Saturday 22 March 2014

Dating dna


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Участников, как правило, подбирают по равноценным социальным группам. Некоторые организаторы вводят возрастные ограничения. На клас­си­чес­кой спид-дейтинг–вечеринке каждый участник будет иметь 10–15 встреч тет-а-тет с пред­ста­ви­те­ля­ми противо­полож­но­го пола. Девушки размещаются за столиками с номерами. Мужчины через каждые 3–7 минут после­до­ва­тель­но пере­са­жи­ва­ют­ся от одной девушки к другой. После каждой встречи гости отмечают свои впечатления о собеседнике в «карте симпатий» или напрямую обмениваются контактами. Далее организаторы сравнивают «карты симпатий», и, в случае совпадения «+», рассылают контакты участникам.

Появление и распространение [ править | править вики-текст ]

Формат «speed dating» был придуман в 1998 году раввином Яковом Дево из Лос-Анджелеса. чтобы помочь людям, желающим вступить в брак, найти друг друга. Первая вечеринка мини-свиданий прошла в Беверли Хиллз в конце 1998 года в «Pete’s Cafe». Очень быстро спид-дейтинг распространился по всему миру как револю­ци­он­ный способ знакомств для успешных, но загру­жен­ных работой одиноких профес­си­о­на­лов. В Лондоне вечеринки проходят с аншлагом, попасть в зону speed dating без предвари­тель­ной регист­ра­ции практически невозможно. В США вечеринки мини-свиданий превратились в модный тренд. их посещают известные личности, показывают в кино: от «Секса в большом городе» и «Правила съёма: Метод Хитча » до «Симпсонов » [1] .

В 2012 году появилась некая разновидность спид-дейтинга, называемая « online speed dating ». Её отличие заключается в том, что свидания проходят через Skype. либо видеочат с использованием видеокамеры и микрофона в любом удобном для общения месте, где есть интернет. В остальном правила прежние.

Такая форма знакомств в наше время приобрела уже высокую популярность [ источник не указан 307 дней ]. В эпоху высоких технологий люди много времени проводят в Сети. Популярные раньше виды знакомств постепенно вытесняются. Люди все больше общаются в сети, но это редко приводит к близким отношениям. Можно долго общаться онлайн. так никогда и не увидев собеседника.

Проблема живого общения с целью знакомства для создания семьи становится все более актуальной. Спид-дейтинг позволяет в сжатые сроки пообщаться с 10–15 людьми противо­полож­но­го пола, узнать их хобби, род занятий.

В силу высокой занятости людей подобные мероприятия приобрели большую популяр­ность в России. В Москве первая спид-дейтинг–вечеринка прошла в 2005 году.

В настоящее время в России насчитывается более 50 организаторов speed dating вечеринок. Наиболее известные "Speed Dating Inc.", "Романтический город", Hello Party, FollowYou.

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Using DNA to find a perfect mate? New dating site uses DNA tests to gauge 'biological compatibility'

By Kirk Maltais 22:13 19 Jul 2014, updated 02:16 20 Jul 2014

The site, SingldOut. com, works by mailing out DNA tests to users, who send them back for testing

The saliva samples are sent to a lab, which tests for two key genetic markers

The genetic indicators are then posted on the user's profile, where they are compared with other users and a potential match can be made

A new dating site is embracing genetic science to match young professionals together, by testing the DNA of their customers to find certain indicators that make a good match.

The site, SingldOut. com. works by mailing out DNA testing kits to their customers, who then spit in a tube and send it back. The tube is then sent to a lab, where it is tested for the presence of two genetic markers.

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The front page of SingldOut. com, a new dating website that uses DNA testing to match potential mates together

The two markers tested for are the serotonin uptake controller, which is involved in how people handle positive and negative emotions. The second marker tested for relates to the genes influencing the person's immune system.

Within one week, the test results appear on the user's profile, where they can be compared with the results of other users.

According to research by Instant Chemistry. the maker of the testing kits used by SingldOut, there is a strong correlation between people in long-term relationships having different versions of the serotonin genes and different immune systems.

