Monday 10 March 2014

Dating back перевод

Take it Back Network

What's New – Mattress Recycling!

Two new partners are now recycling mattresses! King County continues to recruit partners for Take it Back Network mattress recycling locations. Mattresses are recyclable and commonly recycled in parts of Oregon, California, and British Columbia. Learn more about becoming a mattress Take it Back Network member (PDF. 126 K) .

The Take it Back Network is a partnership among government agencies, retailers, repair shops, charitable organizations and recyclers that provides consumers with options for recycling certain wastes – and their hazardous components – in a safe and cost effective manner.

Electronics Recyclers

Take it Back Network recyclers accept a variety of electronic equipment such as computers, monitors, printers, TVs, cell phones, PDAs, fax machines, stereos, DVD and VCR players, household electronics and rechargeable batteries.

Effective January 2009, electronics manufacturers began offering a new program called E-Cycle Washington that allows residents to recycle their computers, monitors, laptops and TVs for FREE. Residents can drop off these items at authorized E-Cycle Washington collection sites. Visit www. ecyclewashington. org (external) to locate a collection site. Many of the Take it Back Network members are participating in E-Cycle Washington and will accept computers, monitors, laptops and TVs for free. They will also continue to accept electronic products not included in the E-Cycle Washington program for a fee - such as printers, mice, keyboards, fax machines, scanners, batteries, etc.

Call First

Be sure to read the vendor descriptions and call first to verify that they will accept your equipment. Some vendors accept items by appointment only.

Recycling Fees

Most Take it Back organizations charge a fee to cover the cost of labor to take apart the equipment and to transport the materials to a processing facility. Read the detailed description of their services and the fees by clicking on the name of the vendor. The fees change frequently so call first to verify the cost of the recycling service.

Environmentally Sound Recycling

The organizations listed in the local Take it Back Network have agreed to recycle the materials in an environmentally sound manner, either domestically, within nations that belong to the European Union (EU) or within countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (external). Learn more about the membership requirements to join the Take it Back Network.

Other Recycling Companies

For a list of electronics recyclers that are not in the Take it Back Network, go to the What Do I Do With…? Web site and select "Electronic Equipment" from the drop-down menu.

Note that the businesses and organizations that are not Take it Back Network members have not agreed to the Take it Back Network membership requirements and may export their equipment to countries that have less stringent environmental regulations. Before you pay a fee to have your materials processed, be sure to ask the recycler for documentation about where and how the materials are recycled to ensure the materials are being handled properly.

King County's Disposal Ban

View the commercial with John Curley explaining King County's electronics ban and the Take it Back Network. ( Note: You will need the Windows Media Player plug-in – which you can download for free (external) – to view this clip. This material will be provided in alternate formats upon request for individuals with disabilities )

Пикап (соблазнение)

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Термин [ править | править вики-текст ]

Впервые термин был введён в русский язык Сергеем Огурцовым [1]. создавшим в октябре 1995 года эхоконференцию (форум) RU. PICKUP в некоммерческой компьютерной сети ФИДОнет. посвящённую обсуждению вопросов «знакомства с противоположным полом и развития отношений». Конференция быстро завоевала широкую популярность, стала доступна и из сети Интернет. а потому термин «пикап» в данном контексте стал понятен для очень многих, имеющих доступ к сети.

Изначально пикапу давалось следующее определение: комплекс мер и действий, предназначенный для эффективного привлечения объекта противоположного пола.

В английском языке встречаются следующие близкие по звучанию и значению термины:

pickup artist  — опытный соблазнитель, мастер пикапа;

Pick-up line  — набор шаблонов (опенеров), ведущих к быстрому соблазнению (пикапу);

Идеология [ править | править вики-текст ]

Почти каждая книга, посвящённая пикапу, начинается с изложения тех ментальных установок, которые, по мнению автора, являются основой полноценной личной жизни мужчины. В центре внимания находятся взгляды на отношения между полами. на отношение мужчины к женщинам и к построению своей личной жизни. Такую систему убеждений можно назвать «идеологией».

