Thursday, 30 January 2014

Dating relationship advice

Beat the odds,

Meet the man behind eHarmony

Dr. Neil Clark Warren, Founder

Dr. Warren is a clinical psychologist and author of eight books on love, marriage and emotional health. During 35 years of counseling thousands of married couples, Dr. Warren observed a set of characteristics that seemed to be present in all successful relationships. He called them the 29 Dimensions of Compatibility. After extensive research involving thousands of married couples, Dr. Warren confirmed that these dimensions were indeed highly predictive of relationship success and could be used to match singles. Ten years later, eHarmony's compatibility matching is responsible for nearly 4% of U. S. marriages.*

*2012 U. S. survey conducted for eHarmony by Harris Interactive®

eHarmony - #1 Trusted Online Dating Site for Singles

eHarmony is the first service within the online dating industry to use a scientific approach to matching highly compatible singles. eHarmony's matching is based on using its 29 DIMENSIONS® model to match couples based on features of compatibility found in thousands of successful relationships.

eHarmony is committed to helping singles find love every day . and with over 20 million registered online users, we are confident in our ability to do so. The eHarmony Compatibility Matching System® matches single women and men based on 29 Dimensions® of Compatibility for lasting and fulfilling relationships.

Traditional Internet dating can be challenging for those singles looking for love that lasts. But eHarmony is not a traditional dating site. Of all the single men or women you may meet online, very few will be compatible with you specifically, and it can be difficult to determine the level of compatibility of a potential partner through methods of conventional dating services – browsing classified ads, online personals, or viewing profile photos. Our Compatibility Matching System does the work for you by narrowing the field from thousands of single prospects to match you with a select group of compatible matches with whom you can build a quality relationship.

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Nearly 4% of U. S. Newlyweds Can't Be Wrong

eHarmony is different than other online dating websites and services, and we believe our success speaks for itself. On average, 438 people get married every day in the United States because of eHarmony; that accounts for nearly 4% of new U. S. marriages.* At eHarmony, we believe you deserve to find love – true love that comes with a lasting relationship. Because of this, we are committed to assisting singles everywhere in their search to find love and romantic fulfillment.

*2012 U. S. survey conducted for eHarmony by Harris Interactive® online, very few will be compatible with you specifically, and it can be difficult to determine the level of compatibility of a potential partner through methods of conventional dating services – browsing classified ads, online personals, or viewing profile photos. Our Compatibility Matching System does the work for you by narrowing the field from thousands of single prospects to match you with a select group of compatible matches with whom you can build a quality relationship.

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With over 20 million registered users, the eHarmony member base is an ethnically, racially, and religiously diverse group of individuals of all ages – all of whom are looking to find someone special. Amongst our most popular demographics are: Christian Singles. Jewish Singles. Black Singles. Hispanic Singles. Asian Singles. 30s Singles and Senior Singles. We understand it can be difficult to find a mate with whom you share a similar background, goals, or beliefs, and regardless of who you may be looking for, eHarmony wants to help you find the love of your life.

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More Personal than Personal Ads

Unlike traditional dating websites, eHarmony matches compatible men and women based on 29 Dimensions of Compatibility that are predictors of long-term relationship success. Determining compatibility through conventional dating methods could take months, or even years, of interaction between you and your potential partner. At eHarmony, we deliver more than personal ads . We are committed to matching you with truly compatible men or women in order to provide you with the best online dating and relationship experience possible. This is one of the many reasons why eHarmony is now the #1 Trusted Online Dating Site for American singles.

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We at eHarmony want you to find love and romance and to make it last. To assist you in this quest, we offer free dating advice at: eH Advice. Meet people in our on line dating community, utilize our Date Planner, and receive advice from our relationship experts.

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eHarmony Success Stories

If you've met someone special through eHarmony, please contact us and let us know how it all started and how the relationship is progressing. Thousands of eHarmony couples have shared their stories with us. To learn more about eHarmony success stories, simply click the link below.

Find True Compatibility Today

Dating advice for people seeking love and better relationships.

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Couple Envy: ‘Why Am I Such a Terrible Person?’

Do You Live ‘For Yourself’?

