Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Dating reddit

Geological Age Criticism: Two Responses

And a Few Good Lessons

If a student ever challenges you with criticisms of the reliability or validity of geological age-dating methods, point out that.

1. all such critiques so far have been soundly discredited, and

2. there is, to date, NO empirical evidence or study that even suggests a young Earth (6.000 to 10,000 year age).

Provide a copy of Evidence for Ancient Earth (links and introductions for two articles, one by Christian physicist Roger Wiens, the other by radiochronologist G. Brent Dalrymple). Then tactfully and gently challenge that person to bring you a link to any empirical study pointing to a young Earth. After all, this is the way scientists test alternative ideas.

For a broader perspective . for students who have deep conflicts between their religious views and the scientific findings of modern geology, recommend this book: Young, Davis A. and Ralph F. Stearley. 2008. The Bible, Rocks and Time . IVP Academic, Illinois. This excellent book provides an in-depth Christian perspective of the history and various interpretations of biblical accounts of creation vs the solid geological evidence of an ancient Earth. Special attention is given to the many assertions by Young-Earth Creationists and how those views simply do not fit real world observations and their most rational interpretations. Any student or teacher wanting to find resolution to perceived conflicts between their Young-Earth views and modern geology should read this book. It also includes an excellent historical review of the development of geology and paleontology. CLICK HERE for a review of the book and a link to order it online.

BTW, correspondence with one of the authors (Stearley) revealed a significant error on page 310: The thickest part of the Uinta Basin of the Green River formation in NE Utah is around 10,000 ft. (not 22,000 as printed). Also, earlier, on page 259, the 2500 ft. measure for the thickest part of the Green River formation refers only to the Green River Basin proper in SW Wyoming.

LABS FOR TEACHING GEOLOGICAL AGE . Seriously consider providing a few experiences for your students that offer compelling evidence for a very old Earth (several billions of years). Take a look especially at these on the ENSI site:

Varve Dating (students actually count the annual layers in a sample of ancient lake bed sediments of the Green River formation, and extrapolate to several million years, based on the total thickness of the formation.)

Deep Time (introduces the Virtual Age Dating tutorial)

Virtual Age Dating (online tutorials; can be done as homework assignment)

Find these lessons (and others) in Geo-Paleo section of the Evolution Index

Patterns in Time (students relate deep time to familiar time in the same scale)


by Christopher Geegory Weber

You're Not A Slut For Enjoying Sex

Alexispinpgh said: It's okay to like sex. It's okay to want sex to be fun for you and to communicate to your partner the best ways to make it fun for you.

Heating pads are a godsend for period cramps. A hot bath works even better if you can do it.

Be who you want to be. Be exactly as funny, independent, smart, secy, annoying, complicated, and talkative as you are. Someone will appreciate it and they're the ones you want to appreciate you anyway.

Try the DivaCup or similar products. They sound gross but they make periods way easier.

Check your breasts once a month for lumps, about a week after your period is the best time to do it. There are a lot of simple graphic guides online to show how.

Don't be intimidated by what you're "supposed" to do as a woman. So much good advice here!

Don't Act Stupid To Be Cute

FayMoUgles said: Acting stupid and ditzy may attract guys but I doubt they're the right kind.

If you hate yourself (like many of us do) don't do anything crazy, try to change things slowing in a healthy way and work to find what you love.

Don't use your boyfriend to validate that you are what you want to be, you probably aren't what you want to be but remember you are what he loves.

Saying you hate girls or girls are always bitches doesn't make you seem cool to guys or interesting or attractive. It makes you seem like a bitch. Drama always seems to surround those that "hate drama."

True, especially the first and the last ones. I wish I could tell every girl I meet that stuff!

Pay Attention To Your Period

breadprincess said: This might sound like a dumb one, but I've known enough women who could have used this advice (myself included)… Your period should NOT be debilitatingly painful, last longer than a week(ish), or cause you to pass out from blood loss. Please go see a doctor ASAP if this starts to happen to you, even if you think it's embarrassing. I know that a lot of women tend to just suck it up when it comes to period pain and symptoms, but if something's not right it's better to catch it early.

Never be afraid to go to a doctor if you feel like something is wrong with you healthwise. This is important stuff!

Know Basic Car Maintenance

vogueadishu said: How to check and change their own oil, how to change tires, spark plugs, filters, all other basic car maintenence. You should always have a basic tool set in your house and know how to use them and the same with the trunk of your car.

