Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Dating quizzes

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Wonder how well you match with your crush or significant other? Our new Compatibility Test uses a number of factors to see how well two people match up. You could even match yourself with celebrities, or match your friends!

Dating Strengths and Weaknesses Quiz

The sister quiz to the Dating Profile Quiz is now complete. Be one of the first to take the Dating Strengths and Weaknesses Quiz and discover your personal strengths and weaknesses. You may also be interested in our other quiz, the Loneliness Quotient Test .

Great Idea For This Winter

Plan a getaway trip for you and your significant other. Escape the cold by exploring exotic, sun-drenched locales. Need more convincing? Read 10 Reasons to Treat Yourself to a Cruise .

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Robert consulted with me because his wife, Andrea, was no longer interested in having sex with him.

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Dating Quizzes

Relationships are truly complicated. Your best friend may fall for your friend and become her lover. And, your lover can become your friend. Ok, so is your best friend in love with your friend? Take the quiz below to know more.

Are you in love or is it only friendship? There is a difference between the two. If you are in love, you will know for sure for signs of friendships are a tad different. Is it love or friendship, take the quiz below to know.

Is he the kind of guy you want to hold on to or not? Take this quiz to find out if he is a keeper or not.

Are you touch and macho enough or are you shy and introvert like a girl? Take this quiz to find out how masculine you are.

It's a common thing to fall for your best friend. The emotions of friendship turn into love in no time, and you can't really live without that person. Are you and your best friend falling in love? Take the quiz below.

Dating Tips, Love and Relationship Advice.

Welcome to DatingTips. ws

The website where you can share your own little sparking gems of romantic wisdom with the world!

Who better to help you find a new girlfriend or boyfriend than people who have been there before? Here you can take the good times, and the bad times, and turn them into a piece of usefull dating information for the rest of the world! Find love, and help others find love!

If sharing is not your thing, you can read some of our articles written by our relationships expert, or take some of our romance and dating quizzes! Most of all, enjoy yourself and tell your friends about DatingTips. ws!

The quizzes with a magenta marble are also listed within the section or digital handout to which they apply.

The twenty-one quizzes with a green marble and designated "Practice" have been adapted from the instructor's manual and other ancillary materials accompanying Sentence Sense: A Writer's Guide . They are duplicated here with permission of the author, Evelyn Farbman, and the publisher, Houghton Mifflin Inc.

The seventeen quizzes with a gold marble were written by the English faculty at an estimable midwestern university and are used here with the permission of that department.

The ten quizzes with a red marble were prepared by students in Professor Karyn Hollis's Tutor Training course at Villanova University.

Clicking on the NUMBER immediately before the quiz's name will take you to the section of the Guide pertaining to the grammatical issue(s) addressed in that quiz. Quizzes done in Javascript are followed by (js) and those done with CGI are followed by (cgi).

Clicking on the Guide's logo at the top of a quiz-page will bring you back to this page. Other navigational aids will appear at the bottom of each page.

Take the Hartford Courant and Northeast Magazine GRAMMAR QUOTIENT CHALLENGE .


Identifying Sentence Parts (js)

Sentence Parts: Basic (js)

Body Parts: Quiz One (js)

Body Parts: Quiz Two (js)

Body Parts: Quiz Three (js)

Body Parts: Quiz Four (js)

Recognizing Nouns (js)

Exercise in Naming Nouns (js)

Count and Non-Count Nouns (cgi)

Nouns (Crossword) (js)

Identifying Simple & Compound Subjects (js)

Using Articles (js)

Using Articles II (js)

Articles and Determiners (cgi)

Basic Quiz on Quantifiers (js)

Quantifiers (js)

Recognizing Adjectives (js)

Adjective Order (Java)

Adjectives (cgi)

Adverbs (cgi)

Adverb Order (Java)

Recognizing Prepositions (js)

Prepositions (js)

Prepositions at Crosswords (js)

Prepositions at Crosswords II (js)

Prepositions at Crosswords III (larger) (js)


Recognizing Verbs & Verb Strings (js)

Recognizing Verbs & Verb Strings II (js)

Identifying Verb Tenses (js)

Verb Tense and Sentence Order (js)

