Monday 17 March 2014

Dating coach nyc

Dating coach


Technique [ edit ]

Dating coaches offer a wide range of services, such as electronic books and newsletters, personal coaching, small group seminars, and weekend workshops. One-on-one coaching can involve counselling and in-the-field coaching, [ 1 ] which can involve practicing flirting [ 2 ] or going out with a coach of the sex the client is attracted to on a mock date and being critiqued throughout the date. [ 3 ] They are distinct from matchmakers because they coach people on finding their own dates whereas matchmakers arrange dates for their clients. [ 2 ] Coaching styles and programs differ from provider to provider, and may include advice on the art of conversation. pickup lines. how to dress, appropriate forms of touch, and anything else that may improve dating prospects. [ 4 ] Others provide guidance on how to date multiple people simultaneously, without getting caught. [ 5 ] Common elements of dating coaches' tips include the need to decide what you are looking for and remain positive. [ 2 ]

Some dating coaches specialize in helping with online dating. [ 6 ] This could include helping people rewrite their online profiles to obtain better results, [ 7 ] start initial email conversations, get professional photo shoots, and so on.

Dating seminars [ edit ]

Dating seminars are taught by coaches working for commercial dating companies. In these seminars, coaches teach participants to meet romantic partners. Sometimes dating coaches take the clients out in public to help the clients approach and seduce women. [ 1 ] This method of teaching is heavily linked to the seduction community and the companies which cater to it.

Different dating seminars can take vastly different approaches to the subject. Christian dating seminars, for example, may stress differences between love and lust and knowing one's own self-worth. [ 8 ] Muslim dating seminars may also deal with how to find a mate without compromising religious principles. [ 9 ] There are options to become certified dating coach for individuals who are interested in finding job in dating field. [ 10 ]

Stigma [ edit ]

Dating coaching is often stigmatized. Many people believe that teaching romance is demeaning and unethical, while many others believe it is impossible. These critics acknowledge that most people seek romantic advice, but argue that professional romantic coaching differs from amateur advice in scope and context. [ 11 ] Others feel [ who? ] that dating presents challenges unsuited to amateur intervention, and that chaotic dating norms and mixed social messages necessitate some form of instruction. Further, they feel that personal romantic barriers differ from other sorts of personal barriers so that coaching can be uniquely fruitful. [ 12 ] Moreover, many argue that changing social norms have been particularly challenging for men. Because many economic and social obstacles to relationship dissolution have been eroded, sex appeal and relationship smarts may be necessary to compensate for devalued traditional traits, such as a strong work ethic or good and stable income. [ 13 ]

There is evidence that the stigma against dating coaches is weakening. [ 14 ] Both the film Hitch (featuring Will Smith ) and the reality TV show The Pick-up Artist indicate a growing awareness of the presence of dating coaches in society and their function. However, according to Salon . most men wanting pickup tips do not get coaches but they read books.

Select service that you are interested in:

What to expect:

. Real Experience . We are dedicated to working one-on-one, face to face, where personalized service is paramount. Work with professional dating coaches and learn how to stop over thinking and start meeting and having fun.

. Discover New Social Life . Even when you are outgoing, it doesn't mean you are going out. Meet new people, discover new social circles. Dating in NY just got easier.

. Save Your Time . We know your time is valuable. We will work with your schedule and show you how not to waste time on people you are not interested in. "Too busy to date" is no longer an excuse

. Meet Quality Women . You'll gain the confidence to approach any woman; you'll lose your fear of approach and begin to see meeting and dating as a fun, enjoyable experience, rather than a nerve wrecking process.

Let us show you the way dating is supposed to be: fun and exciting! Don't waste time on any more bad dates and boring conversations. What if you could -- without stress -- go out and meet singles and actually enjoy your conversation? That's why New York Dating Coach is here.

New York Dating Coach News

Pix11 News just featured our body language dating coach Israel on their nightly news on topic of how to meet people in new york.

September 15th, 2014

Our female dating coach Antonia was featured in new york post on topic of why summer fling, often time tends to be just that.

August 18th, 2014

NYDC team was just featured in Lifestyle section on amNY with advice for NY singles on dating and how to make the best of it.

July 12h, 2014

Do you drink? Watch our Night and Body Language coach Israel share insights on how to choose a drink. on Fox News What Your Drink of Choice says about you to your date

April 23rd, 2014

Our Senior Coach Arthur Malov was award presenter for dating coaches at the Las Vegas Idate awards on behalf of International Dating Coach Association.