Yeah, you'll get props from guys, but that's just a small bonus. The main thing is that you'll be able to depend on yourself in a small crisis and fix things on your own.

It's Better To Be Single And Happy Than Miserable And Taken

funchy said: It's better to be alone than with the wrong guy. You cannot and should not try to change the other person. If you can't accept and love him as he is, he's not right for you. If he doesn't make you happy as he is, move on. Never ever stay with a guy who is abusive or manipulative - not for one day. Even if he uses a condom, it can't hurt for you to use birth control too. Getting pregnant is the wrong reason to try to stay with a guy or get married. Don't ever let a man make you feel grossed out by your body. Things like your period, pubic hair, underarm hair, whatever - these are all natural. Don't ever let him make you feel ashamed about yourself.

So, so true!

Don't Be Scared Of Making The First Move

gangstabetty said: Don't be afraid to ask men out. If you want something, be proactive and get it. Sexy man giving you eyes from across the room? Don't just sit there flipping your hair, sticking your boobs out, especially if you're surrounded by your friends. Get up, walk over to him, smile, say hello, maybe give him a compliment ("Nice jacket" "You have a really nice smile" "Gimme that fedora!") and let the rest just happen. He'll usually take it from there if he knows what he's doing. Don't be afraid of rejection. It builds character.

Be nice to your fellow female. Not all girls are out to steal your boyfriend, stab you in the back, etc. You don't have to size up every girl you meet. Smile and be friendly. Call her out if she proves to be a skank, but give her the benefit of the doubt.

Don't Feel Pressured To Shave

If you want to shave, shave! If you don't, don't! It's your body. Do what you want.

Enjoy Being Single

lamy1989 said: How to be ok alone. I've known quite a few women that always had to have a man in their life to feel secure & "be happy." Life's what you make of it. learning to be happy on your own will benefit you & your (future) SO in the long run.

anonymous_indian added: Even dudes should keep this in mind.

Yes and yes. I know lots of guys and girls who are stuck in bad relationships just because they're afraid of being single. It's sad!

A Review of Reddit

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The Bottom Line

Reddit takes simple to a new level with a very plain design that is easy to use. The community is focused more on offbeat news and commentary of current news than just posting the latest article off the AP wire.


Extremely easy to use.

Not as focused on mainstream news headlines.


User cliques can quickly bury articles they don't agree with.

Mostly unmoderated, so some titles could be not safe for work.


Add and vote and comment on articles.

Leans more towards offbeat news and commentary on mainstream news than current headlines.

Mostly unmoderated.

Guide Review - A Review of Reddit

Reddit is the no-thrills version of social news. It has a simple design that is easy to use, but it could also compete for one of the ugliest websites. But, there is something to be said for ranking usability over flash.

Reddit packs more into one page than most social news sites by forgoing fancy graphics. It doesn't have as many community features, but it does allow users to vote on articles and comment on them.

Reddit also offers additional communities called "subreddits" that serve the same function as categories. These communities are divided into programming, gadgets, science, sports, politics, gaming, business and entertainment.

While many of the other social news sites are dominated by current headlines, reddit attracts more offbeat news and commentary on current news. This makes it a good site for those that get their news from a more conventional source and just want to hear what people are saying about it.

Reddit does fall prey to user cliques that can quickly vote down articles they don't like. It is also mostly unmoderated, so some article titles might not be exactly safe for work.

About this Subreddit

Whether you're looking for platonic or non-platonic friends, gaming buddies, online friends, soulmates, travelmates, smoking buddies, groups to join, activity partners, friends with benefits, or casual encounters, this is the place to find and seek.

Rules and Guidelines

This subreddit is 18+. If you are under eighteen, do not post.

No personal information, including but not limited to phone number, email addresses, or external profiles.

Exchanges for money, goods, or services are strictly prohibited.

No sexism, racism, homophobia, ad hominem posts, or rudeness will be tolerated.

Spam will not be tolerated and repeated offenses will result in a ban.

Posts including nude pictures must be marked NSFW

If you have an issue on the subreddit, use the report button or contact the moderators.

If you do not agree with a post, ignore it and move on.

Moderators reserve the remove posts and/or right to ban users upon their discretion

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Submissions to this subreddit must properly formatted or they will be automatically deleted. The format for post titles is: <age> [<r4r>] <location> - <title>

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