perfectly good reason for breaking up, right?

If the temptation to call your ex or show up at his or her house is just too overwhelming, head straight for your daily planner and make an appointment to call the next day. Yes, go ahead and write it down in permanent marker. This will allow you to rest easy for the time being. And chances are that come sunup you'll be looking at your agenda and shaking your head in bewilderment or disgust.

The more times you resist the impulse to come crawling back, the better you'll get at spending time without an escort. Once you're not so desperate for company and thinking more clearly, you'll finally be able to judge whether you did the right thing. Until that time comes, you should stock up on some serious willpower if you don't want to get into a vicious cycle of an on-again, off-again love affair.

Too Soon to Tell

If, in spite of all our warnings, your belief in the theory that the best way to forget a spoiled romance is to start a fresh one remains unshaken, go ahead and do what comes naturally. But at least try to gain a little perspective before you fall head over heels in love with the first man or woman who shows the slightest bit of interest. Understand that you are, in fact, on the rebound and keep a casual and light-hearted attitude about all of your dates. If, perchance, you should find yourself falling deeply in love with someone you've just met, understand that it may just be the rebound talking.

While seeing new people can distract you from your woes and confirm that there is life after you know who, then by all means, date away. But if you're beginning to get serious about someone new too soon after the separation, you may be getting in over your head. The best way to deal with intense, rebound-related emotions is to reason your way out of them. Admit to yourself that you may be in dire need of affection and try to see your new flame from an objective perspective. If you still feel that you are deeply in love, then hold off on saying anything. You don't want to lead someone on, only to realize months later that you were never truly in love to begin with.

Heart to Heart

Monday, 28 April 2014

Dating laws in illinois


Last updated: August 24, 2010

Sec. 1-2. Harassment through electronic communications. (a) Harassment through electronic communications is the use of electronic communication for any of the following


(1) Making any comment, request, suggestion or proposal which is obscene with an intent to offend;

(2) Interrupting, with the intent to harass, the telephone service or the electronic communication service of any person;

(3) Transmitting to any person, with the intent to harass and regardless of whether the communication is read in its entirety or at all, any file, document, or other communication which prevents that person from using his or her telephone service or electronic communications device;

(3.1) Transmitting an electronic communication or knowingly inducing a person to transmit an electronic communication for the purpose of harassing another person who is under 13 years of age, regardless of whether the person under 13 years of age consents to the harassment, if the defendant is at least 16 years of age at the time of the commission of the offense;

(4) Threatening injury to the person or to the property of the person to whom an electronic communication is directed or to any of his or her family or household members; or

(5) Knowingly permitting any electronic communications device to be used for any of the purposes mentioned in this subsection (a).

(b) As used in this Act:

(1) "Electronic communication" means any transfer of signs, signals, writings, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photoelectric or photo-optical system. "Electronic communication" includes transmissions by a computer through the Internet to another computer.

(2) "Family or household member" includes spouses, former spouses, parents, children, stepchildren and other persons related by blood or by present or prior marriage, persons who share or formerly shared a common dwelling, persons who have or allegedly share a blood relationship through a child, persons who have or have had a dating or engagement relationship, and persons with disabilities and their personal assistants. For purposes of this Act, neither a casual acquaintanceship nor ordinary fraternization between 2 individuals in business or social contexts shall be deemed to constitute a dating relationship.

(c) Telecommunications carriers, commercial mobile service providers, and providers of information services, including, but not limited to, Internet service providers and hosting service providers, are not liable under this Section, except for willful and wanton misconduct, by virtue of the transmission, storage, or caching of electronic communications or messages of others or by virtue of the provision of other related telecommunications, commercial mobile services, or information services used by others in violation of this Section.

(Source: P. A. 95-849, eff. 1-1-09; 95-984, eff. 6-1-09; 96-328, eff. 8-11-09.)

Illinois Domestic Violence Laws

Overview of Illinois Domestic Violence Laws

When a violent act or physical harm occurs within a family or in a dating relationship, the state may prosecute the person who committed the act on a criminal charge of domestic violence. Criminal domestic violence laws generally focus on physical harm, while civil domestic violence laws cover physical, emotional, and sexual harm. A victim of domestic violence can apply for an order of protection, also known as a restraining order, against an abuser in either the Illinois state criminal courts or the state civil court system.

See FindLaw's Domestic Violence section for additional articles and resources.

The Illinois Domestic Violence Act covers violence within many types of relationships, including:

spouses or former spouses

individuals in a current or former dating relationship

a parent and child or stepparent and child

parents who have child in common

individuals related by blood through a child

family members related by blood

current or former roommates in a shared dwelling

disabled or elderly adult and a caregiver

Illinois domestic violence laws establish criminal offenses for domestic battery and aggravated domestic battery. Battery involves physical harm caused to another person or an unwanted, insulting, or provoking physical contact. To prove domestic battery, the state prosecutor must prove that a battery occurred within one of the relationships listed by the Illinois Domestic Violence Act.

The state can increase the criminal charge to aggravated domestic battery if the defendant intentionally caused great bodily harm or the crime resulted in permanent disability or disfigurement. Illinois state laws also require a charge of aggravated domestic battery if the defendant strangled the victim by choking the victim's neck or blocking the victim's ability to breathe.

Defenses to Domestic Violence Charges

Penalties and Sentences

Illinois domestic violence laws punish domestic battery as a Class A misdemeanor, which can result in a sentence of imprisonment for up to one year. The court can also choose to release the defendant on probation. State law requires the prosecution of domestic battery as a Class 4 felony, however, if the defendant's criminal history includes at least one previous conviction for domestic battery. In addition, a domestic battery involving one of the circumstances listed in the Illinois Domestic Violence Act -- for example, battery using a firearm, battery involving a child, or battery involving sexual assault -- results in prosecution as a Class 4 felony. Under state law, a Class 4 felony may result in a sentence of imprisonment for one to three years, but a prosecutor might be able to request an additional punishment based on the defendant's criminal history or the state's sentencing extension laws.

In Illinois, an aggravated domestic battery is a Class 2 felony, which may result in three to seven years in prison or a sentence of probation. If the court grants a request for probation, the defendant must still serve at least 60 days of imprisonment. A defendant who has a previous conviction for aggravated domestic battery must receive a sentence of between three and seven years in prison. The term of imprisonment may increase to an extended term of up to 14 years if the prosecutor can meet the criteria established by state law.

Illinois Domestic Violence Laws: Statute

Note: State laws are constantly changing -- please contact an Illinois domestic violence attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

Related Resources


In general, minors are considered to be people who are under 18 years of age; at 18, people assume most adult legal rights except for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. However, each state has its own laws that define the age of consent, or the time when a person is old enough "to willingly engage in a sexual act." Be aware of the legal age of consent in your state. All states set the age of consent from 14 to 18; in more than half of the states, the age is 16. Sexlaws. org/answer_board is a good place to find the age of consent for your state as well as answers to other questions about minor relationships.


It is normal for older teens to be attracted to younger teens, but parents and teens should be aware of certain stipulations in the law. As long as there is no sexual contact, the teens are free to date platonically, although common sense should rule parents' judgment in this situation. Rarely does a 14-year-old have much in common with an 18- or a 19-year-old, and parents should ensure that their teen is not involved in such an imbalanced relationship.


One family in Georgia experienced the importance of being careful of the law. Genarlow Wilson, 17, engaged in oral sex with a consenting 15-year-old girl and was convicted of aggravated child molestation. Before his lawyers were finally able to get the Georgia Supreme Court to hear his case and rule that his 10-year sentence was cruel and unusual, this former scholarship student had spent two years in prison. (At the time, the Georgia law allowing similarity of age to be taken into account applied only to vaginal sex, not oral sex.) Both sets of parents could have helped to avoid this horrendous incident by training and teaching their teens about the law, but more importantly about boundaries, and about building healthy relationships through respect for themselves and respect for others.

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Love knows no bounds, but it can be impacted by the law. Like every other state, Ohio regulates what kind of conduct.

Dating a minor only becomes a legal issue in Florida when sexual activity is involved. Florida's statutory rape laws apply to any.

California has laws that make having sexual intercourse with a minor unlawful. The age of the victim, age of the perpetrator and.

The legal ramifications of underage people engaging in sex with an older partner is nothing new. In Florida, sexual relations between people.

Deciding to end a marriage can be an emotional time. In Georgia, a couple can choose legal separation or divorce. Both proceedings.

