Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Dating questionnaire relationship

Beat the odds,

Meet the man behind eHarmony

Dr. Neil Clark Warren, Founder

Dr. Warren is a clinical psychologist and author of eight books on love, marriage and emotional health. During 35 years of counseling thousands of married couples, Dr. Warren observed a set of characteristics that seemed to be present in all successful relationships. He called them the 29 Dimensions of Compatibility. After extensive research involving thousands of married couples, Dr. Warren confirmed that these dimensions were indeed highly predictive of relationship success and could be used to match singles. Ten years later, eHarmony's compatibility matching is responsible for nearly 4% of U. S. marriages.*

*2012 U. S. survey conducted for eHarmony by Harris Interactive®

eHarmony - #1 Trusted Online Dating Site for Singles

eHarmony is the first service within the online dating industry to use a scientific approach to matching highly compatible singles. eHarmony's matching is based on using its 29 DIMENSIONS® model to match couples based on features of compatibility found in thousands of successful relationships.

eHarmony is committed to helping singles find love every day . and with over 20 million registered online users, we are confident in our ability to do so. The eHarmony Compatibility Matching System® matches single women and men based on 29 Dimensions® of Compatibility for lasting and fulfilling relationships.

Traditional Internet dating can be challenging for those singles looking for love that lasts. But eHarmony is not a traditional dating site. Of all the single men or women you may meet online, very few will be compatible with you specifically, and it can be difficult to determine the level of compatibility of a potential partner through methods of conventional dating services – browsing classified ads, online personals, or viewing profile photos. Our Compatibility Matching System does the work for you by narrowing the field from thousands of single prospects to match you with a select group of compatible matches with whom you can build a quality relationship.

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Nearly 4% of U. S. Newlyweds Can't Be Wrong

eHarmony is different than other online dating websites and services, and we believe our success speaks for itself. On average, 438 people get married every day in the United States because of eHarmony; that accounts for nearly 4% of new U. S. marriages.* At eHarmony, we believe you deserve to find love – true love that comes with a lasting relationship. Because of this, we are committed to assisting singles everywhere in their search to find love and romantic fulfillment.

*2012 U. S. survey conducted for eHarmony by Harris Interactive® online, very few will be compatible with you specifically, and it can be difficult to determine the level of compatibility of a potential partner through methods of conventional dating services – browsing classified ads, online personals, or viewing profile photos. Our Compatibility Matching System does the work for you by narrowing the field from thousands of single prospects to match you with a select group of compatible matches with whom you can build a quality relationship.

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Unlike traditional dating websites, eHarmony matches compatible men and women based on 29 Dimensions of Compatibility that are predictors of long-term relationship success. Determining compatibility through conventional dating methods could take months, or even years, of interaction between you and your potential partner. At eHarmony, we deliver more than personal ads . We are committed to matching you with truly compatible men or women in order to provide you with the best online dating and relationship experience possible. This is one of the many reasons why eHarmony is now the #1 Trusted Online Dating Site for American singles.

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eHarmony Success Stories

If you've met someone special through eHarmony, please contact us and let us know how it all started and how the relationship is progressing. Thousands of eHarmony couples have shared their stories with us. To learn more about eHarmony success stories, simply click the link below.

Find True Compatibility Today

Good relationships are good for you. People in supportive, loving relationships are more likely to feel healthier, happier and satisfied with their lives and less likely to have mental or physical health problems. Most people want to have a stable long-term relationship but the statistics show that it is difficult to achieve. One in three first marriages ends in divorce as do two in three second marriages. Recovery from a marital/relationship breakdown is usually slow.

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eHarmony is committed to helping senior men and women find love every day. With over 20 million registered users, we are confident in our ability to do so. The eHarmony Compatibility Matching System® is the key point of differentiation between our service and that of traditional senior dating sites. It is also the main driver of our matching success. Our Compatibility Matching System narrows the field from thousands of senior singles to match you with a select group of compatible senior men or women with whom you can build healthy and happy relationships.

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Why is eHarmony Compatibility Matching Important?

Out of all the single people you may meet, very few of those individuals are actually compatible with you. It also can be challenging to determine the level of compatibility of a potential partner through the traditional online dating protocol of browsing profiles and photos. Determining compatibility could take years of getting to know someone. Unlike traditional senior dating sites, eHarmony only matches you with those individuals who are compatible with you.

Our Success Speaks for Itself

Thousands of couples have shared their stories with us. If you’ve met someone special through eHarmony, please let us hear about it. Or to learn more about eHarmony success couples, simply click the link below.

