Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Dating questions to ask men

Dating Questions to Ask

Dating involves knowing each other and spending time together. For knowing each other well, you must ask the right dating questions at the right time. For instance, you cannot ask something very personal on the first date. On the other hand, you must not be bland when you know the person you are dating. If you were friends in the past and now you are dating, still there are chances that you probably do not know each other that well. For a better understanding, good dating questions play an important role. Moreover, you must make all this quizzing session look natural. There can be funny dating questions to ask or sometimes they may be really serious. Here are some of the good dating questions to ask a man and a woman.

Dating Questions to Ask a Guy

This is for all the women out there going for a date and confused on what to ask and what not to. Here are some dating questions which will help you start a conversation.

When was your last relationship? How long did it last?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

What are you looking for in a relationship?

What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship?

What are the things you want to avoid in a relationship?

If you were given six moths to live what are the first five things you would want to do?

What are your hobbies?

What all activities do you do for fun?

If you were given a time machine to travel backwards in time, what are the three mistakes that you would want to rectify?

Do you have an intimate secret and what is it?

Do you want to confess some mistakes, done in the past, which are not known to others?

Which is your favorite vacation spot?

These were some of the dating questions for women.

Dating Questions to Ask a Girl

Here are some dating questions to ask a woman.

What is your idea of a prefect date?

Have you ever gone for a blind date?

Which type of a guy are you looking for?

Why did you break up with your ex-boyfriend?

What is the thing that you are more important thing in a relationship?

What do you treat as an important aspect of a relationship?

How do you spend your spare time?

Which type of foods do you like?

Which quality in a man do you dislike the most?

Have you done any crazy thing in your life? If yes, which one?

What are your favorite hobbies?

Which is your favorite sport? Do you play any of these?

What are the books you like reading the most?

These were dating questions for guys. Dating questions for men must be framed keeping in mind things girls hate about guys. Read more on the following;

Here are some of the Internet dating questions to ask which will help you start a conversation online and know your date.

Where are you from?

Which is the last book that you have read?

What is your idea of a perfect holiday?

Which is your favorite sports activity? Which is your favorite sports player?

Dating Questions for Couples

After an elaborate dating questions list, here are some questions to ask your girlfriend or boyfriend.

What is the difference between sex, romance and love?

Who are more romantic? Women or men?

Do you like public display of affection?

Which is the best relationship advice that you have ever got?

Dating questions and answers must be casual and not formal. This was all about dating questions to ask.

15 Great First Date Questions

There they sit—you could spot them a mile away. A man and woman face each other across a table at a downtown bistro, looking nervous and awkward. No doubt about it, they’re on their first date.

How do we know it’s their first time out together? All the observable and obvious clues: They are nicely groomed and wearing freshly pressed clothes—stylish, but not overdone. There is a stiff formality to the way they sit—no slouching. They scan the room, menu, and table setting, only occasionally making eye contact.

Biggest clue of all: The salad course is punctuated by strained silence and forced small talk. The two pick at their dinner salads, staring down at the leafy mound before them. He seems tongue-tied, she seems self-conscious. Finally, one of them tries to grease the wheels of conversation.

Him: How’s your salad?

Her: Good. And yours?

Him: Yeah, really good.

More excruciating silence ensues. You can almost read their minds. He thinks, “C’mon, say something! Anything! This is torture.” She thinks, “Why doesn’t he ask me any questions? Or maybe I should—but I don’t know what to say! How can I get out of this?”

On it goes. More mute lulls. More perfunctory questions. More salad staring.

As would-be romances go, this plane is very slow to leave the gate and get onto the runway. It remains to be seen if it will pick up speed, gain altitude, and soar skyward. or if it will lose engine power and sit on the tarmac indefinitely.

Singles: do not let this happen to you! It’s true that first dates can be one of the most nerve-wracking, anxiety-producing situations in our society. Sometimes they lead to burning love; sometimes they go down in flames. The key to having a positive experience is relaxed conversation, and that can be helped along with some well-chosen first-date questions. Before we get to those, let’s review a few general guidelines for dating discourse:

Listen as much or more than you talk . Some people consider themselves skilled communicators because they can talk endlessly. But the ability to speak is only one part of the equation—and not the most important part. The best communication occurs with an even and equal exchange between two people. Think of conversation as a tennis match in which the players lob the ball back and forth. Each person gets a turn—and no one hogs the ball.