He served more than two years of the sentence before being released in 2007 when the Georgia Supreme Court overturned his sentence.

Dating is a broadly defined term, and although there are no express laws that restrict the ability of an adult and minor.

Three is the magic number in California's relationship laws. At the cusp of the minor-adult shift there are special laws to protect.

Minors in Wyoming who wish to date must follow a different set of laws than adults, despite how much they might love.

There are two Delaware state laws that are relevant to minors dating. Section 123 of the Delaware state code defines the laws.

Violators can also be subject to civil penalties depending on the age of the participants. If the minor is less than two.

California Underage Relationship Laws. Ohio Driving Laws for Children Under 18. Teenage drivers in Ohio must follow the states graduated driver.

The law that addresses when a minor can legally date someone older than 18 is the Age of Consent Law. Alaska's age.

Laws of Dating a Minor in California. California has laws that make having sexual intercourse with a minor unlawful. The age of.

Chlld-related laws in the state of Georgia are designed to protect the concerns and interests of minor children under the age of.

Texas law, as is the case with other state laws, imposes unique provisions in its Child Labor Act to ensure the safety.

Florida Laws About Dating Minors; Comments You May Also Like. What Are the Dating Laws in the State of Florida? What Are.

Age Laws for Dating. Alaska Minor Dating Law. The law that addresses when a minor can legally date someone older than.

Ohio Laws for a Minor Dating an Adult. Love knows no bounds. Overtime Laws in Georgia. Minors are entitled to overtime.

Georgia has enacted laws to protect children. When a parent fails to meet the standard of care defined by Georgia law, the.

Curfew Laws

One major issue that can put a crimp in your Saturday night is a curfew law. While not universal, curfew laws generally mean that people under the age of 18 are not allowed out in public or in business establishments after certain hours. If one or both people who are out on a date are affected by the curfew law, then it will mean that their date needs to end before the time in the law, or that the date has to move to a private establishment such as a person's home or apartment.

Age of Consent

While not necessarily a part of dating, sexual contact can be one aspect of a relationship. The age of consent is the law that states individuals (both male and female) have to be a certain age before they can consent to any form of sexual contact. The oldest and most common age is 18, but some states or local jurisdictions might have laws that say people aged 16, or even 15, are old enough to be able to have sex if they consent to doing so. If one person is younger than the age of consent, then any sexual acts, consensual or otherwise, can be considered statutory rape.

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In Florida, the official age of consent to be sexually active is 18 years old. Legal Law Justice image by Stacey Alexander.

Dating is a fairly recent phenomenon. What most people in Western societies would call dating did not come into existence until the.

Age is only a legal factor for minors dating in Delaware when they are sexually active. Section 768 of the Delaware state.

California Underage Relationship Laws. Laws governing the age of consent for physical relationships between minors and adults vary somewhat from state to.

Laws on Age of Sexual Consent in the State of Florida. For teenagers and young adults entering into relationships, laws regarding the.

Beginning to date can be very challenging to tackle, not just for teenagers, but also for their parents. As frightening as this.

California law on underage dating applies to sexual conduct with minors. According to California law, an unlawful act of sexual intercourse occurs.

The law that addresses when a minor can legally date someone older than 18 is the Age of Consent Law. Alaska's age.

What Are the State Laws on Age Limits for Moving Out of New York. In New York, you are required to live.

Conflict between a younger woman and an older man occurs when the woman feels controlled by her partner. She may not like.

Four-year-olds can be extremely discerning epicureans when it comes to party food. In addition to the traditional birthday cake, select kid-friendly foods.

Love knows no bounds, but it can be impacted by the law. Like every other state, Ohio regulates what kind of conduct.

Federal and state labor laws govern at what age minors can start working. The law also covers the numbers of hours minor.

California has laws that make having sexual intercourse with a minor unlawful. The age of the victim, age of the perpetrator and.

All support orders in Illinois must by law include a date by which a termination of child support would occur. The termination.

States can have varying age of consent laws. Some states implement strict ages of consent in which any sexual act with a.

Dating for a middle aged man or woman is often more difficult than dating at a younger age. Individuals become more mature.

Aging confers certain rights and responsibilities. A person is formally recognized by law as an adult when he reaches the age of.

Virginia Laws About Legal Separation & Dating. Couples divorcing in Virginia may divorce for fault-based reasons or no-fault reasons. No-fault divorce grounds.

All 50 states prohibit individuals under the age of 21 from buying alcohol. Yet each state varies on specific guidelines as to.

An Overview of Gun Laws in Illinois

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Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms?

Yes. Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Enacted in 1960.

Concealed Carry

Illinois does not permit concealed carry. The state is the only in the U. S. that does not have some type of carry law and one of only two (Wisconsin being the other) that does not issue any concealed carry permits.

In 2011, a strong push was being made in the Illinois state legislature to institute a concealed carry permit system.

Castle Doctrine

While Illinois has not adopted a modern castle law, it does have a statute on the books protecting citizens’ right to self-defense in the event of an attack within their home. The law does not require a duty to retreat but does require that victims “reasonably believe” that an attack that could cause serious physical harm is imminent. The law allows for the use of physical or deadly force only when the invader has forcefully entered the home or when the homeowner reasonably believes that a felony is about to be committed. Illinois provides immunity from civil liability for residents using physical or deadly force under such circumstances.

Pro-Gun Provisions

Illinois has a range law providing protection for firing ranges but no other notable pro-gun provisions.

Open carry is not permissible in Illinois, making it illegal to carry weapons in any form or fashion in Illinois outside one’s home or business except for the purposes of hunting, range shooting or similar activities.

Gun bans: None statewide, but some weapons — such as handguns and assault weapons — are banned in some cities and counties.

Waiting periods for gun purchases: Three days for handguns and two for long gun purchases.

License or permit to purchase guns: A Firearms Owner Identification Card (FOID) is required to purchase any gun or ammunition. The cards are issued by the Illinois State Police after application is made and a background check is performed. FOIDs are issued to persons under the age of 21 only with the consent of one’s parent or legal guardian, and then only if the parent or legal guardian is not ineligible for obtaining a FOID. As a result, persons between the ages of 18 and 21 cannot purchase a long gun if their parent is a convicted felon, classified as mentally ill or otherwise ineligible for a FOID. Additionally, residents under the age of 21 are prohibited from receiving a FOID if they’ve been convicted of a misdemeanor other than a traffic offense.

Registration of guns: Not required statewide, but is required by some local governments, the most notable being Chicago.

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Dating laws

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While there is no general definition of "dating", Florida law does prohibit sexual or lascivious contact between people who are of certain ages. The principal questions under the law are the ages of the people involved and the type of conduct engaged in. Conduct that violates the law can result in criminal charges whether or not the couple is dating. Further, a dating couple that doesn't engage in such conduct may not be subject to any criminal prosecutions at all.

Unlawful Activity

Whenever an adult (someone over 18) engages in sexual activity with a minor, Florida law can punish this activity as a crime. However, the ages of the parties is important. Florida Statute § 794.05 states that if the adult is 24 or older, or the minor is under 16, the adult can be charged with a felony in the second degree, with a penalty of up to 15 years in prison. This law effectively does not punish people under 24 years old who have sex with people 16 or older.

Lewd or Lascivious Molestation

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Although common notions may assert that an adult may not date a person who is under the age of 18, each state.

Florida law attempts to protect minors from abuse and exploitation on several fronts. Some of these laws place restrictions on the behavior.

Under Florida law, all counties and cities have the power to enact curfew regulations on minors or any person under the age.

Dating a minor only becomes a legal issue in Florida when sexual activity is involved. Florida's statutory rape laws apply to any.

Dating is a broadly defined term, and although there are no express laws that restrict the ability of an adult and minor.

Minor Dating Laws in Florida. Dating a minor only becomes a legal issue in Florida when sexual activity is involved. Florida's statutory.

Laws dealing with the age of sexual consent, sometimes referred to as "dating laws," vary from state to state. In Florida, the.

Florida Laws About Dating Minors. The legal ramifications of underage people engaging in sex with an older partner is nothing new. In.

Laws About an Adult Dating a Minor in Florida. Florida Laws on Sexual Harassment in the Classroom. Featured. Tax Break: Make the.

Florida law defines domestic violence as intentional assault, battery, sexual assault. Kansas Dating Laws. Love may know no bounds, but laws.

