Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Dating quotes tumblr

Gilmore Girls Quotes

"LORELAI: There’s something about Weston’s, it’s always the place where we ‘talk’."

"LORELAI. Hey, do you think today is the day we’re finally going to go through all twelve layers of the twelve-layer German chocolate cake? The bikers have demonstrated the importance of challenging oneself"

"MICHEL: I’m going to be unemployed. A very attractive asset on the dating scene. You know, we have our own little section at Match. com."

"LORELAI: I now love bike riders so much, that from now on when driving I will no longer consider how many points I’d get if I took them out."

"GIL. Next time I won’t wait for the money, and my kid can just paint himself silver and do the robot on the street corner"

Trust No One

Mulder: Whatever happened to playing a hunch, Scully? The element of surprise, random acts of unpredictability? If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced. What are we doing up here, Scully? It’s hotter than hell.

Scully: I know you’re bored in this assignment, Mulder, but unconventional thinking is only gonna get you in trouble now.

Mulder: What makes you think I’m bored?

Scully: You’ve gotta quit looking for what isn’t there. They’ve closed the X-files. There’s procedure to be followed now … protocol.

Mulder: Maybe we should call in a bomb threat to Houston. I think it’s free beer night at the Astrodome.

Fight the Future - First X Files film.

Erase the messages, delete the numbers and move on. You don’t have to forget them, but just accept that they aren’t that person anymore…

About this Tumblr

A place to share quotes I find, that I absolutely love. I mostly share quotes I relate to in some way. About love, lost love or unrequited love. Since I've experienced quite a bit of that, unfortunately.

I reblog A LOT (most quotes posted here DO NOT originate from me, if it's a reblog the source stays with the quote).

I may or may not post political & feminist quotes so be prepared.

I'm sorry but I do not promo people.(I've had quite a few requests lately)

I am 38 years old and live just outside Chicago

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(this is one of my subtumblrs, so I can't follow back with this tumblr)

* I take no credit for the quotes or pictures I put here unless they are my own. **If there is anything you would like removed (if it's YOUR quote) please let me know.

**If you reblog please keep the credit**

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