Peel the onion, don’t stab it with a paring knife . Getting to know someone new is like peeling an onion one thin layer at the time. It’s a slow and safe process. But some people, overeager to get into deep and meaningful conversation, go too far too fast. They ask personal or sensitive questions that put the other person on the defensive. Should the relationship evolve, there will be plenty of time to get into weighty topics. For now, take it easy.

Don’t dump . If feeling inhibited is a problem for some people, others go to the opposite extreme: they use a date as an opportunity to purge and vent. When a person reveals too much too soon, it can give a false sense of intimacy. In reality, premature or exaggerated revelations are due more to boundary issues, unresolved pain, or self-centeredness than true intimacy.

Genuine interest goes a long way . Maybe your first date questions will lead you to discover that this person is your soul mate—or maybe not. Either way, it’s exciting to be able to get to know another human being and get a peek into his or her world. Great communication starts with being genuinely interested in the individual you’re with and paying close attention to what he/she says. The process begins by providing lots of space for the full expression of information and asking follow-up questions to further draw out the one talking.

With those thoughts in mind, now it’s time to think about specific first date questions .

Try these:

1. Who has been the biggest influence in your life?

2. What kinds of things really make you laugh?

3. What’s your favorite place in the entire world?

4. Who is your best friend? What do you like about him/her?

5. Favorite movie of all time? Why so?

6. What’s your biggest goal in life right now?

7. What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?

8. Do you have any pet peeves?

9. What was your family like growing up?

10. What were you like as a kid?

11. What should I know about you that I’d never think to ask about?

Twenty good questions to ask your partner on your first date

Going for a first date can be pretty intimidating for most people. Your mind may be overcome with fears and insecurities. You may be afraid of rejection, failure, saying the wrong things and coming across like a loser in front of your date. In this context you would really love to know what are some good questions to ask your partner on your first date.

TIP: If 20 questions are too few, try 2000 questions for couples. Recommended if you're considering someone for a long term relationship.

Though most of us have the capacity for smooth, easygoing conversation with friends and family we maybe tongue-tied on a first date. This could be a pretty embarrassing situation. You could take a hard copy of prepared list of questions, which is simply gauche and shows your lack of confidence and good manners.

On the other hand some men complain that women are ballistic, bombarding them with personal questions and often putting them on the defensive. Some women may be inquisitive by nature and may adopt a confrontational style on the first date itself. Men are advised to adopt humor to deflect such questions and women are asked to steer clear of such questions if they don’t want to see their first dates bolting at the slightest chance.

So, what are some good questions to be fielded around on a first date? Here are twenty such conversation ideas:

1) What is the sort of relationship you are looking for and why

According to some relationship experts this is the most important question to ask on a first date. Once this is asked, it is out there, making it evident to you what you are getting into. You put your profile, on the dating site. In your profile you clearly mention that you are looking for a committed relationship. Now after you meet someone who is positive, you have to pop the big question nonchalantly into the conversation. Your tone must not be inquisitional or confrontational. After you get the answer you must double-check by asking, why? These are good questions on the first date because you don’t want to go on a boat ride with both of you rowing in opposite directions.

2) What do you think is the biggest mistake that men/women make in their relationships?

The answer to this question will reveal what turns him/her off about people and what are his/ her ideas about men and women.

3) What are the qualities of your ideal relationship

This is one of the good questions to ask on a first date. Men and women reveal what they are looking for in life, what kind of relationships they expect out of each other and the marriages that they dream of.

4) Have you ever had your heart broken?

The more attractive/defensive the person the more likely the answer will be, 'No'. But a majority of honest individuals will say 'Yes'. This reveals their humility.

5) What scares you the most about opening your heart to your partner?

This is a question to break the defenses of your date and lay his/ her feelings bare, so that you grow closer emotionally.

6) Has any book or movie made an impact on you?

Book and movies are important influences of popular culture and you can have an interesting and animated discussion on books and movies that inspired or influenced you. This is a good question to ask on a first date..

7) What is the most annoying thing that someone could do to you?

You could share a laugh about what annoys you in other people and get to know others likes/ dislikes better.

8) If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

This helps you discover what drives him or her - money/ adrenaline/domestic bliss.

9) What do you like to do for fun?

This will help you to know if you can share leisure activities. Also, whether he/she is an indoor/ outdoor person.

10) What is the biggest mistake that people make on a first date?

Lets you into trade secrets of the opposite gender.

11) What do you look for in a guy/ girl?