How minors are treated under the law is usually quite different than how an adult, or someone over the age of 18.

Laws About an Adult Dating a Minor in Florida. Dating is a broadly defined term, and although there are no express laws.

Laws of Dating a Minor in California. Minor Dating Laws in Florida. Dating a minor only becomes a legal issue in.

Minor Dating Laws in Florida. Dating a minor only becomes a legal issue in Florida when sexual activity is involved. Florida's statutory.

What Are the Dating Laws in the State of Florida? Comments You May Also Like. Florida State Laws About Consensual Sex. Florida.

Harassment & Stalking Laws in Florida. It seems that you can't pick up a paper without reading about a case of cyberbullying.

Minor Dating Laws in Florida; Ohio Laws for a Minor Dating an Adult; What Are the Dating Laws in the State of.

Aside from baby formula, which is federally controlled, it's up to the states to make and enforce rules on the use of.

Minor Dating Laws in Florida; Age Limit Laws on Dating; Print this article; Age of Consent. Age is only a legal factor.

The legal age of adulthood is 18 in the U. S. and anyone under this age must meet certain requirements to marry. Every.

Statutory Rape

Statutory rape is defined as any type of sexual activity between a minor and adult, even if they have agreed to be in a romantic relationship with one another and the sex is consensual. The minor or the minor's guardian or anyone else who is involved with the student professionally (school counselor or coach) and is required by law to report it, can file charges against the perpetrator.

Type of Relationship

Every state has different laws depending on the type of relationship between the two individuals in question. Some specific relationships that are involved in statutory rape such as a relationship between teacher and student may have more severe consequences than two individuals who are in a monogamous relationship where one is a minor. Besides the relationship, the severity of the punishment also depends heavily on the age difference of the couple.

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California law on underage dating applies to sexual conduct with minors. According to California law, an unlawful act of sexual intercourse occurs.

Underage Dating Laws in Florida. Although common notions may assert that an adult may not date a person who is under the.

California Underage Relationship Laws. Laws governing the age of consent for physical relationships between minors and adults vary somewhat from state to.

Dating is a fairly recent phenomenon. What most people in Western societies would call dating did not come into existence until the.

Age Laws for Dating. A person's age can be a major dating issue. If both people are 18 or older, then there.

The GED is the equivalent to a high school diploma and can be attainable to a student who has left traditional high.

New York State Dating Laws. In New York, dating only becomes and issue when it involves the sexual activity of a person.

Child Labor Laws in Oregon. Child labor laws were created in the United States in 1938 under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Underage DUI Laws in South Carolina. DUI is an acronym for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Under South Carolina.

Florida Laws About Dating Minors. The legal ramifications of underage people engaging in sex with an older partner is nothing new. In.

New York State Minor Laws. Images of dirty-faced children working long hours for little pay in early 1900's factories prompted widespread laws.

New York State Elder Care Laws. The state of New York has implemented numerous elder care laws to ensure that the needs.

Dating a minor only becomes a legal issue in Florida when sexual activity is involved. Florida's statutory rape laws apply to any.

Laws About an Adult Dating a Minor in Florida. Dating is a broadly defined term, and although there are no express laws.

Underage drinking is a factor in over 5000 deaths of people between the ages of 13 and 21. Binge drinking may also.

California has laws that make having sexual intercourse with a minor unlawful. The age of the victim, age of the perpetrator and.

California DUI Laws for Underage Drinking. According to the California Department of Motor Vehicles, drivers under the age of 21 with a.

Getting a tattoo is an important decision, the results of which will literally last for the rest of your life. The decision.

Underage marriages require the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Procedures vary among the states.

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Dating is a part of human mating process whereby two people meet socially for companionship. beyond the level of friendship. or with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. It can be a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by the couple. While the term has several meanings, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, together, as a couple.

History [ edit ]

Dating as an institution is a relatively recent phenomenon which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries. From the standpoint of anthropology and sociology. dating is linked with other institutions such as marriage and the family which have also been changing rapidly and which have been subject to many forces, including advances in technology and medicine. As humans have evolved from hunter-gatherers into civilized societies and more recently into modern societies, there have been substantial changes in the relationship between men and women, with perhaps the only biological constant being that both adult women and men must have sexual intercourse for human procreation to happen. [ 3 ]

Humans have been compared to other species in terms of sexual behavior. Neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky constructed a reproductive spectrum with opposite poles being tournament species. in which males compete fiercely for reproductive privileges with females, and pair bond arrangements, in which a male and female will bond for life. [ 4 ] According to Sapolsky, humans are somewhat in the middle of this spectrum, in the sense that humans form pair bonds, but there is the possibility of cheating or changing partners. [ 4 ] These species-particular behavior patterns provide a context for aspects of human reproduction. including dating. However, one particularity of the human species is that pair bonds are often formed without necessarily having the intention of reproduction. In modern times, emphasis on the institution of marriage, generally described as a male-female bond, has obscured pair bonds formed by same-sex and transsexual couples, and that many heterosexual couples also bond for life without offspring, or that often pairs that do have offspring separate. Thus, the concept of marriage is changing widely in many countries.

Historically, marriages in most societies were arranged by parents and older relatives with the goal not being love but legacy and "economic stability and political alliances", according to anthropologists. [ 5 ] Accordingly, there was little need for a temporary trial period such as dating before a permanent community-recognized union was formed between a man and a woman. While pair-bonds of varying forms were recognized by most societies as acceptable social arrangements, marriage was reserved for heterosexual pairings and had a transactional nature, where wives were in many cases a form of property being exchanged between father and husband, and who would have to serve the function of reproduction. Communities exerted pressure on people to form pair-bonds in places such as Europe ; in China. according to sociologist Tang Can, society "demanded people get married before having a sexual relationship" [ 6 ] and many societies found that some formally recognized bond between a man and a woman was the best way of rearing and educating children as well as helping to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings regarding competition for mates.

Missouri Divorce Laws

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Missouri Divorce Laws


To file for a divorce in Missouri, either party must be a resident of the state for at least 90 days prior to filing. The petition shall be filed in the circuit court in the county where either party resides. [Based on Missouri Revised Statutes, Section 452.240 and 452.305.1]


A dissolution of marriage may be granted on the grounds that there remains no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved and that therefore the marriage is irretrievably broken. If the defendant denies that the marriage is irretrievably broken, the plaintiff must prove one or more of the following:

The respondent committed adultery and to continue the marriage would be intolerable;

The respondent has behaved in such a way that continuing the marriage would be intolerable;

The respondent abandoned the petitioner for at least six months prior to the filing of the petition;

That the parties have lived separate and apart by mutual consent for at least 12 months prior to filing;

That the parties have lived separate and apart for a continuous period of at least 24 months before filing.

[Based on Missouri Revised Statutes, Section 452.305.1 and 452.320]


A legal separation may be granted on the same grounds as a dissolution of marriage. In a legal separation, the court may make provisions for the custody and the support of each child, the maintenance of either spouse and the disposition of property. The parties may also reach a mutual agreement on maintenance of either spouse, the division of any property owned by either of them, and the custody, support and visitation of their children. Custody, support, and visitation of the children is subject to modification. [Based on Missouri Revised Statutes, Section 452.305.1 and 452.325.1]


When children are involved, the court may order counseling for the children. The court may also order the parties to participate in mediation to resolve any issues in dispute, except in cases of uncontested custody cases or if there is a finding of domestic abuse. [Based on Missouri Revised Statutes, Section 452.318 and 452.372]


Missouri is an equitable distribution state, meaning that if the parties can't reach a mutual agreement concerning the division of the marital estate, the court will distribute the property and liabilities in an equitable, but not necessarily equal fashion. The court will take the following factors into consideration when making it's decision:

The economic circumstances of each spouse, including the desirability of awarding the family home or the right to live therein for reasonable periods to the spouse having custody of any children.

The contribution of each spouse to the acquisition of the marital property, including the contribution of a spouse as homemaker.

The value of the non-marital property set apart to each spouse.

The conduct of the parties during the marriage.

Custodial arrangements for minor children.

Property not subject to division is considered separate property, and includes:

Property acquired by gift, bequest, devise, or descent.

Property acquired in exchange for property acquired prior to the marriage or in exchange for property acquired by gift, bequest, devise, or descent.

Property acquired after a decree of legal separation.

Property excluded by valid written agreement of the parties.