Keep his/her heart Forever|Secrets To A Successful Relationship

Nothing good comes easy. Some effort is required for anything to be successful in life. Great relationships build up overtime but it takes the willingness of both partners to make it successful. Love is a beautiful journey but ofcourse one that entails considerable risks. If you’re not willing to go an extra mile in your relationship, then don’t expect too much from it. Here’s a few important guidelines that when focused on are sure to make a difference!

Do something about it

You might already know some of the secrets to successful relationships but the question is, do you practice them in your relationship? You know and acknowledge that certain problems exist and constantly occur in your relationship, but what do you do to fix them? Do you just Ignore them and hope they go away or are you so used to them that, you fail to see that they’re slowly crushing your happiness? You have one chance to live an amazing life, Its all upto you to make it amazing! Do that with the person you love and you’ll never regret it.

Stay Fabulous

Most people lose themselves after being in a relationship for a long time. For example, Sinking themselves into a boring monotonous lifestyle, making little or no at all effort to maintain their appearance or even hygiene, (simply because they got too comfortable with their partners and don’t feel the need to stay attractive for them). Some lose the will to work hard and fulfill their goals and ambitions… Believe it or not, being a person of substance, an intellectual and with your own personality can be very attractive! Don’t lose the person he/she first fell in love with. Settling down does mean it’s time to stop living, it just means it’s time to live even larger because you have an extra hand holding on to you. Stay fabulous and they’ll stay interested

Good Communication

Communication has always been merited as one of the most important features in relationships. This makes it possible for both parties to be completely aware of each other’s feelings, dreams, opinions, desires etc. While at the same time clearing the path to fairly sorting out any concerns in the relationship.

Good Communication involves Listening, talking and understanding.

1) Always pay attention to what your partner has to say otherwise you might miss something important.

2) Don’t say things just to hurt your partner or win an argument. You might regret it later. Make sense of the argument and see things from a clear point of view.

Stay Positive

Where there’s love it’s pointless dwelling on unnecessary negativity. Constant drama in relationships can easily prove unbearable and bring about resentment. Focus on the fact that you’re happiness should always come first. Building and maintaining a good energy in your relationship helps make your home a safe haven for the both of you. A place you’d always rather be. It’s also a known fact that happy, secure and strong relationships find it easier to overcome normal life challenges better.

Don’t Hold Grudges

It’s healthy for any normal relationship for people to disagree or argue. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes and we all have weaknesses. Never be too proud to say you’re sorry. Never make the mistake of thinking you’re always right either. No one ever is.

We’re all different and so are our opinions and thoughts on things. If you get into disagreements or fights with your spouse, don’t waste time holding on to bad feelings. Learn from your mistakes, forgive each other and move on.

Share In His Interests and Hobbies

Take part in what he/she loves doing every once in a while even if you don’t like it as much. You never know you might just grow to love it too and your spouse will sure appreciate you sharing in the experience with them. If he likes watching sports/she loves romantic movies it wouldn’t hurt to watch it with them every now and again. Or Maybe he likes hiking/camping and she loves dancing/swimming… Explore in their passion! It’s always good for couples to try out new things together, moments shared bring you even closer together.

Be Good To their Friends

First of, It’s good for both partners to have a social life. It’s healthy to have some little time apart too. Your partner’s friends will always praise you if they feel like you accept and treat them plus your spouse with respect. If they are good friends why not? We all love to hear how great our companions are. It’s not that we don’t know that they are special, rare and precious all on our own, It just reminds us that they are.

The Grass Ain’t Always Greener On the Other side

Be satisfied with the person you’re sharing your life with. Instead of looking for happiness or excitement elsewhere, focus on making your current relationship better. As the saying goes, “You never know what you had till it’s gone” You might just end up losing the most important person in your life even without knowing it. Appreciate, love and cherish them, make sure you show them by your actions.

The pain you still feel from a relationship breakdown?

Have you got to the stage that you feel like you are beating your head against a brick wall because your relationship problems are preventing your life from moving forward?

Being single and in a good relationship today is more challenging than ever before because we have high expectations and poor relationship knowledge and skills.

More and more people are giving up in despair or they are settling for second best, instead of asking the questions.

"What is it about me that is causing my relationship problem to continue? OR

"What do I need to do differently to get different results?" OR

"Where can I find free relationship help or relationship counseling?" OR

"Where can I get some dating help and dating tips?"