В США [ править | править вики-текст ]

За 13 лет, с момента написания Россом Джеффрисом книги «Как затащить в постель женщину своей мечты» в 1992 до выхода книги «Метод Мистери» Эрика фон Марковика в 2005. идеология пикапа прошла на Западе путь от полностью манипуляторской до принимающей общественные нравственные стандарты.

Книга Росса Джеффриса. написанная им под псевдонимом Грегори Мэдисон, открывается эпиграфом :

Dana Hamm

Busty, curvaceous and extremely naughty, Dana Hamm is a wet dream come true. Thanks to a mix of French, Welsh and Native American nationalities, her exotic face is as attractive as the rest of her smoking body. Pan your eyes below her shoulders and you'll find a great pair of breasts, then a washboard stomach and finally, a long pair of shapely legs. Hamm has definitely sculpted her body just the way we like it. For the sake of our libido, let's hope she keeps up the good work.


While in college, Hamm turned into a health nut, visiting the gym constantly and turning her body into a shrine. With guidance from a personal trainer, Hamm began showing off her body in more places than the ladies' changing room. Soon, fitness magazines wanted to feature her and, after a bidding war, she did her first cover for MuscleMag International magazine.

Other suitors soon came knocking, and Pump, Muscular Development, Planet Muscle . and Stun can now all be found on her resume. In fact, since the late 1990s, Hamm has appeared in more fitness magazines than any other model.

Aside from the standard fitness modeling circuit, Hamm has appeared at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival as an official swimsuit cover girl. She is also a hot commodity on the Internet, selling posters, calendars and various online pictorials. Dana Hamm was even crowned "Undisputed Bikini Contest Princess" when she won first place in 2003's Ultimate Bikini contest.

Dana Hamm Biography

A native of Sanford, North Carolina, Dana Hamm was born to an entrepreneur father and ex-beauty queen mother, on August 31, 1979. During her childhood, Hamm attended private schools in her area and was quite a tomboy. She preferred to fish, ride her BMX bike and horseback ride rather than play with dolls or chase boys.

dana hamm gets in shape

Hamm matured into a striking young woman and excelled in high school, receiving top grades in fine arts, English and science. After graduating, she attended Campbell University and majored in Psychiatric Social Work. During her college days, Hamm became hooked on fitness training and devoted as much time to working out as she did to her schoolwork.

Hamm hired personal fitness guru James Brown (no relation to the Godfather of Soul) to help her out. After Hamm received her bachelor's degree, her workouts became more intense, as Brown put her on a stringent diet plan and daily gym routine.

dana on musclemag international cover

The payoff began only months later, when Hamm began shopping around for modeling work through an agent. Her start was slow, but she knew that all it took was one big break to establish herself. This came one year after she began training, when MuscleMag International put her on the cover.

dana hamm in pump and muscular development

In 2000, Hamm was able to network her way to a better career. She began dealing with Warner Brothers, who then led her to the Michael Scott Company for guidance. A partnership was soon formed between Hamm and Scott, a photographer and quasi-agent, and the relationship turned out to be quite fruitful. Hamm got exposure almost immediately, as she landed an eight-page pictorial in Pump magazine, and was then featured in Muscular Development two months in a row.

dana hamm becomes top fitness model

Soon, Hamm was doing 10-, 20- and even 40-page spreads in fitness magazines across America. Top publications like Ultimate Athlete, American Curves, Planet Muscle . and Stun gave Hamm more individual pictorials than any other fitness model ever. Soon, she began making calendars and public appearances to supplement her income. Sexy posters of Dana are a hot online item as well.

move to broader spotlight in the future

This exotic babe has also done some mainstream work; she made an appearance as a swimsuit model at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival and in Miami. In 2003's Ultimate Bikini contest (a popular online bikini contest), Dana Hamm won $2,000 in cash and prizes, further proving her reputation as a babe with a killer body.