The increase in value of property acquired prior to the marriage, unless marital assets including labor, have contributed to such increases and then only to the extent of such contributions.

[Based on Missouri Revised Statutes, Section 452.330]


Maintenance may be awarded to either spouse if the court finds that the spouse seeking maintenance lacks sufficient property, to provide for his or her reasonable needs, and is unable to support himself herself through appropriate employment or is the custodian of a child whose condition or circumstances make it appropriate that the custodian not be required to seek employment outside the home. When awarding the duration and amount of maintenance, the court shall consider all relevant factors including:

The financial resources of the spouse seeking maintenance, including marital property awarded to him, and his ability to meet his needs independently, including any provisions for child support for that party as custodian;

The time necessary to acquire sufficient education or training to find appropriate employment;

The comparative earning capability of each spouse;

The standard of living established during the marriage;

The obligations and assets of each party;

The duration of the marriage;

The age, and the physical and emotional condition of the spouse seeking maintenance;

The ability of the obligated spouse to meet his needs while meeting the needs of the spouse seeking maintenance;

The conduct of the parties during the marriage; and

Any other factors that the court deems relevant.

Remarriage of the spouse receiving alimony shall relieve the other spouse from the obligation to pay alimony. [Based on Missouri Revised Statutes, Sections 452.075 and 452.335]


Even though there is no specific statute that addresses changing a spouses name as part of a petition for dissolution of marriage, a person may petition the circuit court for a name change. The petition shall set forth the petitioner's full name, the new name desired, and a concise statement of the reason for such desired change. The court will grant the name change if such judge is satisfied that the desired change would be proper and not detrimental to the interests of any other person. [Based on Missouri Revised Statutes, Sections 527.270]

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Major Preparation Course Descriptions

(Lower Division)

Communication Studies 1: Principles of Oral Communication (Formerly Speech 1) . Enforced requisite: satisfaction of Entry-Level Writing requirement. Examination of foundations of communication and public speaking. Consideration of number of basic theories related to study of communication and development of skills to enable composition and delivery of speeches in accordance with specific rhetorical concepts. Improvement of ability to analyze, organize, and critically think about communicative messages while becoming better equipped to articulate ideas.

Communication Studies 10: Introduction to Communication Studies. Introduction to fields of mass communication and interpersonal communication. Study of modes, media, and effects of mass communication, interpersonal processes, and communication theory.

Communication Studies 15A . Production of Multimedia Software. Description of what goes into a multimedia software program; discussion of different platforms (PC, Mac, network computers, servers, and transmitters) and distribution means (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, Internet), content organization and layout, data structure and management; and overall planning for prototype and final product.

Communication Studies 19: Fiat Lux Freshman Seminars. Discussion of and critical thinking about topics of current intellectual importance, taught by faculty members in their areas of expertise and illuminating many paths of discovery at UCLA.

Communication Studies M70: Origin of Language. (Same as German M70.) Theoretical and methodological issues surrounding origin of language. Topics include evolutionary theory, evolution of humans, how language is organized in the brain, and science of language, including physiology of speech, phonetics, and comparative reconstruction.

Communication Studies 88: Sophomore Seminar. Limited to maximum of 20 students. Readings and discussions designed to introduce students to current research in discipline. Culminating project may be required.

Communication Studies 89: Honors Seminar. Limited to a maximum of 20 students. Designed as adjunct to lower division lecture course. Exploration of topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities and led by lecture course instructor. May be applied toward honors credit for eligible students. Honors content noted on transcript.

Communication Studies 89HC . Honors Contracts. Limited to students in College Honors and departmental honors programs. Designed as adjunct to lower division lecture course. Individual study with lecture course instructor to explore topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities. May be repeated for maximum of 4 units. Individual honors contract required. Honors content noted on transcript.

Communication Studies 99: Student Research Program. Tutorial (supervised research or other scholarly work). Entry-level research for lower division students under guidance of faculty mentor. Students must be in good academic standing and enrolled in minimum of 12 units (excluding this course). Individual contract required; consult Undergraduate Research Center. May be repeated.

Anthropology 33: Culture and Communication. Introduction to ways in which culture and communication shape each other, with emphasis on importance of language as a symbolic and practical guide to people’s behavior and understanding of each other’s actions. Topics include language socialization, cross talk, and verbal and nonverbal communication.

Economics 1: Principles of Economics. Not open to students with credit for course 100. Introduction to principles of economic analysis, economic institutions, and issues of economic policy. Emphasis on allocation of resources and distribution of income through the price system.

Economics 5: Introductory Economics. Not open to students with credit for course 1, 2, or 100. Principles of economics as tools of analysis. Presentation of a set of concepts with which to analyze a wide range of social problems that economic theory illuminates.

Economics 41: Statistics for Economists. Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Not open to students with credit for Statistics 11. Introduction to probability and statistics for economists, with emphasis on rigorous arguments.

Linguistics 1: Introduction to Study of Language. Summary for general undergraduates, of what is known about human language: unique nature of human language, structure, universality, and diversity; language in its social and cultural setting; language in relation to other aspects of human inquiry and knowledge.

Political Science 30: Introduction to Political Economy. Introduction to political economy, especially application of economic reasoning to political and social phenomena.

Political Science 40: Introduction to American Politics. Basic institutions and processes of democratic politics. Treatment of themes such as constitutionalism, representation, participation, and leadership coupled with particular emphasis on the American case.

Program in Computing 10A: Introduction to Programming. Basic principles of programming, using C ++; algorithmic, procedural problem solving; program design and development; basic data types, control structures and functions; functional arrays and pointers; introduction to classes for programmer-defined data types.

Program in Computing 10B: Intermediate Programming. Enforced requisite: course 10A. Abstract data types and their implementation using the C ++ class mechanism; dynamic data structures, including linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and hash tables; applications; object-oriented programming and software reuse; recursion; algorithms for sorting and searching.

Program in Computing 10C . Advanced Programming. Enforced requisite: course 10B. More advanced algorithms and data structuring techniques; additional emphasis on algorithmic efficiency; advanced features of C ++, such as inheritance and virtual functions; graph algorithms.

Program in Computing 20A: Principles of Java Language with Applications. Enforced requisite: course 10B. Introduction to Java computer language. Class and interface hierarchies; graphics components and graphical user interfaces; streams; multithreading; event and exception handling. Issues in class design and design of interactive Web pages.

Program in Computing 20B . Advanced Aspects of Java Language with Applications. Enforced requisite: course 20A. Further aspects of use of classes, graphics components, exception handling, multithreading, and multimedia. Additional topics may include networking, servlets, database connectivity, and JavaBeans.

Program in Computing 40A: Programming for the Internet and Multimedia. Enforced requisite: course 10B. HTML, Perl language, programming for Common Gateway Interface (CGI), other scripting languages, XML and its derivatives, programming for multimedia.

Psychology 10: Introductory Psychology. General introduction including topics in cognitive, experimental, personality, developmental, social and clinical psychology.

Sociology 1 . Introductory Sociology. Survey of characteristics of social life, processes of social interaction, and tools of sociological investigation.

Statistics 10: Elementary Statistics. Prerequisite: three years of high school mathematics. Descriptive statistics, elementary probability, random variables, binomial and normal distributions. Large and small sample inference concerning means.

Major Requirement Course Descriptions

(Upper Division)

Communication Studies 100: Communication Theory. Prerequisite: course 10 or Linguistics 1 or Sociology 1 or Psychology 10 or consent of instructor. Analysis of fundamental nature of human communication; its physical, linguistic, psychological and sociological bases. Study of theoretical models explicating the process and constituents of the communicative act.

Communication Studies 101: Freedom of Communication. Analysis of legal, political and philosophical issues entailed in the rights of free expression, access to an audience, and access to information. Study of court decisions governing freedom of communication in the U. S.

Communication Studies 102: Principles of Argumentation. Analysis of propositions, tests of evidence, and briefing. Study of hindrances to clear thinking, ambiguity of terms, and prejudices. Critical analysis of selected argumentative speeches.

Communication Studies 103A: Forensics. Basic preparation for participation in on-campus and intercollegiate forensics activities, including exposure to fundamentals of competitive forensic events. Students practice public address, interpretation of literature, debate, oratory, and extemporaneous speaking and engage in independent research and analysis.

Communication Studies 103B: Forensics. Advanced practicum in speech. Participation in on-campus and intercollegiate forensics activities, including exposure to fundamentals of competitive forensic events. Students practice public address, interpretation of literature, debate, oratory, and extemporaneous speaking and engage in independent research and analysis.