If you keep doing what you have always done you will keep getting what you have always gotten"- Author unknown

Often, the solution is to get some relationship help to overcome your dating and relationship problems.

I do not want you to waste any more months or years as life is too precious and short. If you are ready for different results I can get you from A to B with your help, and I GUARANTEE you will start to see and feel the changes in just a few weeks.

My aim is to raise your Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence to help YOU create a good relationship with YOURSELF, as ultimately "YOU" are the creator (and the saboteur) of your relationships and the director of your own life play. Human behaviour psychology reveals 85% of our joy and satisfaction is derived from happy fulfilling relationships. Only 15% of our joy can be contributed to all other sources, for example, material success. Therefore, to realize our full potential it is critical for us to constantly improve our dating and relationship skills.

First and foremost we must have a relationship with ourselves, as "WE" are the most important project we will ever have. Unfortunately most people do not take time out for dating and relationship self help, so they continue doing the same things and keep getting the same results, and then they wonder why everything keeps going wrong in their life. (There is a saying that this is the definition of insanity!).

So why does developing ourselves matter so much and what does does this mean? It matters because every part of our personality and our self worth is expressed in, and reflected by the quality of our relationships.

We now know through all the latest research that a high IQ alone, (our problem solving ability), is not enough to determine our level of success and happiness in life. We must develop our self worth and our emotional and spiritual intelligence as well, as all psychological studies reveal there is a direct correlation between all these factors and our level of interpersonal relationship skills.

Unfortunately most people in our society today suffer from self-loathing. Workaholics, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, obesity, anger, violence, depression, promiscuity, and all other addictive and obsessive behaviours all have one thing in common - low self worth (a lack of love and respect for the self). They start with self loathing and if not addressed, they end with isolation and shame. When we are emotionally blocked by our inner pain "we are in the way" of making a difference to our own life or to anybody else's. We must constantly work on self-worth, self-esteem and self-love.

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it"

"Other people can only like, love and respect us to the same degree we like, love and respect ourselves"

- Jane Roder

If what you desire is greater clarity, self worth, appreciation, love, and certainty I will expand your mind and open your heart to your true potential. I will challenge your current beliefs about dating, love and relationships, and I will offer you new paradigms that will make a difference to your life.

If you are open-minded and COMMITTED to having happy fulfilling relationships, you are at the right place at the right time.

You deserve love,


Published Author of Relationship Books and Relationship Consultant.

Melbourne, Australia

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Tap Into Your Feminine Power To Inspire His Affection


I found the love of my life. As much as he made me happy, there were so many signs: commitment phobia, hated his mother, his entire friends his family warned me about being with him and I caught him taking another girl out for drinks. It's been 6 months and I cannot stop thinking about him.


so theres this guy and i was pretty sure for the longest time that he liked me. and i like him too. but this week we were snapchatting, and then he just stopped responding. he didint open the ones i sent him but he saw my story. all this week in class he's seemed really tired and stressed out. he usually waits for me after class but he hasnt been talking much to me. he hasnt opened any of the snapchats i sent (only 3) and i texted him asking if anything was going on because i was confused by his behavior change and it says he didnt see it. also today this other girl was totally flirting with him and he didnt seem too into it but way more into her than me. i just dont know what to do. i want to help him if he actually needs help with something but at the same time i just want to know what is wrong. like why did he randomly just stop talking to me? i'm so confused!



This is an update to my last post below

We met on Tinder back in July and after our third date he asked me to be his girlfriend. He was very into me and things were going great. He would not stop telling me how awesome I am and how lucky he is etc. We had discussed on our first date that we both wanted serious long-term relationships. We are both 30, educated and have stable jobs. Late August he went to Colombia to visit family for 2 weeks. He would text me everyday, all day. When he came back we were both happy to see each other. He met all my friends and everything was great.


Did I make the right choice. I don't want to be with someone who wholeheartedly does not want to be with me. Should I have gotten back together and given him another chance. I think I fell in love with him so I don't want to get hurt anymore. Just the day before we broke up he texted me to wish me Happy Eid and since we could not spend it together he said hopefully next Eid and many more after that, we will be together. I'm not sure what happened. Today he posted a status saying If love is blind, why did we see?

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