Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Dating циан

Create your own 3D images

An Activity for: Grades 6-12

Prepared by Ethan Hurdus and Jacob Noel-Storr

You can create your own red/blue 3D images to print, or look at on a computer screen, using a normal digital camera and some image processing software. For this activity we explain how to use Adobe Photoshop, but you should be able to get the same results using similar programs by playing around with the tools and settings.

To recreate this 3D effect in print or on a computer screen, we need to simulate binocular vision. In short, we need to take two photos of our subject, separated by a short distance (the distance between your eyes: about 3 inches), then make it so your left eye only sees the left image and your right eye only sees the right. To do this we will use red/blue 3D glasses and when viewed through the glasses, our photo will appear three-dimensional!


Activity procedures

Start out by picking a subject. It is easier to take photos of objects or landscapes because we need to take two photos that are as identical as possible. Shots of people can work provided they stay very still and do not move in the time it takes you to snap two photos. Take your first photo, then try to slide the camera over 3 inches and take the same photo again. One easy trick is to take one photo looking through your left eye and the second while looking through your right. A common mistake is to take the pictures too far apart.

Download the photos to your computer and open them up in a photo-editing software such as Adobe Photoshop. Any program will work as long as it allows for red, blue, and green color channels to be manipulated independently.

Once both pictures are open, convert them both to grayscale by clicking on IMAGE in the menu bar and selecting MODE then GRAYSCALE. [Image>Mode>Grayscale]

Convert the right photo back to red, green, and blue (RGB) by clicking IMAGE on the menu bar and selecting MODE then RGB (the image will still appear gray).


In the Channels tab (in the layers palette between the LAYERS and PATHS tabs), select the red channel by clicking on the word RED - NOT the little eye next to it (eyes indicate which channels are displayed, not selected). Only that channel should appear highlighted.

Go back to the left photo and select the entire photo [Ctrl-A] for PC or [Command-A] for MAC then copy the image [Ctrl-C] for PC or [Command-C] for MAC, and finally return to the right photo and paste the image [Ctrl-V] for PC or [Command-V] for MAC.

Now you are ready to complete the merging of the left and right images. Go back to the channels palette. Click on the little box next to RBG. An eye should appear in all four channels but still only the red channel is highlighted. You should now have a mostly black and white image with red and blue halos.

You are nearly done. The left and right eye images need to be better aligned to remove as many of the halos as possible. This is achieved by centering the two images on the subject of your photo (typically what is in front and center - this will be the easiest part of the 3D photo for peple to focus on). Select the move tool [press V] then use the arrow keys to move the red image until you see the best alignment. We are trying to remove the halos from around our subject, though objects towards the edges will still be quite haloed.

The final step is to crop the image down to the size you want using the crop tool located in the tool bar (left hand column, third tool down). Try to remove areas of excess red or blue around the edges. Once you have selected the area of the image you want to keep hit ENTER to crop the image. Now that you are done, don't forget to save!

Now when you look at your image using red/blue 3D glasses you should see the scene appear in 3D, depending on which way your shifted the images you might need to switch which way you are looking through the glasses. You should try experimenting for a while with taking photos and creating the images to get the best results.

Dating sim

Dating sims (or dating simulations ) are a video game subgenre of simulation games. usually Japanese, with romantic elements. They are also sometimes put under the category of neoromance. The most common objective of dating sims is to date, usually choosing from among several characters, and to achieve a romantic relationship.

The term 'dating sim' is also often used incorrectly in English as a generic term for romance-driven games ( ren'ai games), a subject matter which is stereotypically associated with the visual novel genre. This can lead to confusion, as visual novels are considered a subgenre of adventure games and are not technically included in the dating sim genre. While the two genres often share a common visual presentation, dating sims are sometimes considered to be more statistically based than the "choose your own adventure " style of visual novels.

The technical definition of a dating simulation game, known as a romantic simulation game ( ?????????????. ren'ai shimyureshon gemu ? ) in Japan, can involve several technical elements such as a time limit, several statistics such as looks and charm which can be boosted through exercise, or an "attraction meter" which can increase or decrease depending on one's decisions.

Some original-English dating sims include SimGirls[1] , Ciao Bella and Summer Session .

Turquoise gemstones [ edit ]

The mosque with turquoise domes in Bukhara. Uzbekistan

In many cultures of the Old and New Worlds, this gemstone has been esteemed for thousands of years as a holy stone, a bringer of good fortune or a talisman. The oldest evidence for this claim was found in ancient Egypt. where grave furnishings with turquoise inlay were discovered, dating from approximately 3000 BC. In the ancient Persian Empire. the sky-blue gemstones were earlier worn round the neck or wrist as protection against unnatural death. If they changed color, the wearer was thought to have reason to fear the approach of doom. Meanwhile, it has been discovered that turquoise can change color. The change can be caused by light, or by a chemical reaction brought about by cosmetics, dust or the acidity of the skin.

Turquoise is a stone and color that is strongly associated with the domes and interiors of large mosques in Iran, Central Asia and Russia. [ 5 ] [ 6 ]

Blonde Mature Woman in Cyan Panties. jpg

How sexy is this woman's body? - 49 people rated the hotness of this lady's figure an avg. of 8.25


May We Correspond?


Posted by Boris -1

This portfolio of mature, tastefully photographed women

Have finally found a site where pictures of mature, tastefully photographed women are shared. It is very refreshing to find a place where respect is accorded all women who willingly share their beauty with us, where licentious, obnoxious, filthy comments are not made about these lovely women, by the posters of the web site, many of whom donot appear to respect women at all.

craftsmanship - The quality of what a person does. Craftsmanship is most admired when a person creates with skill or dexterity, usually with the hands, whether with or without tools .

Robert Nanteuil (French. 1623-1678), Portrait of Louis XIV . 17th century, engraving. 49.7 x 42.6 cm (image) inches, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA. Nanteuil was the official engraver of portraits for King Louis XIV. The excellence of his engravings' craftsmanship has never been surpassed.

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