These questions, along with the previous, one are good questions to ask on a first date. It will reveal the dreams and romantic aspirations of the person… But some may deflect honest answers by saying the usual, like," Good looks, sense of humor". etc.

12) Define a truly successful relationship

An ideal answer would be one where both men. as well as women share responsibility/credit for success.

13) What happened with your lastrelationship?

You can look for danger signs like blaming and whining rather than owning up half the responsibility for a doomed relationship, which reveals a lot about the person’s nature.

Here are some unique, fun and good questions to ask on your first date:

14) What were your life-changing moments?

15) What is the weirdest thing about you?

16) Are you cheap or thrifty?

17) Which is the one book that has really impressed you?

18) Would you have plastic surgery done on your body?

19) What was your most embarrassing moment?


20) Tell me about your family/ best friend.

These are some good questions to break the ice on your first date and lead you to possibly a second, third and more dates. After a few dates, the conversation will flow smoothly!!

and Funny Icebreaker Questions.

99 Break the Ice Questions for A First Date

So you want some Fun Questions to Get to Know Someone? Here are a bunch of fun questions to get to know someone on a first date. It is important to listen without judgment. If you start giving them grief about who they are, or the beliefs they have on the first date. you are sure to scare them away for good. Have fun with them - there are a couple of silly curveball questions. Nobody said this has to be a really serious process did they?


Guys - remember whatever they say - because you will be expected to remember all the answers until you die. I know even though most guys can’t remember what happened five seconds ago at a sporting event (That is why they have instant replay). Write the answers down if you can and save it somewhere safe. You will be able to score many, many points down the road with this technique.


Girls - remember it is sometimes a little harder for guys to open up. Take it easy - ask the easy questions first. Just for fun, tell them, “Good Answer”, after every answer they give.

What is your sign?

When is your birthday?

Any tattoos or pierced body parts?

What's your favorite color?

What is your favorite flower?

What is your middle name?

What is your nickname from high school?

What do you do for exercise?

What is on your bedside table?

If you could play any instrument, which would you play?

If you could be any cartoon character, who would you be?

Apple juice or orange juice?

Are you a morning or night person?

Tea or Coffee?

Where is your favorite Hiking Trail?

Name a singer that you can’t stand the sound of

Coke or Pepsi?

If you were to perform in the circus, what would you do?

If you were a kitchen appliance – what would you be and please make the sound of that appliance?

How much time do you spend on - Facebook, Twitter, Myspace or Youtube?

What do you remember about your high school prom?

What is the best restaurant you ever ate at?

What’s your favorite holiday?

Have you ever been mentioned in a newspaper?

Tell me about your first road trip in your first car

If you could get free airfare - name a country you would visit.

What is your education - do you have a college degree?

If you had to choose a sport to watch - would it be Football or Basketball

First thing you wash in the shower?

What body part do you get caught staring at?

Which bill do you hate paying most?

Window or aisle seat on an airplane?

How do you prefer to get the news?

Do you own an iphone or an ipod?

Are you right or left-handed?

Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?

Do you like to dance?

What is your favorite Disney movie?

Do you have an Innie or Outee?

What was your favorite childhood television program?

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

What was the last concert you went to?

How much schooling have you had?

Who do you live with?

Are you a collector of anything?

Name three things you really like to do

Who are your friends? Describe these people.

What do you like to read?

What jobs have you had in the past?

Ever met anybody famous before?

Are all people truly created equal?

Describe your fighting style: drunken master or angry monkey?

What do you believe makes a successful life?

Do you like interacting with large groups of people?

What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?

Which is your favorite season and why?

What makes you laugh?

What shocks or offends you?

Do you have any pet peeves?

If you had a lot of money, where would we go on vacation?

What is your idea of an ideal boyfriend/girlfriend?

What are some of the little things you appreciate about your life?

What is your favorite kind of pie?

How is/was your relationship with your parents?

What’s you favorite restaurant?

What music are you listening to these days?

What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

What's your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?

If someone told you they saw me with another guy/girl, what would your first reaction be?

What is the longest love relationship (partner) you have had, and if it has ended, why?

101 Great Questions to Ask Men

(I am reposting this from Allison Armstrong. a happily married woman and relationship coach whom I think is absolutely brilliant! The next words are hers. Please share your comments any time!)