Communication Studies 104: Analysis and Briefing. Intensive study of selected political or social issues, preparation of bibliography, analysis and evaluation of issues and arguments.

Communication Studies 110: Gender and Communication. Lecture, three hours. Exploration of the role and origins of gender differences in communication; focus on contexts such as family, romance, and the workplace; discussion of how the media influence conceptions of gender.

Communication Studies 111: Conflict and Communication. Analysis of when and why conflict is prevalent in daily lives (including mass media) and how communication affects reactions to and consequences of conflict. Conflict is part of our evolutionary heritage. How well we handle various conflicts affects, to great degree, our success or failure wherever we interact with others, including intimate relations, school, and workplace.

Communication Studies 112: Current Problems in Evolution and Communication. Requisite: CS 118 or 120 or 126. Examination of contemporary issues in evolutionary communication research. Topics include design of communication systems, animal signaling, social communication, and speech production and perception.

Communication Studies M113: Nonverbal Communication and Body Language. Examination of how various forms of nonverbal communication convey meaningful information to perceivers, with focus on both production and perception of multiple communication formats (e. g. affect expression of face and body, gesture, and kinematics), with strong emphasis on body language. Readings from variety of related fields.

Communication Studies 114: Understanding Relationships. Explanation of types of communication that occur in close relationships, especially romantic relationships. In-depth coverage of variety of relationship topics, including intimacy, stages of intimate relationships, why we choose to get involved with some people as opposed to others, flirting, and self-disclosure.

Communication Studies 115: Dyadic Communication and Interpersonal Relationships. Developmental approach to study of communication in dyadic relationships. Analysis of differences in the stages of relationships in terms of communication rules and verbal and nonverbal messages.

Communication Studies 116: Communication and Conflict in Couples and Families. Examination of (1) dysfunctional communication and conflict in couples and families and (2) relationship of these processes to individual psycho-pathology, marital discord, and family disruption (e. g. separation and divorce.)

Communication Studies M117: Negotiation. (Same as Labor and Workplace Studies M117) Art and science of negotiation in securing agreements between independent parties. Theory and practice that underlies successful negotiation. Experiential course in which students learn broad array of negotiation skills, including identifying one's own (and others') communication style, identifying and incorporating components of successful negotiation, and resolving conflict between parties.

Communication Studies 118: Language and Music. Cognitive science exploration of structure and evolution of language and music and their relationships to communication, cognition, and culture.

Communication Studies 119: Voice & Its Perception. Focus on how human voice conveys information about speaker’s identity, physical characteristics, personality, and emotional state, and how listeners utilize this information to make judgments about speakers.

Communication Studies 120: Group Communication. Examination of group communication from perspectives of evolutionary psychology, communications, and psycholinguistics. Topics include evolutuion of cooperation, ingroup and outgroup dynamics, gossip, music improvisation, and conversational behavior.

Communication Studies 121: Talk and Mass Communication. In recent years there has been a sea change in broadcast news and public affairs programming. News was once packaged and presented to the audience in the form of a scripted narrative or story, but increasingly, news is organized around spontaneous interactional encounters between some combination of journalists, public figures, and ordinary citizens. This course examines a number of such interactional forms, with emphasis on news interviews, presidential press conferences, and political speeches before a live audience. Each interaction is examined from standpoint of its historical development, and its consequences for journalism, political communication, and public sphere. The primary focus is on the inner workings of each form of talk – social norms and practices that organize participation, and that distinguish forms of broadcast talk from one another and from ordinary conversation.

Communication Studies 122: Promoting Dialogue Across Diverse Worlds. Exploration of issues related to management of conflict between major areas of the world, with focus on the historical background, perception gaps, and political context. Communication approaches based on nonviolence and the management of moral conflict are offered as alternatives to a clash of civilizations.

Communication Studies M123W: Talk and the Body. (Same as Anthropology M148 and AL&TESL M161) Relationship between language and human body raises a host of interesting topics. New approaches to phenomena such as embodiment become possible when the body is analyzed, not as an isolated entity, but as a visible agent whose talk and action are lodged within both processes of human interaction and rich settings where people pursue courses of action that count in their lives.

Communication Studies 124: Psychology of Language and Gender. (Same as Women's Studies M124) Examination of current topics at intersection of gender and language. Topics include sex differentiation in language cross-culturally; sex bias in lexicon and usage; sex differences in lexicon, syntax, phonology, and nonverbal behavior; development of sex-differentiated language in children; "women's" and "men's" language in various racial/ethnic/class/sexual preference groups; and conversational interaction.

Communication Studies M125 . Talk and Social Institutions. (Same as Sociology CM125) Designed for juniors/seniors. Practices of communication and social interaction in a number of major institutional sites in contemporary society. Setting varies but may include emergency services, police and courts, medicine, news interviews, and political oratory.

Communication Studies 126: Evolution of Interpersonal Communication. Examination of current issues in interpersonal communication from perspectives of evolutionary psychology and biology. Topics include co-evolution of signaler and receiver adaptations, nonverbal communication, courtship behavior, miscommunication between sexes, implied language use, and deception.

Communication Studies M127: Animal Communication. (Same as Applied Linguistics CM127/CM292 and Anthropology M127) The evolution, functions, design, and diversity of animal communication systems, such as bird song, dolphin calls, whale song, primate social signals and human language.

Communication Studies 128: Entertainment as Implicit Pedagogy. Entertainment is a significant component of both interpersonal and mass communication. This course examines the evolutionary history, cognitive mechanisms, and social dimensions of play and entertainment, as well as their possible pedagogical effects.

Communication Studies 129: The Gaming Mind. Online computer games are becoming increasingly popular and technically sophisticated. This course explores various aspects of these games, focusing on what people learn from games, how they learn it, and whether the learning is potentially useful.

Communication Studies 130: Cultural Factors in Interpersonal Communication. Study of cultural factors as they affect the quality and processes of interpersonal communication; exercises in the participation, analysis, and criticism of inter-ethnic and interracial communications in the small-group configuration.

Communication Studies 131: Culture vs. Media? Interpret the meaning of cultural texts, analyze the representation of particular groups, and consider how audiences provide their own meanings and uses to such texts. Focus on media in relation to issues of globalization, consumption, class, race, gender, youth, and sexuality.

Communication Studies 132 . Multicultural Television. Critical evaluation of television programming and scholarly research of new developments in television. Student participation in course discussions, papers, and presentations will apply research findings to real world contexts.

Communication Studies 133: Decoding Media Strategies. Today's mass media are thriving business, central part of cultural identity, and vital component of democracy. How do these different and often conflicting functions determine content of mass media? Examination of psychological dynamics of advertising, nature of entertainment and mass culture, practice of propaganda, and changing patterns of media ownership. Assessment of impact of mass media on individuals and social institutions.

Communication Studies 134: Organizational Communication. Introduction to issues and literature related to communication within organizations. Organizational communication concerns theories (explanations) of organized behavior, conceptions of organizations, study of bureaucracy and its alternatives, metaphors for organizational communication, power, conflict, and strategic communication in organizations. Focus on behavior of individuals and teams within organizations.

Communication Studies M135: Narrative in Mass Communication. (Same as Honors Collegium M135) Examination of narrative as a primary structure of mass media, beginning with social, psychological, cultural, and rhetorical functions of storytelling and basic elements of narrative, then applying these to study of film, television, and print media.

Communication Studies 136: Media Portrayals of Gays and Lesbians. This class focuses on how the mass media have portrayed gays and lesbians and why. It will cover the media's depiction, portrayal, and handling of homosexuality, particularly focusing on how gays and lesbians have been negatively stereotyped, portraying unrealistically, and often not portrayed at all. It will explore not only how gays and lesbians have been represented, but also why certain portrayals have tended to dominate.

Communication Studies M137: Transnational Bollywood. (Same as Asian American Studies M172C) Study of how popular Bollywood cinema materializes colonial and postcolonial formations pertaining to gender, class and caste, sexuality, race, and economic liberalization in South Asia, as well as across South Asian communities in North America, U. K. and Africa. Examination of how complex relationships between Bollywood and transnational South Asian diasporas enable us to better understand South Asian American communities.