The package that the DNA testing kit arrives to the user in A lab worker removes spit from the tube sent back by the user, which is then tested for two genetic markers that can purportedly determine a good match between mates Testing being performed on a saliva sample, which tests the serotonin uptake controller as well as genes related to immune system function

The tests referenced on the website include an experiment at a Swiss University where males were asked to wear the same t-shirt for two consecutive nights. Women who had never met any of the men then smelled each t-shirt, rating the odors from most pleasant to least pleasant.

The study revealed that the women rated the most pleasant odors (pheromones) as coming from the shirts worn by the men with the Human Leukocyte Antigen gene sequence the most opposite to their own.

'With online dating, you have socioeconomic factors people try to match on — religion, how much you make,' Ron Gonzalez, co-founder of Instant Chemistry, told USA Today. 'This is another layer on top of that so you can better find matches.'


SingldOut allows people to sign up using their LinkedIn account. According to the website, user's information will never be shared with LinkedIn.

Membership prices for SingldOut are $199 for three months, $249 for six months or $299 for 12 months. Members also take a psychological assessment. However, on the SingldOut Twitter account, promotional codes for $53 per month membership (three months being the minimum, making the actual price $159) are being tweeted daily.

The 'special offer' posted on the Twitter page for SingldOut. com on a nearly daily basis

According to scientists, there are a host of environmental factors that come into play when it comes to selecting a mate, and that the markers tested by Instant Chemistry may only account for a minute portion of what causes attraction on a genetic level.

According to one scientist who spoke to USA Today, SingldOut is only 'looking at a very small number of genes, and you simply cannot extrapolate a prediction from those genes to long-term compatibility.'

According to one of the testimonials posted on the site, a couple named Jon & Danielle said that 'Using the DNA sample kit was easy and fun. We knew we had a strong relationship going into the test, and getting the very positive results back just reinforced that.'

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Molecular clock

The molecular clock (based on the molecular clock hypothesis ( MCH )) is a technique in molecular evolution that uses fossil constraints and rates of molecular change to deduce the time in geologic history when two species or other taxa diverged. It is used to estimate the time of occurrence of events called speciation or radiation. The molecular data used for such calculations are usually nucleotide sequences for DNA or amino acid sequences for proteins. It is sometimes called a gene clock or evolutionary clock .


Early discovery and genetic equidistance [ edit ]

The notion of the existence of a so-called "molecular clock" was first attributed to Emile Zuckerkandl and Linus Pauling who, in 1962, noticed that the number of amino acid differences in hemoglobin between different lineages changes roughly linearly with time, as estimated from fossil evidence. [ 1 ] They generalized this observation to assert that the rate of evolutionary change of any specified protein was approximately constant over time and over different lineages.

The genetic equidistance phenomenon was first noted in 1963 by Emanuel Margoliash. who wrote: "It appears that the number of residue differences between cytochrome C of any two species is mostly conditioned by the time elapsed since the lines of evolution leading to these two species originally diverged. If this is correct, the cytochrome c of all mammals should be equally different from the cytochrome c of all birds. Since fish diverges from the main stem of vertebrate evolution earlier than either birds or mammals, the cytochrome c of both mammals and birds should be equally different from the cytochrome c of fish. Similarly, all vertebrate cytochrome c should be equally different from the yeast protein." [ 2 ] For example, the difference between the cytochrome C of a carp and a frog, turtle, chicken, rabbit, and horse is a very constant 13% to 14%. Similarly, the difference between the cytochrome C of a bacterium and yeast, wheat, moth, tuna, pigeon, and horse ranges from 64% to 69%. Together with the work of Emile Zuckerkandl and Linus Pauling, the genetic equidistance result directly led to the formal postulation of the molecular clock hypothesis in the early 1960s. [ 3 ] Genetic equidistance has often been used to infer equal time of separation of different sister species from an outgroup. [ 4 ] [ 5 ]

Relationship with neutral theory [ edit ]

The observation of a clock-like rate of molecular change was originally purely phenomenological. Later, the work of Motoo Kimura [ 6 ] developed the neutral theory of molecular evolution. which predicted a molecular clock. Let there be N individuals, and to keep this calculation simple, let the individuals be haploid (i. e. have one copy of each gene). Let the rate of neutral mutations (i. e. mutations with no effect on fitness ) in a new individual be. The probability that this new mutation will become fixed in the population is then 1/N, since each copy of the gene is as good as any other. Every generation, each individual can have new mutations, so there are N new neutral mutations in the population as a whole. That means that each generation, new neutral mutations will become fixed. If most changes seen during molecular evolution are neutral, then fixations in a population will accumulate at a clock-rate that is equal to the rate of neutral mutations in an individual.