Hamm is not limiting herself to modeling and magazines either. She has hopes of becoming an actress and continues to expand her empire, selling an array of Hamm memorabilia on her website.

Mars/Saturn Aspects

Holding back energy. Holding yourself in check. Holding back aggression. Restricted force. Limited. Tightly controlled physical actions. A narrow channel in which to act. Cock block. Obstacles to action. Obstacles in your path. Rage from feeling limited. Feeling that you have limited effect on your world. Having grown up being told what not to do. Growing up constantly being told “No.” Fear-based self-control. Feeling limited in what you are capable of accomplishing. Limited achievements. Limited victories. Victory through hard work. Accomplishment through hard work. True grit. Making real, hard won achievements. Steady effort. Disciplined effort. Understanding the definition of masculinity. Understanding the definition of bravery. Staying the course. Feeling that your efforts go unacknowledged. Feeling that there is a big “NO” to confront every time you want to do something. “That’s not how do do it.”

Feeling that you are always dealing with problems. Understated force. Physical strain. Physical stress. Physical limitations. Restricted energy flow. Hardened. Rigid, mechanical actions. Feeling that you have limited choices. Anger with authority figures. Getting aggressive with authority figures. Angry with your father. Violent with older people. Becoming more aggressive as you get older. Learning how to act like an authority. Learning what it means to act like an authority. Conservative actions. Exercise routines. Police officers. Hating police officers. Going from fighting authority figures to becoming an authority figure. Working class heroes. Few opportunities to go for it. Timeless bravery. Fighting for the establishment. Fighting against the establishment. Fighting against your father.

Hermione knows how to do everything by the book. Emma Watson has Mars 26 Aquarius 04? semisextile Saturn 25 Capricorn 02?

Classic gentlemen. Codes of conduct. Traditional masculine roles. Adult behavior. Acting older than your age. Maturing early. Resisting maturity. Resisting aging. Fighting against getting older. Fighting against parental figures. Feeling that there are rules of behavior. There are rules for how men should act. There are rules for what you should and should not be doing. Acting within certain parameters. Being able to follow rules. The ability to take direction without asking questions. Understanding what the unspoken rules are. Breaking the mold requires tremendous effort. Making the mold. Molding behavior. Setting the rules. Disciplinarians. Attempting to dominate through rules and regulations. Strictness. Hard edges. Sexual discipline. Wanting to tie people up. Serious sex. Adult sex. Sexual desire to be in an authoritative position. Dominatrices. Wanting to be dominated. Wanting to be disciplined. Rules for sex. Setting sexual guidelines. Serious effort. Reliable. Willing to take responsibility no matter how much of a burden. Willing to keep trudging forward. Die Hard. Fulfilling your duty. Keeping order.

Learning to be assertive. Learning to how to get what you want. Attempting to get what you want by following the rules. Doing things in a step by step manner. Following protocol. Establishing guidelines. Pushing past obstacles. Meeting resistance. Developing fortitude. Stripping down to the bare essentials. Getting down to basics. Too frightened to do anything. Feeling caged. Doing things the hard way. Getting what you want is hard. Hard labor. Hard work. Doing hard time. Not knowing what to do with yourself when someone isn’t putting limitations on you. Wanting someone to keep you in line. Needing a coach or trainer. Becoming a coach or trainer. Learning physical discipline. Needing structure, rules and guidelines to achieve your best. Scorched earth. A cold way of acting. Recognizing the need to act - because time is running out. Acute awareness of the reality and consequences of actions. Serious competitors. Real men.

Bruce Willis: Mars opposite Saturn

Matt Damon: Mars trine Saturn

Michael Jackson: Mars quincunx Saturn

Gregory Peck: Mars semisextile Saturn

Denzel Washington: Mars trine Saturn

Victoria Beckham: Mars conjunct Saturn

Demi Moore: Mars opposite Saturn

Charlie Chaplin: Mars square Saturn

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