Communication Studies 138: Political Marketing. Examination of theory and practice of political marketing in U. S. and impact of such marketing on democracy to prepare students to critically analyze and evaluate communication that advances political goals, as well as to become more equipped to disseminate such messages.

Communication Studies 139: Speech and the Law: Application of Courtroom Communication Principles. Study of the theory and practice of effective communication while modeling dynamics of real-life courtroom proceedings. Critical analysis, oral argument, and debate relates to issues of morality and legal justice arising in famous criminal trials.

Communication Studies 140: Theory of Persuasive Communication. Dynamics of communication designed to influence human conduct; analysis of structure of persuasive discourse; integration of theoretical materials drawn from relevant disciplines of humanities and social sciences.

Communication Studies 141: Films of Persuasion: Social and Political Advocacy in Mass Society. Films often provide commentary about public issues. Examination of how films communicate to large audiences about history, society, and politics. Critical evaluation of these works to understand power and limitations of films as social persuasion.

Communication Studies 142: This course focuses on the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for students to understand and address various components of diversity in organizations. Emphasis is placed on areas related to personnel, ethics, policies, initiatives, staff needs, staff development and social interrelations. Students will learn to think critically about various organizational situations. This class is designed to give students an environment to discuss diverse perspectives related to organizations. Thus, this course will explore such areas as power, gender, race, social class, sexuality, ability and age. The relationship between these areas to organizational communication concepts such as assimilation and socialization, power, culture, employee conflict and relationships will be explored.

Communication Studies 143: Rhetoric of Popular Culture. Rhetorical approach to study of U. S. popular culture. Examination, both at theoretical level and through specific case studies, of ways in which popular cultural texts perform rhetorically to influence political and social struggles shaping everyday life. How do particular artifacts or communicative texts constitute source for (re)negotiation of cultural meanings as well as greater understanding of ways language functions as vehicle for human action. Letter grading.

Communication Studies M144A-M144B: Conversational Structures I, II. (Same as Sociology CM124A-CM124B)

M144A. Introduction to some structures that are employed in organization of conversational interaction, such as turn-taking organization, organization of repair, and some basic sequence structures with limited expansions.

M144B. Consideration of some more expanded sequence structures, story structures, topical sequences, and overall structural organization of single conversations.

Communication Studies 145: Situation Comedy and American Culture. Historical analysis of sitcom genre from its beginning in late 1940s to present. Investigation of how sitcoms have influenced American life and culture and how American life and culture have influenced sitcoms. Exploration of issues of family, race and ethnicity, class and economy, gender roles, and political culture.

Communication Studies 146: Evolution of Mass Media Images. Analysis of evolutionary psychology as basis for images selected by media portraying women and/or minorities in entertainment, advertising, and informational communication.

Communication Studies M147: Sociology of Mass Communication. (Same as Sociology M176) Studies in relationship between mass communication and social organization. Topics include history and organization of major media institutions, social forces that shape production of mass media news and entertainment, selected studies in media content, and effects of media on society.

Communication Studies 148: Marketing, Advertising and Human Nature. Marketing, Advertising, and Behavior from the viewpoint of evolutionary psychology and biology. Includes analysis of motives, patterns of consumption, current marketing strategies and marketing myths, and the contents and effectiveness of advertising.

Communication Studies M149: Media: Gender, Race, Class & Sexuality. (Same as Women's Studies M149 and Labor and Workplace Studies M149) Communication Studies and Women's Studies majors. Examination of manner in which media culture induces people to perceive various dominant and dominated and/or colonized groups of people. Ways in which women, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, racial, and ethnic marginalized peoples, class relations, and other subaltern or subordinated groups are presented and often misrepresented in media. Investigation and employment of practical applications of communications and feminist theories for understanding ideological nature of stereotyping and politics of representation through use of media, guest presentations, lectures, class discussions, and readings. Introduction to theory and practice of cultural studies.

Communication Studies 150: Methodologies in Communication Research. Critical studies of quantitative and qualitative methodologies in communication research.

Communication Studies 151: Computer-Mediated Communication. Examination of how computer technology, particularly the Internet, has influenced patterns of human communication. History and distinctiveness of computer-mediated communication (CMC.) CMC's influence on modern economic, political, and social interaction.

Communication Studies 152: Analysis of Communication Effects. Prerequisite: course 100 or consent of instructor. Survey of experimental and field research on effects of communications. Study of source, message, and environmental factors affecting audience response.

Communication Studies 153: The Media and Aggression Against Women. (Same as Women’s Studies M153) Prerequisite: course 152 or consent of instructor. Social scientific study of intersection between mass media and men’s aggression against women. Particular consideration of sexual aggression, pornography, and characteristics of aggressive men. Analysis of interaction between “nature and nurture.”

Communication Studies 154: Social Communication and the New Technology. The Internet's digital core was designed for military command. Yet the emerging network was gradually co-opted to perform communicative functions such as gossip, dating, news, entertainment, and trade. Exploration of the history, social effects, and possible futures of digital communication.

Communication Studies 155 . Social Impact of the New Electronic Media. Examination of the evolution and social implications of new information and communication technologies (ICTs). The development of various technologies are reviewed, and major social issues and changes associated with their use are considered.

Communication Studies 156: Social Networking. Investigation of how new online social networks have facilitated interpersonal interactions for knowledge sharing, romance, business, politics, and entertainment. Critical investigation of current popular social networking websites (e. g. Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, You Tube) through social network analysis and other social science research methods.

Communication Studies 157: Celebrity, Fame, and Social Media. Analysis of how following the personal lives of media created celebrities impacts self-esteem, connectedness, and personal relationships from cultural studies an social science perspectives, and how entities cultivate celebrity for financial gain. Topic areas include celebrity gossip and privacy, news sharing, public relations, and the impact of social media on fan support, image construction, and damage control.

Communication Studies 158: Evolution of Communication Technology. Study the role assigned to technology in theories of communication. Examination of current information age and advance in communication technology throughout history. Survey of origins and societal implications of major development starting with the emergence of speech itself.

Communication Studies 159: Pornography and Evolution. (Same as Women’s Studies M159) Theories and research on why pornography exists and its effects. This topic is used to illustrate the value of evolutionary theory to the social sciences.

Communication Studies 160: Political Communication. Study of nature and function of communication in the political sphere; analysis of contemporary and historical communications within established political institutions; state papers; deliberative discourses; electoral campaigns.

Communication Studies M161: Electoral Politics: Mass Media and Elections (Same as Political Science M141D) Prerequisite: course 160. Assessment of manner in which Americans' political beliefs, choices, and actions are influenced by mass media presentations, particularly during election campaigns. Topics include processes of political attitude formation and change, different types of media "effects," and role of the media in the American political process.

Communication Studies 162: Presidential Communication. Examination of the historical evolution of the president’s communication environment, resources, and strategies, as well as how presidential campaign communication has evolved over time, and the implications for how presidents govern.

Communication Studies 163: Public Diplomacy: Communicating U. S. Ideas to Foreign Citizenry. Requisite: course 179. Exploration of relationship of communications techniques, power, and principles in connection with U. S. efforts to project ideas to foreign publics in 20th and 21st centuries. Discussion of intersection of foreign relations, public relations, journalism, and other forms of communication.

Communication Studies 164: Entertainment Law. Lecture, three hours. Various issues in entertainment industry, with primary focus on business, legal, and free speech-related concepts.

Communication Studies M165 . Agitational Communication (Same as Labor and Workplace Studies M175). Theory of agitation; agitation as a force for change in existing institutions and policies in a democratic society. Intensive study of selected agitational movements and the technique and content of their communications.

Communication Studies 166 . Communicative Dynamics in Film and TV Production. Identification of how motivation and creativity interact with business interest, research, and policies in producing entertainment for the media market.

Communication Studies 167 . Sex, Politics, and Race: Free Speech on Campus. Focus on concept of freedom of expression on campus during postsecondary education. How First Amendment, case law, and federal and state statutes affect students' and teachers' abilities to speak on and off campus. Discussion of harassment and campus speech codes, campus demonstrations, student publications, student conduct regulations, and restrictions on displays of art and academic freedom.

Communication Studies 168 . Free Speech in Advertising. Exploration of First Amendment and commercial speech within context of product and service advertising (e. g. vice products such as tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, gambling; pharmaceutical drugs; and political advertisements). Examination of when, where, and how (time/place/manner) restrictions imposed on advertising and commercial speech, with specific reference to shopping malls, news tabloid racks, and billboards, among other places.