Calibration [ edit ]

The molecular clock alone can only say that one time period is twice as long as another: it cannot assign concrete dates. To achieve this, the molecular clock must first be calibrated against independent evidence about dates, such as the fossil record. [ 7 ] Alternatively, for viral phylogenetics and ancient DNA studies, two areas of evolutionary biology where it is possible to sample sequences over an evolutionary timescale, the dates of the samples themselves can be used to calibrate the molecular clock.

Non-constant rate of molecular clock [ edit ]

Sometimes only a single divergence date can be estimated from fossils, with all other dates inferred from that. Other sets of species have abundant fossils available, allowing the MCH of constant divergence rates to be tested. DNA sequences experiencing low levels of negative selection showed divergence rates of 0.7-0.8% per Myr in bacteria, mammals, invertebrates, and plants. [ 8 ] In the same study, genomic regions experiencing very high negative or purifying selection (encoding rRNA) were considerably slower (1% per 50 Myr).

In addition to such variation in rate with genomic position, since the early 1990s, variation among taxa has proven fertile ground for research too, [ 9 ] even over comparatively short periods of evolutionary time (for example mockingbirds [ 10 ] ). Tube-nosed seabirds have molecular clocks that on average run at half speed of many other birds, [ 11 ] possibly due to long generation times, and many turtles have a molecular clock running at one-eighth the speed it does in small mammals or even slower. [ 12 ] Effects of small population size are also likely to confound molecular clock analyses; cheetahs for example, having gone through at least two population bottlenecks. could not be adequately studied based on a molecular clock model alone. [ citation needed ] Researchers such as Francisco Ayala have more fundamentally challenged the molecular clock hypothesis. [ 13 ] [ 14 ] According to Ayala's 1999 study, five factors combine to limit the application of molecular clock models:

Changing generation times (If the rate of new mutations depends at least partly on the number of generations rather than the number of years)

Population size (Genetic drift is stronger in small populations, and so more mutations are effectively neutral)

Species-specific differences (due to differing metabolism, ecology, evolutionary history. )

Change in function of the protein studied (can be avoided in closely related species by utilizing non-coding DNA sequences or emphasizing silent mutations )

Changes in the intensity of natural selection.

Molecular clock users have developed workaround solutions using a number of statistical approaches including maximum likelihood techniques and later Bayesian modeling. In particular, models that take into account rate variation across lineages have been proposed in order to obtain better estimates of divergence times. These models are called relaxed molecular clocks [ 15 ] because they represent an intermediate position between the 'strict' molecular clock hypothesis and Joseph Felsenstein's many-rates model [ citation needed ] and are made possible through MCMC techniques that explore a weighted range of tree topologies and simultaneously estimate parameters of the chosen substitution model. It must be remembered that divergence dates inferred using a molecular clock are based on statistical inference and not on direct evidence .

The molecular clock runs into particular challenges at very short and very long timescales. At long timescales, the problem is saturation. When enough time has passed, many sites have undergone more than one change, but it is impossible to detect more than one. This means that the observed number of changes is no longer linear with time, but instead flattens out.

At very short time scales, many differences between samples do not represent fixation of different sequences in the different populations. Instead, they represent alternative alleles that were both present as part of a polymorphism in the common ancestor. The inclusion of differences that have not yet become fixed leads to a potentially dramatic inflation of the apparent rate of the molecular clock at very short timescales. [ 16 ] [ 17 ]

Methods [ edit ]

Bayesian methods can provide more appropriate estimates of divergence times, especially if large datasets - such as those yielded by phylogenomics - are employed. [ 18 ]

Uses [ edit ]

The molecular clock technique is an important tool in molecular systematics. the use of molecular genetics information to determine the correct scientific classification of organisms or to study variation in selective forces.

Knowledge of approximately constant rate of molecular evolution in particular sets of lineages also facilitates establishing the dates of phylogenetic events, including those not documented by fossils. such as the divergence of living taxa and the formation of the phylogenetic tree. But in these cases — especially over long stretches of time — the limitations of MCH (above) must be considered; such estimates may be off by 50% or more.