January 15th, 2014

Our dating coaches David and Antonia represent NYDC at International Dating Coach Association as the only IDCA certified coaches for New York State.

December 28th, 2013

NYDC has been invited to speak and present its findings on the topic of dating insights at the 11th Annual Idate, the largest dating industry conference in the USA.

December 15th, 2013

We would like to congratulate our Daytime Coach, Hunt Ethridge, for his excellent and very pointed dating advice based on NYDC methodology. His blog was just selected as one of the Top 10 Dating Blogs on the Web by DatingAdvice. com. Hunt is also one of the main columnists for LavaLife. We would like to congratulate him on this accomplishment.

October 31st, 2013

Are you ready for Halloween? Our Senior Coach Arthur was just featured on HowAboutWe on how to make Halloween help your dating life.

October 25h, 2013

We would like to announce Voice coach Cassey who has joined the ranks of NYDC. With over 10 years in voice coaching, she is an amazing addition to our coaching programs.

September 13th, 2013

Abc News has featured NYDC Dating Coaches Antonia and Israel with dating advice for Miss USA.

NYDC was interviewed by DnaInfo. com in an article "Single, Sexy and Living on the Upper West Side." Are you looking to find relationship minded people? Meeting singles on the Upper West Side is a great place to start.

Miss New York who was our speaker at an exclusive event for our clients in September, has just won miss America title! Congratulations to those of you who met now reigning miss America


Dream Bachelor & Bachelorette is a Matchmaker & Dating Coach Agency located in NYC, New York. Our members are the most attractive, successful singles in NYC.

Our Professional Matchmaker & Dating Coach works with you to help you find the person of your dreams.

You’re at a point in your life where you’re ready for a long term relationship, but it has to be with the right person.

You know you can probably find the person of your dreams on your own….but it might take several months or years.

And, who really has that kind of time?

You’re a very busy person, and your free time is limited. You want to stop wasting time dating the wrong people, who you find out later, are not a great match for you.

You would prefer to work with a Matchmaker. A Matchmaker who has all the resources and connections that will work for you to help you find the right person. Someone who has all the qualities that you’re looking for, and none of your deal breakers.

Our Matchmaking & Date Coaching headquarters are located in NYC, however we work with clients across the United States, as well as globally.

Our Matchmaking agency is led by Professional Matchmaker & Dating Coach, Suzanne K. Oshima . who is one of the most well known Matchmakers in NYC.

Suzanne has been seen on the following press: Bravo TV, Today Show, Good Afternoon America, Inside Edition, BBC Radio, Glamour, Men’s Health, and much more!

Dating Coach

You don’t have any issues getting dates…but, you’re starting to notice that it tends to fizzle out, after just a few dates. You’re frustrated because you just want to meet that right person who you have chemistry with.

If you’re tired of not getting past a few dates, then working with a Dating Coach can help you find out what may be blocking you.

We can help you uncover what’s going on in your dating life that’s preventing you from meeting the right person.

You know the saying….

“if you keep doing things the same way, you will keep getting the same results. To think otherwise, is completely insane!”

That is true not only in your professional life, but also in your dating life.

Asking your family and friends for dating advice and tips is a bad idea. They are biased and will only tell you what they think you want to hear, or maybe even what you really don’t want to hear!

Sometimes, everyone just needs an unbiased 3rd party, a Dating Coach who is an expert when it comes to dating, who can give you dating advice & tips to help get you on the right path to a meaningful long term relationship with the right person

Suzanne Oshima, Matchmaker & Dating Coach will help you meet & keep the man/woman of your dreams…

Dating Coach for Women

One Hour Makeover

Can’t coach in-person with me due to time or budget? Is there just one issue that you can’t resolve in your dating life? Need dating help RIGHT NOW? If so, then hourly coaching may be right for you. Spend just one hour with me – on the phone or in person – and I’ll solve whatever issue is holding you back in your dating life. To set up Hourly Coaching …

Cyber Coaching

Often, the fastest and most affordable way to work with me is to first go through a series of emails. I’ll answer your questions in detail, and help you quickly fix whatever dating issue(s) you’re facing. Best of all, you can choose my super-affordable “3 Email” package or my super-value “Unlimited Monthly Email” package depending on which fits your needs and budget.

One Month Transformation Program

A truly powerful transformation program! Through a series of emails and private one-on-one phone conferences with me over the course of 30 days, I will create a customized and unique program that is designed just for YOU. I will work through all your dating barriers and show you exactly how to create the dating life you desire. Moving at a somewhat less intense pace than the one-on-one programs…

Online Dating Makeover Program

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