Communication Studies M169 . Critical Vision: History of Art as Social and Political Commentary. (Same as Honors Collegium M179) Seminar, three hours. Study of tradition of visual arts (painting, graphic art, photography, sculpture) as vehicles for social and political commentary.

Communication Studies 170: Legal Communication. Study of trial and appellate processes as systems of communication. Analysis of elements of the juridical process as they affect the quality of communication content. Study of rules of evidence, jury behavior, and structure of legal discourse.

Communication Studies 171 . Theories of Freedom of Speech and Press. Requisites: course 101 or consent of instructor. Exploration of relationship between the freedoms of speech and press and values of liberty, self-realization, self-government, truth, dignity, respect, justice, equality, association and community. Study of the significance of these values examined in connection with issues such as obscenity, defamation, access to the media, and control of commercial, corporate, and government speech.

Communication Studies M172 . Free Speech in Workplace. (Same as Labor and Workplace Studies M172) Focus on concept of freedom of expression in workplace and how First Amendment, case law, and federal and state statutes affect one's ability to speak at work. Conflict between discrimination law and ability to speak freely at work as well as meaning and limits of academic freedom.

Communication Studies 173: Communicating Complex Policy. Various media offer different comparative advantages/disadvantages for the transmission of messages. Specific kinds of print media and video media, not to mention new media, offer opportunities and problems when the content is complex and/or scholarly. Goal: to develop media-complexity typologies.

Communication Studies 174: Trial by Jury: A Communication Perspective. A study of the American jury trial system as a communication process. Examination of the impact of courtroom television, paid jury consultants, and celebrity prosecutions upon the system’s communication dynamics and the search for truth. Review of communication research and empirical data in an effort to decide whether the American jury system places too much emphasis on winning and not enough on seeking the truth.

Communication Studies 175: Criticism and the Public Arts. Introduction to methods and problems of criticism in the public arts. Study of several types of critical methods: formalistic, analogue, pragmatic, and aesthetic criticism. Topics include definition of art and criticism, aesthetic media, genre and resources of film, television, theater and public discourse, varieties of critical methods, problems of critical judgment.

Communication Studies M176: Visual Communication and Social Advocacy. (Same as Labor and Workplace Studies M176) Visual communication reaches diverse audiences in communicating major social and political topics. Cartoons, posters, murals, and documentary photography have had a powerful world impact. Survey of all four genres of visual communications as features of modern mass media.

Communication Studies 177: Libel and Freedom of Expression. Intensive study of law of defamation and its relationship to the free flow of information in a democracy. Examination of rationale, scope and effects of libel laws. Topics include the application of libel laws to public officials, public figures and private plaintiffs and media and nonmedia defendants; group libel, privileged libel and libelous fiction.

Communication Studies 178: Propaganda & the Media. Examination of the nature of propaganda, the institutional structure of the American media, and the relationship between propaganda and the American news media. The course looks at the history of propaganda in America (from the World War I era forward), competing theories of democracy and the media, and the role of corporations in propaganda and news.

Communication Studies 179: Images of the USA. Awareness of the United States’ international role necessitates a clear understanding of the way our nation is perceived by others. An exploration of the roots of the USA’s images in the minds of people abroad. Analysis of influences contributing to the images and the ways in which the images affect practical matters.

Communication Studies 180 . Politics of Censorship. Prerequisites: course 101, consent of instructor. Examination of the process and substance of debates over government and private censorship, by having students become active participants in a term-long simulated battle over a current issue, such as book censorship, pornography, or UNESCO's proposed "New World Information Order."

Communication Studies 181 . Stereotypes in Mass Media. Overview of stereotypes in mass media and effects of stereotypical imagery on viewers. Discussion of structural and social origins of stereotypic media from multiple perspectives, with focus on published scholarship that systematically assesses content and effects of racial representations from social scientific perspective and portrayal of African Americans. Exploration of intersections between race, ethnicity, class, and gender. P/NP or letter grading.

Communication Studies 182 . Non Verbal Communication in Architecture. Considers how elements of design and style of buildings in architectural history send messages to viewers and users of buildings.

Communication Studies 183 . Media and the Mind. Investigation of media persuasion and entertainment appeal through three intersecting approaches: study of cognition. reflection on personal experience, and hands-on analysis of television, film, and radio. Topics include perception, imagination, narrative, play, emotion, and dreams. Students collaborate with each other to assemble media critiques and create their own short stories. P/NP or letter grading.

Communication Studies 184: Abortion, Death Penalty, and Gun Control: Arguing Contemporary Social Issues (4) Lecture, four hours. Focus on variety of hot-button contemporary social issues to provide students with knowledge of arguments on both sides of issues covered, with emphasis on sound reasoning to support various arguments. P/NP or letter grading.

Communication Studies 185: Field Studies in Communication (2 to 4 units, maximum of 8 units) Designed for juniors/seniors. Fieldwork in communication. Students participate in two-hour seminar sessions and spend seven hours in approved community settings each week for each two units of credit. May be repeated for a maximum of eight units.

Communication Studies 186 . Mass Media, Public Opinion, & Foreign Policy. Investigation of the various means through which the mass media and public opinion influence foreign policy. The goal is to develop a coherent view of the interaction between the media, public opinion, and politicians with respect to foreign affairs.

Communication Studies 187 . Ethical and Policy Issues in Institutions of Mass Communication. Intensive examination of ethical and policy issues arising from interaction of media institutions (print, film, broadcasting, and new technologies) and societal institutions (Congress, federal agencies, courts, the Presidency, schools, churches, political action groups, advertisers, and audiences.)

Communication Studies 188A . Variable Topics in Mass Communication. Lecture, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication Studies 188B . Variable Topics in Interpersonal Communication. Lecture, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication Studies 188C . Variable Topics in Communication Technology and Digital Systems. Lecture, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication Studies 188D . Variable Topics in Political and Legal Communication. Lecture, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication Studies 189 . Advanced Honors Seminars. Limited to 20 students. Designed as adjunct to undergraduate lecture course. Exploration of topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities and led by lecture course instructor. May be applied toward honors credit for eligible students. Honors content noted on transcript.

Communication Studies 189HC . Honors Contracts. Tutorial. Limited to students in College Honors and departmental honors programs. Designed as adjunct to upper division lecture course. Individual study with lecture course instructor to explore topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities. May be repeated for maximum of 4 units. Individual honors contract required. Honors content noted on transcript.

Communication Studies 191A: Variable Topics Research Seminars: Mass Communication. Seminar, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication Studies 191B: Variable Topics Research Seminars: Interpersonal Communication. Seminar, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication Studies 191C: Variable Topics Research Seminars: Communication Technology and Digital Systems. Seminar, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication Studies 191D: Variable Topics Research Seminars: Political and Legal Communication. Seminar, three hours. Selected Topics. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in a specific term.

Communication Studies 194: Research Group Seminar. Discussion of research methods and current literature in the field of communication studies or discussion of faculty’s or student’s own research.

Communication Studies 198 A, B, C . Honors Research.

198A. Requisites: courses 10, 150. Limited to junior/senior majors. Development of comprehensive research project under direct supervision of faculty member.

198B. Requisite: course 198A. Continuation of work initiated in course 198A. Presentation of summary of data gathered on relevant progress to supervising faculty member.

198C. Requisite: course 198B. Completion of research developed in courses 198A, 198B. Presentation of honors project to supervising faculty member. Individual contract required.

Communication Studies 199: Directed Research. Supervised individual research or investigation under guidance of a faculty mentor.

Anthropology 135A: Introduction to Psychological Anthropology: Historical Development. Prerequisite: course 9 or consent of instructor. Survey of the field of psychological anthropology, with emphasis on early foundations and historical development of the field. Topics include study of personality, pathology and deviance, altered states of consciousness, cognition, motivation, and emotion in different cultural settings.

Anthropology 135B: Introduction to Psychological Anthropology: Current Topics and Research. Prerequisite: upper division standing or consent of instructor. Survey of the field of psychological anthropology, with emphasis on current topics and research. Topics include study of personality, pathology and deviance, altered states of consciousness, cognition, motivation, and emotion in different cultural settings.

Anthropology M140: Language in Culture. (Same as Linguistics M146) Prerequisite: upper division standing or consent of instructor. Study of language as an aspect of culture; the relation of habitual thought and behavior to language; and language and the classification of experience. Holistic approach to study of language, with emphasis on relationship of linguistic anthropology to fields of biological, cultural and social anthropology, as well as archaeology.