Talk about chemistry! Dating site tests DNA to make matches

A perfect match may be in your DNA. (Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Do your genes hold the answer to your love life?

In a crowded field of online dating sites, SingldOut. com claims to be the first offering matches based on your DNA.

"There is a science behind attraction," said Elle France, co-founder of SingldOut. com, in an interview with USA TODAY Network.

The site partners with Instant Chemistry. a service that tests DNA for "biological compatibility" in a long-term relationship.

Screenshot of SingldOut. com homepage. (Photo: SingldOut. com)

How it works: You get an Instant Chemistry DNA kit in the mail when you sign up for a SingldOut membership. Membership prices are $199 for three months, $249 for six months or $299 for 12 months. Members also take a psychological assessment.

The kit arrives with a tube for your saliva. You spit in the tube, mail it to Instant Chemistry and get results in about a week, which are posted on your online dating profile.

The Instant Chemistry DNA kit mailed to people who sign up for a membership with SingldOut. com. (Photo: Courtesy of SingldOut. com)

The company is testing two "markers" — the serotonin uptake transporter, involved in how people react to positive and negative emotions, and genes influencing your immune system. Research shows there is a strong correlation between people in long-term relationships having different versions of the serotonin genes and different immune systems, said Ron Gonzalez, co-founder of Instant Chemistry.

"With online dating, you have socioeconomic factors people try to match on — religion, how much you make. This is another layer on top of that so you can better find matches," Gonzalez said.

But the science of using genes to predict long-term compatibility is only in its infancy, said Mike Dougherty, director of education for the American Society of Human Genetics.

"If this is a marathon, we're still inside the first mile," he said.

When it comes to determining the success of relationships, there are so many other genes and environmental factors that come into play, Dougherty said. For example, the research on couples and immune systems does not tell us how big of a factor this actually plays in mate selection.

The dating site is "looking at a very small number of genes, and you simply cannot extrapolate a prediction from those genes to long-term compatibility," he said.

Gonzalez said he doesn't want these DNA tests to be seen as "deterministic."

"If I could predict with 100% certainty who you will fall in love with, this would be amazing," he said. "No technology can do that. We're very cognizant and realistic. We know a lot of variables happen when you fall in love."

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'There is a science behind attraction,' SingldOut says

(Newser) – Spitting in a test tube could be the first step toward finding true love, according to a new online dating business that says it is the first to offer DNA-based matchmaking. SingldOut. com analyzes the saliva samples members send in for genes that influence how people respond to emotions and for genes that affect the immune system, both of which have been linked to long-term compatibility. The results are posted on users' profiles. "There is a science behind attraction," the site's co-founder tells USA Today .


'Dating DNA' is a drama remake of the webtoon of the same title, which was made popular on portal siteВ Naver from 2010-2012, and will be a mix of fantasy, romance, and comedy.

Park Sun Ho will play the role of Ma Dae Choong who is unemployed, hasn't dated in 9 years, and wants to get out of his solo streak. JangВ Hyuk will play the role of Ma Dae Chong's neighbor, while Kim Woo Bin will play the role of a 'dating god', Kim Yoo Jung will play the role of Ne Bi who teaches Ma Dae Choong the A-Zs of dating as his 'love mentor', and Jihyun will play the role of top star Seo Rin.

The drama will revolve around the story of romance between the unemployed Ma Dae Choong and top star Seo Rin.

Online dating sites use DNA to make perfect matches. Does it really work?

Illustration by Charlie Powell

Over the centuries, physics, chemistry, and biology have transformed what once was seen as mysterious or even magical—the rotation of the stars, flowers blooming, causes of disease—into well-understood phenomena. Could the same now be happening to love and lust, the most mysterious and magical of all human emotions?

Instant Chemistry and SingldOut are not the first to promote genetic testing to determine romantic compatibility. In 2008, a company called GenePartner began to offer genetic testing to identify relationship compatibility. Applying a similar concept are “pheromone parties” in which singles sniff well-worn T-shirts worn by members of the opposite sex to facilitate biological matches based on pheromones, the elusive compounds of attraction.

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