Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Dating quiz

The Fresh 25

Dedicated to the late great E. Gary Gygax, the father of modern RPGs.

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Hello. Quizzy?

Know that feeling you get when a test is being passed out in class? That chest rattling thump. The shaky, clammy hands. Maybe you should've studied more. Maybe you studied too much. Either way, that anxiety sucks.

In steps HelloQuizzy, where tests are fun again. Ditch the clammy, keep the shaky, cause you'll be shaking with excitement! Take all sort of tests, from personality tests that gauge whether you really are crazy or not, to tests that probe the depths of your knowledge on spelunking.

Interested in writing your own tests? That's testacular! HelloQuizzy has an amazing test writing engine. We think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it really is. So go ahead, write that test to see if someone has the deep emotional scars you think they do.

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Create and Share Tests Online

The Fresh 25

Dedicated to the late great E. Gary Gygax, the father of modern RPGs.

Don't see one you like?

Hello. Quizzy?

Know that feeling you get when a test is being passed out in class? That chest rattling thump. The shaky, clammy hands. Maybe you should've studied more. Maybe you studied too much. Either way, that anxiety sucks.

In steps HelloQuizzy, where tests are fun again. Ditch the clammy, keep the shaky, cause you'll be shaking with excitement! Take all sort of tests, from personality tests that gauge whether you really are crazy or not, to tests that probe the depths of your knowledge on spelunking.

Interested in writing your own tests? That's testacular! HelloQuizzy has an amazing test writing engine. We think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it really is. So go ahead, write that test to see if someone has the deep emotional scars you think they do.

Love it? Hate it? Indifferent?

We love hearing from our users! Let us know what you love, what you hate, and everything in-between. Seriously, let us know .

Create and Share Tests Online

Mingle 2

Welcome to the best free dating site on the web.

Also, put away your credit card, our site is totally free (and always will be)

We know online dating can be frustrating, so we built our site with one goal in mind: Make online dating free, easy, and fun for everyone.

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Loveisrespect. org

Ending Unhealthy Relationships

Today's post was written by Alexis O. a member of the National Youth Advisory Board. To learn more about the NYAB, click here .

When I was growing up, I watched my mother fall in and out of love with men who were nothing but bad for her. There was never a day when my mother and her man of the week weren’t at each others throats, and I watched, day after day as he verbally and physically abused her. Later in the day she would go crawling back, because she thought no one else would want her - a thought put in her head by the same person who had earlier called her a “stupid slut.” I always knew somewhere deep down that their behavior was abnormal, and I swore to myself to never end up like my mother had.

And I have not. Very few people know about the way I grew up. I disclose as little of my past as possible, because I believe that my past is no longer a part of me. But everyone knows about my refusal to be treated as less than, and my boyfriends over the years have had to learn that as well. There has only been one incident where my partner treated me as less than a goddess and in the end, I broke up with him.

I say that like it was easy, though. It was not. I knew that he was wrong for me from the minute he told me that I was his girlfriend so he could do whatever he wanted to me, whenever he wanted. This came after I got angry with him for being too clingy and grabby in public. When I thought it over later and decided to break up with him, I tried. But he cried and told me he was sorry, and that it would never happen again, and that he loved me more than anyone he had ever met, and I couldn’t do it. That’s the thing about abusers. They are not wholly evil. And they are damn good liars that sometimes they even fool themselves. But if they get away with something once, they start pushing their boundaries and pretty soon they are telling you that they didn’t rape you because you never said no, in fact you didn’t say anything. That’s when I realized if I didn’t break up with this boy, I would marry him and have children with him and be forced to spend my life with a man I didn’t love telling me that what I did or didn’t want wasn’t important. I remembered that promise I made to myself as I little girl to never end up like my mother, and I left.