Anthropology 141: Ethnography of Everyday Speech. Prerequisites: course 33, upper division standing or consent of instructor. Course has two interrelated objectives: to introduce students to ethnography of communication -- description and analysis of situated communicative behavior -- and the sociocultural knowledge which it reflects and (2) to train students to recognize, describe and analyze the relevant linguistic, proxemic and kinesic aspects of face-to-face interaction.

Anthropology 142A-142B . Microethnography of Communication. Course 142A or Sociology CM124A or consent of instructor is prerequisite to 142B. Students make primary records (sound tape, videotape or film) of naturally occurring social interactions, which are analyzed in class for the interactive tasks, resources and accomplishments displayed. Laboratory and fieldwork outside of class and minimal fees to offset costs of equipment maintenance and insurance required.

Anthropology 142B: Human Social Ethology. See Anthropology 142A.

Anthropology M145: Afro-American Sociolinguistics: Black English. (Same as Afro-American studies M166) Basic information on Black American English, an important minority dialect in the U. S. Social implications of minority dialects examined from perspectives of their genesis, maintenance and social functions. General problems and issues in the fields of sociolinguistics examined through a case-study approach.

English 115A: American Popular Literature. Prerequisite: satisfaction of Subject A requirement. Study of main currents of popular and cultural taste as reflected in such genres as dime novels, detective fiction and Western stories.

Film/Television 106A . History of the American Motion Picture. Historical and critical survey, with examples, of the American motion picture both as a developing art form and as a medium of mass communication.

Film/Television 108 . History of Documentary Film. Philosophy of documentary approach in the motion picture. Development of critical standards and examination of techniques of teaching and persuasion used in selected documentary, educational and propaganda films.

Film/Television 110A: History of Broadcasting. Critical survey of broadcasting here and abroad. Consideration of social responsibilities and educational implications of broadcasting.

Film/Television 116: Film Criticism. Study of and practice in film criticism.

Geography 138: Place, Identity, and the Networked World. Communications technologies, such as personal computers and Internet, seem to be connected to dramatic changes in identities of people, groups, and places. Exploration of those changes and their implications for social institutions and human values and practices.

History 140A: U. S. 20th Century. Political, economic, intellectual and cultural aspects of American democracy. 1900 to 1928.

History 140B . U. S. 20th Century. 1929 to 1945.

History 140C: The United States Since 1945. History of the political, social and diplomatic developments that have shaped the United States since 1945.

History 142A: Intellectual History of the U. S. Principal ideas about humans and God, nature and society, which have been at work in American history. Sources of these ideas, their connections with one another, their relationship to American life, and their expression in great documents of American thought.

History 142B: Intellectual History of the U. S. See History 142A.

History 147A: American Social History, 1750-1860. Historical analysis of American society and culture, with emphasis on the family, religious values, Afro-American life, women's work, urbanization and industrialization, immigration and nativism, and movements for social reform.

History 147B: American Social History, 1860-1960. See History 147A.

Linguistics 103 . Introduction to General Phonetics. Prerequisite: one prior linguistics course or course 20 concurrently. Phonetics of a variety of languages and phonetic phenomena that occur in languages of the world. Extensive practice in perception and production of such phenomena.

Linguistics 170: Language and Society: Introduction to Socio-Linguistics. Prerequisite: course 20 or consent of instructor. Study of the patterned covariation of language and society; social dialects and social styles in language; problems of multilingual societies.

Philosophy 172: Philosophy of Language and Communication. Prerequisites: two relevant philosophy or linguistics courses or consent of instructor. Theories of meaning and communication; how words refer to things; limits of meaningfulness; analysis of speech acts; relation of everyday language to scientific discoveries.

Political Science

Political Science 114A: American Political Thought. Exposition and critical analysis of American political thinkers from the Puritan period to 1865.

Political Science 114B . American Political Thought. Prerequisite: course 114A or consent of instructor. Exposition and critical analysis of American political thinkers from 1865 to present.

Political Science 141A: Political Psychology. (Same as Psychology M138.) Lecture, three or four hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Requisite: course 40. Designed for juniors/seniors. Examination of political behavior, political socialization, personality and politics, racial conflict, and psychological analysis of public opinion on these issues. P/NP or letter grading.

Political Science 141B: Public Opinion and Voting Behavior. Prerequisite: course 40. Study of character and formation of political attitudes and public opinion. Role of public opinion in elections, relationship of political attitudes to the vote decision, and influence of public opinion on public policy formulation.

Political Science 141C: Political Behavior Analysis. Lecture, three or four hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Requisites: courses 6, 40, 141B. Designed for juniors/seniors. Advanced course in use of quantitative methods in study of political behavior, especially in relation to voting patterns, political participation, and techniques of political action. Students conduct computer-aided analyses of issues and problems treated in course 141B and similar courses. P/NP or letter grading.

Political Science 141E: Elections, Media, and Strategy. Lecture, three or four hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Requisite: course 30. Designed for juniors/seniors. Analysis of elections and media, including game-theoretic analysis, Downs spatial model of elections, valence characteristics in elections, campaign finance, endogeneity problems in social sciences, liberal bias in media, industrial organization of news industry, and effects of media on voter decisions. May be applied toward Field III or V. P/NP or letter grading.

Political Science M142D: Understanding Public Issue Life Cycle. (Formerly numbered 142D.) (Same as Public Policy M127) Lecture, three or four hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Recommended preparation: courses 10, 40, and one course from Economics 1, 2, 5, 11, 100, or 101. Examination of how public issue life cycle is shaped by (1) economic and political incentives of various actors--business, news media, mass public, organized interests, Congress, the president, regulatory agencies, and courts and (2) ideology, cognitive biases, and ethical reasoning.

Psychology 135: Social Psychology. Prerequisite: courses 10, 41, junior standing. Interrelationships between the individual and his/her social environment. Social influences upon motivation, perception, and behavior. The development and change of attitudes and opinions. Psychological analysis of small groups, social stratification, and mass phenomena.

Psychology 137C: Close Relationships. Prerequisites: courses 10, 41, 135. Examination of research and theory about friendship, dating, and marriage, with emphasis on how these relationships are affected by gender and changing sex roles.

Psychology 137I: Interpersonal Influence and Social Power. Prerequisite: course 135. Theory and research focusing on how people influence one another and resist such influence, and on the bases of social power. Motivations and effects of influence for the powerholder and target of influence. Applications to such problems and issues as power and leadership in organizations, interpersonal influence and health, power relationships in the family, interpersonal influence in everyday life, social power of political figures.

Psychology M165: The Psychology of Gender. (Same as Women's Studies M165) Consideration of psychological literature relevant to understanding contemporary sex differences. Topics include sex-role development and role conflict, physiological and personality differences between men and women, sex differences in intellectual abilities and achievement, and the impact of gender on social interaction.

Psychology 177: Counseling Relationships. Prerequisites: courses 10, 41, 127, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, or junior or senior psychology major standing. Conceptual and empirical foundations of psychological counseling; comparison of alternative models of counseling processes. Emphasis on counseling approaches in community mental health areas such as drug abuse, suicide prevention, and crisis intervention.

Psychology 178: Human Motivation. Prerequisite: upper division standing. Examination of theories of human motivation, experimental findings supporting the theories, and history of study of motivation. Topics include sociobiology, conflict, aspiration level, achievement strivings, and causal attributions.

Sociology 132: Social Psychology: Sociological Approaches. Survey of contribution of sociologists to theory and research in social psychology, including theories of social control; conformity and deviation; reference groups; and interaction process.

Sociology 133: Collective Behavior. Prerequisites: courses 1, 18 or equivalent, upper division standing. Characteristics of crowds, mobs, publics, social movements and revolutions; their relation to social unrest and their role in developing and changing social organization.

Sociology 134 . Culture and Personality. Prerequisites: courses 1, 18 or equivalent, upper division standing. Theories of relation of variations in personality to culture and group life, in primitive and modern societies, and influence of social role on behavior.

Sociology 156: Ethnic and Status Groups. Characteristics of "visible" ethnic groups (e. g. Japanese, Mexican and black); their organization, acculturation and differentiation. Development, operation and effects of selective immigration and population mobility. Status of chief minorities in the continental U. S. with comparative materials from Jamaica, Hawaii and other areas.