Help in evaluating the emotional health of your marriage.

1. Does the person use physical force or threats of force to make you do something you don’t want to do or to keep you from doing something you want to do?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

2. Does the person use verbal weapons such as cursing, name calling, degrading comments, constant criticism, or blaming to get you to do something you don’t want to do or to keep you from doing something you want to do?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

3. Does the person curse at you, call you names, humiliate you in public, or degrade you when he or she is unhappy with something you do?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

4. Does the person force or manipulate you to perform sexually in ways you do not want to?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

5. Do you ever feel afraid of the person?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

6. Does the person yell, scream, curse, or hurt you physically when he or she is frustrated or angry?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

7. Does the person threaten to alienate your children from you or use them to intimidate you into giving in to what he or she wants?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

8. Are you afraid to disagree with the person?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

9. When you share your thoughts and feelings about something important to you, does the person ignore you, make fun of you, or dismiss you?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

10. Are you verbally or physically abusive, or both, toward the person?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

11. Does the person always think he or she is right to the point of arguing with you until you concede or give up?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

12. Does the person make most of your decisions for you?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

13. Does the person control the family money, giving you little or no say?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

14. Have you given up things that were important to you because the person pressured you?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

15. Does the person pout or withdraw from you from extended periods of time when he or she is angry or upset with you?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

16. When you ask for a time-out or don’t want to talk about something anymore, does the person keep badgering you to engage?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

17. Does the person lie to you?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

18. Have you observed the person lying to others?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

19. Does the person tell you something didn’t happen, when you know it did?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

20. Does the person question or challenge your certainty of what he or she said or did?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

21. Does the person depend on you to meet all his or her needs?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

22. Do you feel more like a child than an adult in the relationship?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

23. Are you emotionally devastated when the person is upset with you or doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

24. When you try to talk with the person about your feelings or something that’s bothering you, do you end up feeling like the trouble is entirely your fault?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

25. When the person does something wrong, does he or she blame you or anyone else for it?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

26. Does the other person make excuses for his or her behavior (anger, jealousy, lies)?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

27. Do you feel loved and cared for in the relationship?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

28. Can you safely express an opinion that is different from the person’s?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

29. Does the person show interest in you and your needs?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

30. Are you able to express your honest thoughts and feelings with the person?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

31. When the person does something wrong, does he or she admit it and take responsibility for it?

Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Almost Always

If you answered any question up through question 26 with anything other than never . you are likely in an unhealthy relationship.

If you answered most questions with sometimes . frequently . or almost always . you are definitely in a destructive and likely an abusive relationship. Now go back and look at which questions in particular you answered with any answer other than never.

Questions 1-16 describe the main characteristics of an abusive relationship where the abuser’s desire for power and control is at the root. If answering this questionnaire has revealed to you that you are in an abusive relationship, please seek appropriate help from those in your church or community who are experts in helping victims of abusive relationships. (You will find information about various resources at the back of the book.) If you answered seldom to any question in this group, you still may be in danger, depending upon the severity of the abuse. Once a year is seldom, but it is still too often in a long-term relationship such as a marriage.

Question 10 looks in particular for patterns of mutual abuse. If you answered this question with frequently or almost always . then your relationship might be more mutually abusive. Review questions 1-16 and ask them about yourself. Are you engaging in the same abusive behaviors that you cite in the other person.

Questions 11-17 reflect less obvious ways in which the relationship may be controlling. That does not mean it is not abusive, but if you answered never to questions 1-9, you may be in a controlling relationship that is not obviously abusive.

Questions 17-20 describe a relationship where deceit is present. If most of your answers reflect problems in this area, your relationship is built on lies and it is unstable. You cannot trust someone who does not tell you the truth. And without trust, no relationship can endure.

Questions 21-23 describe a relationship that is overdependent.

Questions 24-26 describe a person who does not take personal responsibility for behavior or wrongdoing.

Stop here and name some of the specific destructive elements in your relationship with this particular person. Is there physical, verbal, or sexual abuse? How about controlling behaviors and attitudes? Is there more mutual abuse? Are you too dependent? Is there deceit or a lack of personal accountability or responsibility?

Questions 27-31 describe the basic elements of a healthy relationship. If you answered never or seldom to any of these questions, your answers indicate that your relationship is unhealthy and probably destructive.

Taken from: The Emotionally Destructive Relationship . Copyright © 2007 by Leslie Vernick. Published by Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR. Used by permission.

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