The thing about unhealthy relationships is that we want to believe that person can change. We want to believe that if we stick around they will stop insulting us to keep us with them longer. That they will get over their rough patch in life and they won’t have to hit us when we mess up. But I am here to tell you as a survivor of multiple types of abuse that they don’t change, and it is important to realize that. I wish I could say that you can change them. That if you want it enough, and try enough, your partner will stop hitting you, insulting you, isolating you. But for a person to change, they have to want it, and abusers are oftentimes in denial about who they are, so they are going to get angry for you even suggesting there is something wrong with who they are as a person. If you find yourself dating someone who hits you, even once, it's not okay. You have the right to tell someone. Your partner is going to make you feel like you are scum for trying to make them look bad, but you should not be ashamed of defending yourself, and preserving your well-being. It is not your fault they abuse you, physically, verbally, or emotionally. It is never your fault.

Healthy relationships should be based off of equality and respect, not control and power. In a healthy relationship you are not afraid of your partner's anger, because they aren’t a threat to you. You feel safe, supported, happy, and excited to be around each other. You respect each other, have lives that are separate from each other, but can come back and be a unit at any given time. In healthy relationships, both parties have a right to privacy. If your partner is forcing you to allow them to read your text messages or emails or Facebook messages, there is a problem.

Remember, love is respect. And you deserve that. Don’t settle for anything less.

If you are seeing some of the warning signs that your relationship might be unhealthy or abusive, our peer advocates are here to help! Call, chat or text anytime, 24/7.

Dating coach


Technique [ edit ]

Dating coaches offer a wide range of services, such as electronic books and newsletters, personal coaching, small group seminars, and weekend workshops. One-on-one coaching can involve counselling and in-the-field coaching, [ 1 ] which can involve practicing flirting [ 2 ] or going out with a coach of the sex the client is attracted to on a mock date and being critiqued throughout the date. [ 3 ] They are distinct from matchmakers because they coach people on finding their own dates whereas matchmakers arrange dates for their clients. [ 2 ] Coaching styles and programs differ from provider to provider, and may include advice on the art of conversation. pickup lines. how to dress, appropriate forms of touch, and anything else that may improve dating prospects. [ 4 ] Others provide guidance on how to date multiple people simultaneously, without getting caught. [ 5 ] Common elements of dating coaches' tips include the need to decide what you are looking for and remain positive. [ 2 ]

Some dating coaches specialize in helping with online dating. [ 6 ] This could include helping people rewrite their online profiles to obtain better results, [ 7 ] start initial email conversations, get professional photo shoots, and so on.

Dating seminars [ edit ]

Dating seminars are taught by coaches working for commercial dating companies. In these seminars, coaches teach participants to meet romantic partners. Sometimes dating coaches take the clients out in public to help the clients approach and seduce women. [ 1 ] This method of teaching is heavily linked to the seduction community and the companies which cater to it.

Different dating seminars can take vastly different approaches to the subject. Christian dating seminars, for example, may stress differences between love and lust and knowing one's own self-worth. [ 8 ] Muslim dating seminars may also deal with how to find a mate without compromising religious principles. [ 9 ] There are options to become certified dating coach for individuals who are interested in finding job in dating field. [ 10 ]

Stigma [ edit ]

Dating coaching is often stigmatized. Many people believe that teaching romance is demeaning and unethical, while many others believe it is impossible. These critics acknowledge that most people seek romantic advice, but argue that professional romantic coaching differs from amateur advice in scope and context. [ 11 ] Others feel [ who? ] that dating presents challenges unsuited to amateur intervention, and that chaotic dating norms and mixed social messages necessitate some form of instruction. Further, they feel that personal romantic barriers differ from other sorts of personal barriers so that coaching can be uniquely fruitful. [ 12 ] Moreover, many argue that changing social norms have been particularly challenging for men. Because many economic and social obstacles to relationship dissolution have been eroded, sex appeal and relationship smarts may be necessary to compensate for devalued traditional traits, such as a strong work ethic or good and stable income. [ 13 ]

There is evidence that the stigma against dating coaches is weakening. [ 14 ] Both the film Hitch (featuring Will Smith ) and the reality TV show The Pick-up Artist indicate a growing awareness of the presence of dating coaches in society and their function. However, according to Salon . most men wanting pickup tips do not get coaches but they read books.

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