Here are some of the “Greatest Hits” from our panels. While the questions may not seem special to you, the responses we have received from men have been extraordinarily enlightening . If you are asking a question about women, take a deep breath and listen with curiosity. To start out, we recommend asking the questions about them and their lives outside of women. That way you can practice being safe to talk to you before it gets more personal to you.

If you need help determining whether the guy you're dating is the kind who can appreciate this kind of woman, you need this teaching.

Mark Anthony McCray helps people live on PURPOSE, achieve higher PERFORMANCE and experience true PROSPERITY. Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful.

All material © Copyright, Mark Anthony McCray unless otherwise noted! He can be reached in the following ways: Mark@LiveBIGDieEmpty. com

Top 10 Questions To Ask Your Date

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This week's letter comes from a guy who wants to know what to do when a woman puts him on the hot seat while out on a date. Doc Love gives him the ammo: 10 questions to fire back at her.

reader's question

Hello Doc,

I've received great benefit from your advice about how to deal with women when they start interrogating me. Over the past few years I've been out with several different women who would pry and probe with very personal questions, even on the first date. I used to get so intimidated when they'd start "interviewing" me like that, but your coaching has changed the whole paradigm for me. Thank you Doc!

I'm writing in the hopes that you could share more about dealing with this from the other side of the equation. Is it ever a good idea for a man to give his date an intensive quiz of some type? And what would be the crucial things that he should ask her. Are there direct questions that a guy could ask a woman to quickly and easily pre-qualify her, so to speak, and determine if she's a gold digger, a high-maintenance princess, or a professional dater?

Jerry — who would like a list of questions

doc love's answer

Hi Jerry,

Too often, men allow themselves to be pressured and intimidated by women's confrontational questions. They get flustered and often find themselves putting their foot in their mouth before they know what has happened. But rather than take the beating, you should take charge. Your date may be coming on like a determined district attorney who will settle only for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but that doesn't mean that you have to succumb like a guilty schoolboy.

There are a couple different ways to take control. One is to deflect and redirect the focus of the conversation by using humor. She asks you, "So, have you ever been married?" and you say, "Yes I have. In fact, I'm married now. I have six wives, but I could use one more. Would you like to be number seven? If we leave right now we could be in Vegas in about six hours."

Another way to deal with the inquisitional pressure is to take the direct approach and fire the probing and provocative inquiries right back at her. She asks you, "So what's the longest relationship you've ever had?" and you say, "Six years, seven months, and two and two-thirds weeks. How about you? What was your longest relationship?"

Get ready for the 10 questions.

The 5 Essential First-Date Questions

You’re both perusing the menu when she settles on a pasta dish. Sneakily, you ask her if she’d be keen to try something different instead.

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You’ve ordered dinner and wish the waiter would bring a side order of good conversation because an awkward silence has settled over the table. You’ve already meandered through common first-date banter (Do you have siblings? Where do you like to hang out?) and now have hit a slump.

What you need is to shake the conversation up with some unique questions instead of the regular lackluster ones that get served on first dates. This way you’ll keep her intrigued while you get your hands on important information about her.

Keep the conversation light but meaningful, and let it flow in a natural way. Often, a question will branch out into others, so here are five first date questions to have up your sleeve.

Are you going to try the snails with me?

You’re both perusing the menu when she settles on a pasta dish. Sneakily, you ask her if she’d be keen to try something different instead. This is more than just wanting her to enjoy what is, in your opinion, a delicacy; you’re being introduced to her sense of openness. Is she willing to try new things or does she insist that snails look disgusting? Of course, if she has an allergy to the food you’re suggesting, that’s a totally different situation. Generally, though, asking her to try something new with you will show you how she deals with it and if she’s flexible. Not to mention that if she’s an experimental gal it could pay off at a later stage.

What would you do right now if you had a million bucks?

You can ask her about her hobbies, or you could throw her this question and see how she catches it. What she would do if she landed in big money overnight is probably something she has let her imagination toy with before (as have most of us), so it will give you a glimpse into her interests and priorities, but also spontaneity levels. The benefit of this first date question is that it comes across as fun, thus putting her at ease while giving you some insight into what she’s all about.

What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?

Just how risky is this hot tamale? This subject not only makes for some interesting anecdotes, but it helps you gauge her adventurous side and what risk levels she is comfortable with. Look into the future: If you start dating and invite her to go bungee jumping or mountain climbing, will you be sharing that adrenaline or will she be sitting on the sidelines bored? Explore her sense of adventure and see if your fun thresholds are on the same page.

Our five first date questions to ask continues after the jump.

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