Subject-Verb Agreement (cgi)

Subject-Verb Agreement II (js)

Subject-Verb Agreement III (js)

Practice: Subject-Verb Agreement I (cgi)

Practice: Subject-Verb Agreement II (cgi)

Practice: Subject-Verb Agreement III (cgi)

Practice: Subject-Verb Agreement IV (cgi)

Agreement Problems (js)

Agreement Problems II (js)

Exercise in Verb Tense Consistency (js)

Consistency in Tense and Pronouns (cgi)

Irregular Verbs (cgi)

Irregular Verbs II (js)

Irregular Verbs III (js)

Irregular Verbs (Crossword) (js)

Using the Subjunctive (cgi)

Conditional Verb Forms (js)

Modal Auxiliaries (cgi)

Phrasal Verbs (js)

Phrasal Verbs II (js)

Recognizing and Changing Passive Constructions (js)

Practice: Test on - s Word Endings II (cgi)

Practice: Test on - s Word Endings III (cgi)

Practice: Test on Verb Endings (js)

Practice: Final - ed Verb Endings II (cgi)

Practice: Final - ed Verb Endings III (js)

Gerunds and Infinitives (js)

Gerunds and Infinitives II (js)


Independent Clauses (js)

Independent Clauses II (cgi)

Ingredients of Independent Clauses (js)

Dependent Clause Functions (js)

Dependent Clauses (js)

Types of Sentences (cgi)

Recognizing Phrase Functions (js)

Verbal (and other) Phrases (js)


Repairing Sentence Fragments (js)

Fragments and Run-on Sentences (cgi)

Practice: Sentence Fragments (cgi)

Practice: Sentence Fragments II (cgi)

Practice: Sentence Fragments III (cgi)

Fragments & Types of Sentences (js)

Avoiding Comma Splices (js)

Avoiding Comma Splices II (js)

Repairing Run-on Sentences (js)

Practice: Run-on Sentences (cgi)

Practice: Run-on Sentences II (cgi)

Modifier Placement (cgi)

Modifier Placement II (js)


Commas with Coordinating Conjunctions (js)

Commas with Introductory Elements (js)

Commas: Fill-in-the-blanks (js)

Comma Usage (js)

Punctuation: Fill-in-the-blanks (js)

Punctuation (cgi)

Punctuation II (js)

Punctuation III (js)

Punctuation IV (js)

Punctuation V (js)

Apostrophes (js)

Colons (js)

Quotation Marks (js)

Basic Mechanics (js)

Compound Nouns and Modifiers (cgi)

Capitalization Quiz (cgi)

Plurals and Possessives (cgi)

Irregular Plurals and Non-Count Nouns (js)

Possessives & Irregular Plurals (cgi)

Practice: - s Word Endings (cgi)



Sentence-Combining Skills I (js)

Sentence-Combining Skills II (js)

Sentence-Combining Skills III (js)

Writing Concise Sentences (js)

Eliminating Wordiness (js)

Rewriting Bloated Sentences (js)

Coherence and Transitions (js)

Parallel Structures (cgi)

Parallel Structures II (js)

Parallelism III (js)

Illogical Comparisons & Mixed Constructions (js)

Variety in Modifier Placement (js)

Variety in Subject Placement (js)

Gender Neutral Language (js)


Notorious Confusables I (cgi)

Notorious Confusables II (js)

Notorious Confusables III (js)

Notorious Confusables IV (js)

Notorious Confusables V (js)

Its/It's and There/Their/They're (cgi)

Lie/Lay and Sit/Set (cgi)

Except/Accept and Affect/Effect (js)


Spelling Quiz I (cgi)

Spelling Quiz II (cgi)

Spelling Quiz III (Endings) (cgi)

Spelling Quiz IV (with sound) (cgi)

Spelling Quiz V (with sound) (cgi)

Spelling Quiz VI (with sound) (cgi)

Spelling Quiz VII (with sound) (cgi)

Practice: Spelling (cgi)

Practice: Spelling II (cgi)

Practice: Spelling III (cgi)

VOCABULARY (College Level)

The Pop-Up Lexicon accompanies the vocabulary quizzes and contains an extensive list of vocabulary words, definitions, and example sentences.

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